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Showing posts with label XYZ Affair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label XYZ Affair. Show all posts

X is For XYZ Affair….

XYZ Affair….
A to Z Blog Challenge is fast approaching to the finishing line. Just three more letters to go to find the finishing line. 

Today is the turn of the 24th letter in the Alphabet, that is: “X”
Pic. Credit: Wikipedia
The beginning or origin of this letter is very interesting.  The World Encyclopedia says, and I quote:  “It came from a word used by the Semites, who once lived in Syria and Palestine.  They named it samekh,  their word for fish, and adapted an Egyptian hieroglyphic, or picture symbolized to represent  fish.  The Greeks later took the symbol into their alphabet, and used the letter to represent the sound of  ch.  The Romans used the letter to represent the same sound, but changed its shape slightly.”