The Power of Blog Comments,
A Great Strategy To Get More Traffic And Relationships.

Blog Comments Role In Blogging
Blog Comments can play a vital role in our blogging journey. A ton of material has been written on Blog Comments by many expert authors on the pages of the internet. But still, different experiences of bloggers are pouring in on the spaces of the internet in relation to blog comments!Power Of Blog Comments - Some Personal Stories
I too have published a few such notes on this subject elsewhere on my blog pages, blog communities, forums, and social media pages. In this post, I wanted to share yet another interesting experience and a tip, trick, or strategy on blog commenting for you to count on. [bctt tweet="Blog comments can play a vital role in our blogging journey. via Philipscom" username=""]
Blog Comments And Influencers
Yes, our constructive and value-added comments on influencers' sites will surely get the attention of the site owners as well as their regular visitors. In short, this was one of the best strategies I adopted in connection with my blogging journey.Blog comments can bring in backlinks
It is no doubt a proven fact that our thought-provoking and relevant comments can do wonders for our sites. It can bring a lot of traffic to your site as well as build relationships with other site owners and can extend your business collaborations.

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— Philip V. Ariel (@PVAriel) June 8, 2017
Power of blog comments and Backlinks - Check out What Neil Patel Found Out From an Experiment!
Read on what he found: Do backlinks from blog comments actually, help rankings? After a few months of experiments on this aspect, he found a BIG Yes, to this question. Check out his post: Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings?Here is what I commented on that post:
Hi Neil, It is indeed a great share. You did a wonderful job on the subject blog comments. Blog comments can do wonders. In a recently published expert roundup post I noted, that blog comments can do a wonderful job in link building. Yes, our value-added comments can do wonders on others' posts, It should be the one that comes from the bottom of the heart. Not just to get a backlink. One should not do this to get a backlink to their space. Of course, seeking a backlink from a high DA site is not a bad thing but you need to leave value to the blogger when you expect something from them. Posting a mere one-word or generic comments on other blog posts looks odd. Please don't do it! To my pleasant surprise, Neil too is accepting such comments here on this esteemed platform. This may be because those are no-follow links. I have posted an article and recently updated the post by mentioning this blog post on comments. I am so glad to share the link of that post here.To Get The Power Of Blog Comments Avoid Generic Or One Word Or One line Comments in Blog Comments
An example of generic comments
Avoid using words like a good one, awesome, it's very nice, It's nice, thanks to you, wonderful, amazing post, great post, I like it, I love it. Keep writing etc in your comments. Check out the following screenshots of comments made in a few minutes. No doubt, these types of comments are made to get backlinks.

CommentLuv Blog Comments And Power Of Blog Comments
Power of Blog Comments - A Word of Caution
There are some people who just have a look at the first and last paragraph of the content and say something and go, such comments can easily be recognized, and know that this man or woman posted that comment just to get a backlink from the high-ranking site. This is not a good trend to practice, so make sure, you make solid and constructive comments relevant to the published post. That may invite others' attention and it eventually leads others to your page, just because of that comment. I am saying it from my own experience. So try to visit other's pages and write comments from the heart.Sprinkling Links With Blog Comments Will lessen the Power of blog comments
There is another kind of comment author. They visit high-ranking platforms and blogs and then post comments with their site links. Some of them use the same comment everywhere with their page links.No Link Dropping Please! Says Professional Blogger Lesly Federici
Here is a classic example of one such incident that happened in a forum called Daily Blog Share Inner Circle Facebook Group created and managed by Lesly Federici. It is an engaging Facebook group and it is free. She created a small YouTube video for the new members. She says and I quote: "Okay .. let's stop the useless link-dropping that is an epidemic in social media groups and on blogs. It does NOTHING for you! Zip nada.. such a waste of time, effort, and a loss, when you could be building relationships instead .. yes?LINK DROPPING - ONE EXAMPLE ON THE BIZSUGAR PLATFORM
These people mostly aim for high-ranking platforms groups and forums. But one thing is for sure such people's comments will be deleted and soon they will be banned from the platform. Here is one such example I noticed today. He posted a comment on one of my recent shares which is not relevant to the post. Later I found that the same comment with his link is posted on several other shared posts on the same day in a few minutes gaps on that platform. This is found on the pages of one of the famous content curation sites named BizSugar. The same person last week did the same thing by posting only his site link on several posts within a short period, I alerted some of the moderators about this and they immediately removed his comment. Sad to note that again today (10.07.2018) he appeared with a comment with his link. I still wonder why Bizsugar is not banning such scam comment authors from their platform. But still, I wonder how this person showing his face on the same platform. Is not there any hard rule to ban or warn such scam commenters? Here below I am posting the screenshots of his comments and my reaction to them.
Power of Blog Comments - The Best Strategy To Follow!
Power of Blog Comments and The Give And Take Policy
MyCommentAuthors Plugin And The Power Of Blog Comments
This monthly series (My Comment Authors on the pages of Philipscom), We publish every first week of the month with my comment author's name, their profile picture, and their blog URLs. I have been using this plugin since its inception.WORD OF THANKS TO THE COMMENT WRITERS
It is a must to say a word of thanks or visit their page and reciprocate by adding our valuable responses to their posts. This plugin will take care of half of that job by saying a word of thanks to your esteemed comment authors.Is Blog Commenting Dead?

A Video to watch about the power of blog comments by Matthew Cutts of Google
Let's listen to Matthew Cutts otherwise known as Matt Cutts The American software engineer and novelist. The former head of the webspam team at Google presently works for the United States Digital Service as the director of engineering. A well-known authority on web-related matters. Listen to Matt Cutts:THE GOOGLE SEARCH TELLS IT ALL
The other day while I was casually searching for something on Google I just did a search and found this post ranked on Google's Page 1.
This is really a great moment to mention in this post. See below the screenshot of the search.

Power of Blog Comments Or the Benefits of Commenting on Blogs
The other day I found an informative post on the benefits of blog commenting on blogs, written by a professional blogger Alice Elliot, who places much emphasis on the importance of blog commenting on her website. A few years back she started a website "The Blog Commenting Club" exclusively focusing on the subject of blog commenting. Last year she featured me on this amazing website under the title Philip V Ariel's Commenting ExperienceBenefits Of Commenting On Blogs
Check out the below Infographic.

Is Blog commenting out of fashion?
Some bloggers think that it is out of fashion. The reason they point out is the influence of social media and it's a quick process, response, and availability. Alice Elliot in yet another infographic content says about the missing factor if you comment on social media. She says and i quote: "You are missing out on a valuable source of engagement you won't get from commenting on social media.Start Commenting On Blogs Again
Check out the below embedded infographics to know, why you should start Commenting on blogs again!
Blog commenting few related posts
1. How To Get More Comments On Your Blog Posts by Atish Ranjan2. Effect Of Comments On Blog Traffic: A Case Study by Harsh Agarwal
3. Check out this discussion about blog comments and the feedback of the members there on Inbound platform now GrowthHub For Philipscom Associates