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Showing posts with label preserver decaying worl. Show all posts

Let us be the salt and light to this decaying world

Dr. Woodrow Kroll, president of Back to the Bible International, wrote an article recently for “Bible Teaching for Confident Living” an official publication of Back to the Bible India.

I believe it to be worth reading writing to ponder over to this New Year.

He said,“The last two decades have shown how much the world needs the salt and light of Christians.”

“I was born in the 1940s and remember fondly the innocence of my youth. The 1950s was perhaps the more carefree decade in modern history. I spend my boyhood in that decade.

How things have changed in my lifetime! Instead of preserving life, some doctors have discovered a lucrative gold mine in killing children in the womb. Kids aren’t taking Bibles to school anymore; they are taking guns. Metal detectors used to be a novelty; now they are as common as an exit door.

Our society is disintegrating before our eyes. We act more like animal than animals do. Only a fool thinks that increased technology, leisure and education have done anything but produce well-educated, high-tech thugs with time on their hands.

Perhaps it’s time we reevaluated one aspect of Christ’s call to His followers. Maybe we should see the seasoning of our society as a missionary calling, just as much as taking the Gospel to a pagan society. After all, most “pagan” societies aren’t as pagan as we Westerners have become.”

As someone from the east, Dr. Kroll’s statements about the state of affairs in the west ring true because we are experiencing the same problems in the east.

A kind of fear and chaos prevails among the people irrespective of their position money or power.

Look at the political situation in our Andhra Pradesh, India. In that region, people lived in peace and harmony. Now they are divided into two groups and are warring against each other for separate states within their boundaries.

Sadly, this is a common phenomenon prevailing in India.

In all such situations, if we closely look we can see clear-cut evidence of avarice, jealousy and selfishness.

No doubt the desire for inordinate wealth is also a major reason behind such incidents.

As we, the believers in Christ, live among such people, we can play a major role here.

That role is of “the salt and light of this world.”

When Christ said this to His disciples, I believe He meant it in a literal sense.

One of the characteristics of salt is that it can preserve things from decaying, so we are to be the preservative in this decaying world.

Jesus also said that we are the light of the world. Our light indicates our true knowledge of God. We received this light by accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.

And as the carriers of the wonderful light, we are to let this light shine through us so that people come in touch with us also will enjoy the true knowledge of God.

As our Lord said and desired, Let us be the salt and light to this decaying world.

May God bless.

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An Article First published in theUndergroundsite.com Christian Magazine.