Picture Credit: Google.com |
Through this article, (in fact, this is not an article for a magazine or any
periodicals. This has gone thru the crucible of many years of searching the
Scriptures, after you have done all what you have to, the Spirit of Jesus opens
the Word to you and enlighten you to/in the Truths of/in His Word and I am so
grateful to my Lord, and still learning to walk humbly with my Lord !!). I
would go ahead and present some of my firm convictions (without apology or
compromise), regarding the Bible and what the Bible means to me in my Christian
life and ministry (At the outset you may wonder, why you should even
venture/attempt to read, for you would say, “I have my church and I read
Bible”, I would do the same if I were in your shoes!! But I request you to give
me a look(eye), an ear(hearing), still you are not convinced this is not for
you(why not?)...go ahead lay it aside, may be come back later, for I believe, I
also have the Spirit of Jesus, hence this presentation!!!). This material is,
but more than a testimony, it’s a
presentation, an appeal, an exhortation to the body of Christ to take God at
His Word and dig into the ever Living written Word and live from the sumptuous
meal at the Master’s Table , not from the crumbs of “passers-by”!! In this
process, I do a “passing critical analysis” of the christendom at-large, to a
certain extent, though not in depth!! My intention is to rouse (you may wonder,
“Aren’t we roused enough?” may be not,...so please be patient with me!!), the
people of God, to get into the Word by themselves, for themselves and be
ministered by the Spirit of Jesus, as He is the Author of the Word. It’s rather
a critique than a criticism. By no means,
I have any intention knowingly or unknowingly to offend any (one), or church
(es), but Truth is always offensive in a world of passivity!! After going thru
this, search yourself, where you are, (individual, church (es),
pastor(s)-shepherd(s), teachers... and you are willing to humble before the
Lord God and put these into practice your life(s), otherwise, I will still pray
somewhere along the line, God will make it clear to you(s). All glory be His alone!!!
Br. John Vargis |
The Bible, the
written Word of the Living God:
Is given to us to know Him and to grow in the Grace of the Living
God. Bible is the mind of God, heart of God, the will of God, the plan of
God, the purpose of God for our lives.
It is our only source
for growth, maturity. Bible is our food, drink, nourishment, sustenance,
vitality. Apart from it we impoverish ourselves, faint and die. No wonder, majority
of the Christians are famished, go here and there to get a blessing (as if it
is blessings they need!!), not realising/acknowledging that God has blessed us
with every blessing in Christ Jesus and seated us in the Heavenly realm.
There are plenty of people (“ministers”) going around to dispense
“the blessings” for a price even through the electronic media, and
millions are there to “buy” these.
The Lord through Jeremiah 2:13, warned the Israelites that they
are guilty of two sins: One: they have forsaken the
Living Fountain- (The Lord God who redeemed them from the slavery of
Egypt and entered into a Covenant with them); and two: they
have dug up for themselves dry cisterns (wells)-substitute religions, ways
and means to appease themselves in the name of quest for spirituality !!!.
Today’s Christianity, may be worse than the Israelites of
Jeremiah’s day, and is guilty of the same! Paul, by the Holy Spirit
warned, in 1Cor 3:10-15, building on someone else’s foundation!! I wonder if
this is not true about majority of Christians, living on someone else’s hard
work/food ( parasitical ?).
How about one personally goes the Fountain (Ps 36:8-9), and drink
for oneself!! In Timothy, Paul warned that people will hire preachers who will
preach what they want to hear, with itching ears, and we have plenty of them
all around us!!
Majority of the churches have a lot of preaching!!!
Brother John Vargis in a Bible study session |
Preaching (the gospel), is for unbelievers to hear the gospel,
believe, repent and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior (Rom 10:14-15).
After conversion (born-again), the babies (the believers), need teaching of/from the Word to grow in
their Christian life (1 Pet 1:23-2:3)!! This is food, drink, sustenance,
vitamins, minerals for the spirit…majority of the churches do not teach the
Word…for most of the Pastors do not know the difference between the two, how,
then can the congregations??
Not only a lot of preaching, but most of the preaching is passing
on information! And to get the people charged up emotionally (tearing!!),
mentally and even spiritually. Information does not make one grow, for Paul by
the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 13, says, knowledge puffs one up…no wonder, so
many go from one conference to another, with big note books (audio/videos/or
even on internet or YouTube on their smart-phones/laptops etc...etc...etc...).
So they can argue, discuss and impress/show of others how much informed (puffed
up) they are who/what the Lord said in Matthew 13:18-22!!! And this is one of
the main reasons why much of the Christian world does business on “these” for a
profit and to “benefit, bless and promote yours or mine (?? spiritual life”/of
course!! Much of today’s Christians are over-fed,
informed, tickled, energized in the mental/intellectual (soulish level to use
Watchman Nee’s terminology), level, not
in the spirit level (“deep crying to Deep” to use a kjv verse from Psalm 42:7, though out of context,
but to get the point across, and I know we sing about it don’t we?). It’s not
information/ knowledge you need, but SOLID FOOD and the result/productivity is,
Matt 13: 23(emphasized)!!
Another kind of preaching from the OT !!
Nothing wrong from preaching from the OT! It’s the inspired
Word of God as the NT is!!! It has to be applied in everyday life of the
believer(s). But it’s types, shadows, allegories, symbols…there are churches,
Bible colleges/schools spend 1-2 semesters simply teaching/ studying the
Tabernacle…is anything wrong? Absolutely not!! (Majority of Christians are
taught to believe that the church has “replaced” Israel and the new Israel is
the church and all “the blessings” of Israel are ours to name and claim. And if
anyone is not “blessed”, it is because they have no faith…to receive or there is sin in their lives!!!) But the Reality is here (you
don’t have to live in the shadows, types and allegories)…the Lord Jesus (GOSPEL) IS the culmination of all OT and the CHURCH
born from His riven-side is the ULTIMATE Product/Fruit birthed by the Holy
Spirit is that REALITY...not shadows!!!
What is recorded (written) in Genesis chapters 1-2, is
the purpose, the plan, the will of God for His Crown- Creation, Man (though we
do not have the full knowledge(revelation) of what took place in the Garden,
other than glimpses)!! From chapter 3 onward is the result/product/outcome of
deception, rebellion, disobedience and blind (subtle) belief that one can
become “god” by believing lie/deception of the deceiver. The Fall (from the
Presence of God, from the grace of God, free access to God, from the
glory God intended for man to have), and the expulsion of man from the Garden
and “Tree of Life”, which God had planted and nurtured for man to continue
the nurturing process (Rom 3:23; Ps 14: 2-4; Ps 53:1-5; Rom 3:9-20). So the
curse on mankind, on the creation and the eternal separation (chasm) from his
Creator God. And in Genesis 3:15, God’s pronouncement of the final and ultimate doom of the deceiver
and by his destruction/doom (judgement), and He brings Salvation from the Curse, rebellion, deception and sin and brings redemption to the serpent’s victims
(Heb 2:14-15 ), both by the Offspring of the very woman whom he deceived. So from Genesis 3 to
Revelation 20:15, the history, events, accounts are, God working out of the
doom (pronouncement) and the Promise of redemption of Gen 3:15 to be considered
in parenthesis (...), for God then takes
the New Humanity straight to the Tree of Life and to a Garden prepared by God,
who re-creates or who creates everything new...for the old is gone and not to
be found anywhere by anyone. For the redeemed community, the continuation of
Genesis 2, is in Revelation 21 onwards!
Other than the first two chapters of Genesis, the rest of the OT came
into being as a result of
man’s (Israel’s) disobedience to God and have forgotten their
covenant relationship and have strayed into religions of demons and idolatry,
and His spoken/ written Word (Covenant Relationship & requirements)…even
the Prophetical books!! Why did God send prophets?
To call His wayward wife (children) back to
Himself…all through the history of Israel this was the hard hitting
truth… so the Lord through the prophets foretold/promised, He Himself
will come as the obedient Servant (suffering) who will do “the Father’s”
will, fulfil the Law. Even when He appeared on the scene they
rejected Him…no wonder, Stephen in Acts 7 retorts the Jewish people/leaders…
which of the prophets they have not stoned or killed...
Most of the letters of the NT were written to
churches/individuals who were leaders of the churches, how to handle situations
and problems…To a large extent preaching from the
OT (Psalms) is easier than getting into the Epistles and study hard and then
teach… and apply in our everyday life-situations of the individuals and the
We have churches and we invite preachers to come and entertain us
with jokes (there is a Christian Jokers (Humorists) group in America who go
around and entertain Christians for a Fee), stories and few minutes may be from
the Scriptures… (and majority of them start with one verse, or a passage, then
jump all over the Bible), so it will look/sound/make/ like preaching
(dry-cisterns)… then we call ourselves as Pastors, and shepherds… think of any
shepherd who would leave his sheep/goats/cows/buffalos with anyone who passes
by…and expects to see his cattle healthy and multiply…if you would not do that
to your cattle, how dare you do that to the church of the Living God, which He
redeemed by His own Blood, and then expect them to grow in the Grace and
Knowledge of the Lord!!!???
John Stott, in his book I believe in Preaching argues that Biblical Expository Teaching, extremely rare in today’s
church. He then gives the reason for this is “the lack of conviction about its
It is my firm belief that the kind of preaching we do determines
the kind of God we believe.
God is a revealing God…Heb 1:1-5, and He
has revealed Himself in Words, His mind, His heart, His will, His plan, His
purpose …man can understand and enter into an active, ever increasing,
healthier relationship with Him and He with us.
When, after speaking to the little boy Samuel, God did not ask
Samuel to go to a theologian, preacher, Levite or
even the priest to make him understand what He has communicated!! Young Samuel
understood what God has spoken and he had no problem in understanding,
transmitting/conveying the message to Eli !!!
Just read Psalm 119 to see if the Psalmist understood the Written
Word of the Lord!!! Today, sad to say the preachers make people (congregations) to depend on them to understand the Word…so you have surety of a
job…and the people (congregations) want pastors/preachers to do all the
reading, studying and preaching…so they can just sit and hear (spoon fed)…, no
wonder we have so many churches all around entertaining people…meanwhile true
child of God being starved!
Then, after being tired and fed up with Israel and their inability
to keep/observe/obey the Law, (if the first covenant had been faultless, then
there would have no need for a second covenant to replace. BUT WHEN GOD FOUND
FAULT WITH THE PEOPLE, HE SAID...THE DAY IS COMING...in Hebrews 8: 7-13...and when God speaks of a NEW Covenant, it means
He has made the FIRST one OBSOLETE. It is now out of date (EXPIRED), and will
soon be discarded/disappear. In Jeremiah
31:33-34, the Lord gave clear and far-reaching promise of (new Covenant)
NT. The OT (the Decalogue) was written
on tablets of stone. And all the rest of the torah (Pentateuch) was an elaborated
commentary of the Decalogue. But the NT is imprinted /inscribed/written in the heart (spirit of the believer,
irrespective of your origin (background) of race or religion) by the Spirit, (Eph
Thru Jeremiah the Spirit forthtold/foretold to the Israelites and
to us who would believe the Gospel (Jesus), they would need no more any teachers (it was necessary in the OT
to teach/expound the Torah to mostly to the illiterates (common people of
Israel) as mostly the Levites, priests (class) who were the educated in the
Scriptures. No one possessed individual copies of the Scriptures (scroll) with
them or in their communities (in later time they established “Synagogues” where
there was large of Israelite community, rather than going to Jerusalem on every
Shabbath (and they were not allowed to walk on Shabbaths!!). All had to
wait/depend on the priests, Levites (teachers, like Samuel, Ezra, Nehemiah ) to read and explain
(teaching) the Scriptures to them (men) thrice in a year as collectively herded
(Jer 31:34) to Jerusalem (where the Dwelling Place of God was situated and
where the Scriptures (scrolls were kept intact), during the three main
festivals !!
(Then, the very God who gave the OT/Scriptures stepped into human
history as a man, a well-established
scholasticism was already in existence, developed by “Rabbis, Teachers/Scholars
of the Law”, and was impregnable (stone-walled) and became so defensive. The
God of the Scriptures, had problem with their scholasticism (interpretation)
and scholars (interpreters) and they in
turn opposed Him to “tooth and nail” and found fault with him every step of the
way, condemned him, held Him guilty by the measuring rod of their “law” and scholasticism and nailed Him to a
So, drastic/radical is the
change from the external to the internal in the NC (Jer 31:33). This is
done by the Spirit of God taking His residence in each believer (the OT
believer did not have this distinction/privilege) and accepts him/her as God’s
child/children (Jn 14: 17, 23; Heb 2:10-13). (Paul, by the Holy Spirit makes this quite clear in second Corinthians
3:7-18, what the OT was about and what it did and could not do then and now and
what the NT does in the lives of believing
Israelite or gentile and the life-changing transformation takes place now and
forever !!!). Then He takes very Word He authored, inscribes in the “tablet”
of our hearts (spirits) as the Lord Jesus said, the words that I speak to you are life and spirit (Jn 6:63).
For instance, look at James
1:16-18, especially verse 18: He
chose to give birth to us by giving
us His True Word. And we out of/from all creation, became His Prized (first Fruit) Possession.
So the pinnacle/culmination of the OT scriptures is the Gospel (Jesus) and we
and the transformed life we live, the outcome/product/fruit
from/of/by the GOSPEL(the Eternal
Gospel)!!!! And as you and I continually read, study, spend time in His
Word, meditates His Word, He makes it life and spirit to us. So we do not need any more external
coercion, promptings, pushes or pulls not even from the so called higher ups
like “teachers”. Why the Christians are
so dependent on preachers and teachers? Somehow (deception), we have come
to believe Scripture is very difficult and hard to understand, and only by the
help (“anointed”) of aides (the “cult” of personalities) we can understand
(?). Because majority of us are lazy (easily
give up and give in) not hard working, not persistently persevering or very
little enduring, of course to get an education/degree (whether in the
secular or “Christian” field) to get a
job or positions and promotions we are very hard working, ( with plenty of
politicking), and also to raise a family, but daily getting into the Word and
studying by ourselves for ourselves (eventually ministering to others,
if/when the Lord lead us to). (Read Is
50:4-5, the example of the Servant of the Lord’s disciplined life),
undisciplined and this is the reason why plethora of “preachers and teachers”! And this
is a big market and industry in the name of training for
the (“ministry”?), schools, colleges and seminaries and universities; also
printing & publishing or Recording, Broadcasting or Tele(vise)casting),
just look around (if you have eyes to see and perceive)!!!
The Scripture-the written Word- of/from the Living God: Was it not intended for the common
man/woman? Or was it only for the
elite (select few)? Religions of the world do believe this and practice it
to this day!! Hinduism: If
accidently/unknowingly (of course, knowingly he/she would never!!) by any means
the lower/non-castes, heard a recital of the Vedas in Sanskrit, then molten
lead was to be poured into his/her ears!!! And thus, the absolute necessity class of Pundits (Brahmins-caste) who alone are
“permitted” to read/study and recite Vedas (sacred scriptures: heard,
remembered and written down by “venerated sages”). They hold absolute power/authority
to enlighten you and give you moksha or bar you from and their recitals (vedas)
have authority, power over gods!!
In Islam: allah speaks and understands Arabic(only?!!). Hence Koran
was “handed down” from heaven to Mohammed in Arabic. So translation of Koran is
prohibited and common man/woman has to learn Arabic and read Koran... for
understanding they need the Mulavi’s expertises...for by mistake if they would
misinterpret or misunderstand!!! Just think of the Roman ecclesial hierarchy:
locked up the Bible (Latin-Vulgate) in chain for almost a millennium and won’t
let the “laity” even look into the Bible, fearing they would misunderstand or
“misinterpret” the words of the Scriptures!!! So minimum of 12 years of study
was necessary for the ecclesiastical “ordained priest (?)” even to “understand”
the basic things (?) of the Latin Bible and “explain”!!!Today too, such
veneration of Latin, Syriac, Hebrew, Greek & Aramaic languages in which the
Bible was translated in early years of the church or even pre-church era!!!
(There are people who are preparing and studying Hebrew, insisting that it
would be the Language of the Millennial Kingdom!! If so, you’d better get
ready, set, go for Hebrew). Think of men like John Wycliffe, William Tyndale
had to sacrifice their lives at the altar of ecclesiastical hierarchy in order
to translate Bible into common man’s language!!! The so called church assumed
on itself such kind of unwarranted authority and held God, the Bible and the
people of God at ransom in their custody???
Reformation broke forth over five centuries ago and still God’s people are held
captives by ecclesiastical hierarchies, cults, heretics and false theology of
false theologians!!! May be missiologically we are quite liberated, but not
Biblically (understanding the Bible)!!! Every child of God must be let loose
(By sacrificing Himself on the cross, rising from death, ascending to His Royal
Glory (reigning), sending the Holy Spirit of Triunity to dwell in the believing
(the Gospel) person(s) and oversee the perfecting of the Redeemed Body), from
any kind of bondage especially, the bondage of cults of personalities of
preachers/teachers/dispensers of “blessings”. To truly find and function in
their God-given royal-priesthood (1 Pet 2:5-9). Why am I saying this? To prove the point that God’s Word IS for all
people, for all time...NO ONE has RIGHT/AUTHORITY to withhold it from a fallen
human being created in God’s Image... for it is HIS REVELATION to humankind. On
the other hand the opposite is TRUE and somehow we have come to believe or made
to believe, without these intermediaries, one cannot understand the
Scriptures!!! This kind belief system and imposing of this is from the pit of hell
and as he deceived our first parents and ever since he is trying this deception
on the offspring of the first parents (especially on the Redeemed Community).
Imagine the audacity of him to try his trickery/deception/charm on the very ONE
who created him, the Seed of the woman, the Second Adam!!! Majority of
Christendom is caught up in this deception, irrespective of sects,
denominations and personalities!!!!
Or, I wonder if we are who Isaiah says in 6th
chapter, verses 9-10 ; quoted by our Lord in Mathew 13:13; Luke 8:10; Mark 4:12; John 12:40; Paul in Acts
28:26-27; Romans 11:8 and in Jeremiah 5: 20-22 . I think, this is the real situation and reason
why the church IS what it is right
today!!! Looks like so much going on... but people are devoid of understanding
of God’s Word or what the Spirit is saying to the church thru His inspired,
infallible written Word !!! For the Spirit becomes my/your teacher and guide
and interpreter of His Word to me/you (Heb 8:10-11; 10:15-18). I believe this
is the way to understand God’s Word and to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of
Jesus...Does this mean there is no pastoring
(shepherding)-teaching gift? No, I do not mean that all!! The Lord has gifted
His people for growing and maturing the body (Eph 4:7-16)...but their ministry
is only (just) supplemental !!!! Read Psalm 23 to understand what/how the Good
Shepherd takes care of His sheep (pl).
Through this study, I would like to pass on to you some hints that
helped me to study God’s Word. By studying, coming to know my God more
intimately, more personally and this has widened my understanding who this
God/Savior of mine is…and I continually grow in awe of Him!!!
Get hold of a Bible, a modern translation (For example, NLT, has a
6th Grader’s language), simple, easy language to understand!!
The Words of the Lord originally given and written down by the
original authors/ writers were inspired/infallible/inerrant, but not the languages !!! There is nothing
sacredness of a language...it’s simply a medium of communication!!! This is a
big “problem”
with non-christian religions and their so called scriptural languages (for ex:
Arabic, or Sanskrit
etc.) God is not hung up on a language...He used Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic etc to
communicate about Himself and His truth to humankind... and 1000s of
languages/scripts to get His Word made available today to
nations/tribes/peoples of the world!!!
Somehow we came to believe or forced to believe or accept that
older the translations with archaic words, usages with
poetical languages, more sacred, inspired (inspiring the readers), or more
authoritative it is! Or only few are specially “gifted” to understand these “hard and difficult” words, phrases,
passages, chapters or book!! What a superstition, ignorance, misunderstanding!!
For instance, the English
language in the 16th and 17th centuries was in
its infant/formative stage. In fact, it is the KJV (Bible) gave the language a
royal lift and popularity. Today, no student readeth, knoweth or understandeth
Shakespeare or Milton in their original language (16th/17th century),
or style or by removing “eth” from the verbs it does not become modern,
simple language of the common man of the street in 21st century!!!).The translators (1605-1611), of the
Bible by the order of the king have almost, verbatim 95% of William Tyndale’s
translation into “English”, for which “the church” held him guilty and burned
at stake, in their esteemed version and then presented it to the king and
eventually to the churches as the most venerated “KING JAMES (Authorised)
VERSION” of the Holy Bible !!! (Go to any website, or Wikipedia on the History
of English Bible and read it for yourself !!!).
For universities and
colleges have revised the language of all these writers of yester centuries for
their students!! How about the ever living, written Word of the Living God?? In
a world of illiterateness towards the Bible, let us keep it simple, so that a
child-like Samuel (modern-21st century’s), be able to understand
and obey God’s Word.
Many Bible Colleges, Seminaries will not graduate you unless you
are thorough with the “Sacred
Languages”. So
many people do not understand the ancient languages, usages, words, idioms of
olden days-for we live in 21st century, have to depend on
interpreters, commentarians, dictionarians, preachers (who think they
understand!!). My, my, God must be a poor communicator, if we have to depend
upon so many via-mediums to make us understand what He has spoken!!! No, I
don’t think so. This is not my God, who revealed Himself in and thru the pages
of the Bible!!!
This does not mean I see no use or benefit from knowing the
original languages in which the Scripture was recorded. Most of today’s
translations or versions are very accurate to the original/copies (Ex: Dead-Sea
Scrolls). Much advanced scientific archaeology, investigation, thousands of
God’s people (scholars) from all walks of life have spent millions of hours of
study, research, comparisons to translate and compile
some of these versions and are reliable and accurate, we can be blessed by
their hard work !!!
Moses warned the Israelites not to go into the unknown/unknowable…
that is God’s prerogative. What is revealed is for us today… which means all we
need to know about God and come to a living relationship with Him, to live a
holy life and wait for His Son’s appearance… is revealed in the Bible… living
up to/by it is more important than going after many prophecy conferences!!!
Remember the words of Phillip to the Ethiopian Steward? Do you
understand what you are reading? The Steward needed someone well-versed, led by
the Spirit to explain the passage to him…(because, he was untaught in the Word,
and at least had a scroll with him to read) and the result was obedience to the
Word (revealed Truth), salvation of the steward…may be many Ethiopians,
Bible, notebook, pencil (micro-tip)… find a quiet place where the
Lord can get your full attention-not disturbed by anyone/thing. Write notes on
the margin of the Bible with pencil. Next time you read the same passage, the
Lord may give you a fresher understanding of Himself or the truth…you may erase
and rewrite.
I never use pen or markers on my Bible!! (Or keep a note
book/journal and jot down what the Lord shows you each day).
If you understand English well, you have a greater advantage!!!
Many Study Bibles in modern Translations are in English!!! Much of Christian
writings, thinking(s) are in English!!!
Read the whole Book. If
you have a Study Bible (always get a Study Bible in modern
Versions/Translations, done by group of scholars from different walks of life, rather than one person-however
scholarly or godly he (you) thinks/is, so you
will get the sum of a wider scholarship and a balanced doctrinal views rather
than one person’s), go thru the introduction to the book, author, readers,
background, main subjects covered. This way you will understand why the author
is addressing the particular issues. Words/sentences have no meaning (only a possible meaning)
apart from the context in which these are spoken/written. So the student must
study how the words fit together and what/which meaning have in the particular
context. Consider the whole section, then the paragraph etc and ask what is the
author’s intention and what am I to do with it.
Read the Chapter, the passage, the paragraph, the verse, phrase,
word etc. Do not rush thru. Allow the Spirit who is the Author of the Word to
enlighten you (Ps119:18)…tarry a while-a kjv usage-(may be just a verse, a passage, a para or even a chapter
is more than enough for Him to speak.
Do not depend on “substitutes/ Bible helps/Aids” for your
nourishment, growth and maturity. Ex: reading daily devotionals,
listening to radio, listening to so called christian (songs-lyrics) music,
watching so called christian tv channels, listening to tapes/CDs/MP3/4, these may
have their place in Christendom; but cannot and must not be an
alternative/substitute to getting into the Word by yourself, for
yourself, just the same way you intake food and you do not expect
someone else intake food for you!!
The Holy Spirit has only inspired His
Word!!, so quieten yourself in His presence.
Meditate on His Word, Pray for
enlightenment of/into His Word. Most of the time stay within the passage
...itself…sometimes He may prompt you cross-check other verse(s)…obedience to
the revealed truth is more important than more reading or chapters (fulfilling
certain programs), read or acquiring more knowledge.
I know I will be criticized for saying the above. But the naked-
truth is, majority of the christendom lives and thrives (if they are!!), on
substitutes and supplements, but NOT on the REAL Thing-The Written Word of the
Living Word)!!!
Many Christians take
a subjective, individualistic stance toward the meaning of
Scripture. We tend to think that as long as my heart is touched, I have found
the meaning! We also tend to think if we read and memorize the Scriptures
(verses, passages), its meaning will automatically become clear-to me/us. IT
Always (sound, orthodox)
understand the Scriptures in its literal, historical, grammatical
interpretational strain, not allegorically!
Authors, Geisler & Rhodes in their book, Conviction without
Compromise, in the chapter called The Literal Interpretation of
Scripture, give the following guide-lines, for studying and interpreting
the Bible.
Literal: The literal sense of
text-opposed to the non-literal or allegorical sense. It refers to the
understanding of a text any person of normal intelligence would understand,
without any special keys or codes.
Normal: the normal, everyday, common understanding
of the terms in the Bible. Plain way of understanding and interpreting the
Sentences, passages of Scripture should be understood and interpreted in their
historical-settings. They should not be taken out of space-time, cultural
contexts in which they were uttered. This safe-guards the readers from making
interpretive error of reading into the text/context, one’s own cultural
Grammatical: Proper meaning of a sentence is
rooted in its grammar. The sense of the passage emerges from the grammatical
structure with all parts of speech…and thus only a certain meaning can
be derived. This method involves giving each word the same exact basic
meaning it would have the normal, ordinary, customary usage of its day.
Contextual: Every sentence in Scripture
should be understood in the historical-context of its paragraph, every
paragraph in the context of its whole book. And each book in the context of the
whole…so, the meaning is discovered by context-from the immediate to the
broader context.
Authorial: (The Divine Author first, then the
human authors) The historical-grammatical meaning is the author’s expressed
meaning. It is authors who give the meaning to the text, NOT the
reader/interpreter/commentator. It is the reader’s obligation to
discover the meaning that the authors determined. To put it
plainly, only the meaners can give meaning to the text. Hence, what is
meant in the text is what the meaners meant by it, NOT what the reader desires it
to mean!!!
There are of course, limits to legitimate spiritual
applications. Application cannot destroy the basic meaning of the
text. There may be many applications of text, there is only one
proper interpretation of the text. The application must not contradict
any other revealed truth. There is only one interpretation of the text-intended
by the author-there may be more than one implication in a text, ex: Matt
The advantages of literal interpretations are: it is normal approach in all languages. Greater part of the
Bible makes sense when taken literally.
It will make the secondary meaning when demanded; all secondary
meanings actually depend on the literal meaning; it is the only sane
and safe check on the imagination of man; and it is the only
approach in line with the nature of inspiration.
Some may argue or think, I am giving undue/ too much
exaltation to the Bible!!! And not giving importance to the
ministry of the Holy Spirit!!?? Am I? Absolutely NOT!!
The Holy Spirit alone is the Author/Initiator, the Inspirer of the
writers/ and the thoughts/words are inspired by the Spirit and He stands behind
what He has inspired and He works in, thru and by the very words He has
inspired and that’s why in Hebrews 4:12
says the Word of God is active (alive) and powerful…No time/where He contradicts His Word!!
Does He work outside/apart from His revealed/written Word? In may
be rare instances!! In the book of Acts we do see the Spirit working thru
visions/dreams to fulfil His plan and purpose in seeing the world reached with
gospel. In the case of Cornelius, yes…but then He led him to invite Simon Peter
and Simon Peter was instructed to receive the invitation and preach the gospel
and the resultant start of evangelization and churching of : Gentiles”!!!
Today there are many instances, where the Spirit gives
visions/dreams to individuals to acknowledge and receive Jesus…but then they
are led/ instructed to join with the other believers in
fellowships and studying of God’s written Word and thus grow in the knowledge
and grace of the Lord!!!
His Word alone stands/settled in Heaven. Visions, dreams, are only
for the time being and may be only means to the end; not the end in itself!!
There are many images/symbols used in the Bible how the Word works:
A double-edged
Sword-(Heb 4:12),
bringing deep conviction in hearer/listener/user.
Hammer (Jer 23:29) breaks/smashes the
Seed (1 Pet 1:23) Seed that produces life-New Birth
Mirror (Js 1:23-25) Mirror that gives the
true reflection of the individual!!
Fire (Jer 20:9; 23:29),All
consuming/Purifying Fire
Lamp/Light (Ps119:105),The lamp that enlightens
the passages of life
Food/water/nourishment/Honey (1Pet 2:2; Heb 5:12-14; I Cor 3:2;
2Pet 3:18)
Growing and maturing takes place as to the proportion one spends
time in and with the Word.
How to:
Read, study, meditate, memorize Ps 119.11
Read, study, meditate the Word with reverence and fear Is 66:2
Read, study, meditate the Word with Prayer Ps 119:18
Read study, meditate the Word. Ps 1:1-3; 119:15
Read, study, meditate the Word systematically
Read, study, meditate with purpose and determination 119:112, 130,
Read, study, meditate regularly, daily as you would intake your
daily food 119:62, 103.
Read, study, mediate the Word daily in order to know the
mind/heart/will/purpose of the Father in/for your life (Col 3:16-17)
Read, study, meditate the Word daily, so you would have an
effective prayer and answered prayer, thus glorify your Father (Jn 15:7-8)
Read, study, meditate the Word daily, so you would be able to make
concrete effort to walk in step with the
Spirit (Gal 5:25)
Read, study, meditate the Word daily in order the Spirit can bring
forth/produce His fruit in/thru you (Gal 5:22-23)
Read, study, meditate the Word daily, and appropriate the Word in
every situation to keep you from sinning (Ps 119:9)
Read, study, mediate the Word daily, for fruitfulness in your life
(Hos 14:8)
Read, study, meditate the Word daily, for overcoming the vile
strategy of the evil one against you (Eph 6:10-18, emphasis on vs 17); Rev 12:11
Read, study, meditate the Word daily, as you/in order to share the
Divine nature (2 Pet 1:3-4)
Read, study, mediate the Word daily, so you may able to defend the
faith once for all entrusted to (you) the saints (Jude 3) and keep yourself in
the most holy faith (Jude 20)
Read, study, meditate the Word daily so as to keep you unspotted
from the world, and the lusts thereof (i Jn 2:15-17).
Jesus quoted to devil Deut 8:3, that our priority should not be
laboring for food that perishes, but our true nourishment should be from and by
the Word of the Living God. Then he told his disciples in Jn 4:34 that his
nourishment comes from…doing the will of the ONE who sent him…if Jesus was so
particular about his nourishment, how about us?
The Scriptures are full of people of God living by the Word of
God…Jesus told to the people of Israel in John’s Gospel, not to be
over-laboring for the food that perishes.
He also said the words that He speaks are life and spirit-true
Ex: Psalm 1, talks of a man who is joyful/happy/blessed-by
delighting in the Word… how? He takes time, effort to make the Word his by
meditating-his passionate pursuit…as a result-ministered, enlightened by the
Author of the Word he meditates, he is like a tree firmly planted,
rooted, grounded, drawing out his nourishment, sustenance from the Word of His
God…He coordinates his everyday life in accordance with the Word he intakes
everyday…His successes or even his failures, he is not worried, because he
lives according to the Word of His God, for His glory and honor…He is
particular about who his associates, friends are. Those who directly influences
him in his walk with the Lord and who he also can influence he chooses, others
who will not encourage him in this life of faith and obedience to the written
Word of the Living Word, he shuns/rejects: He has no casual friends,
associates, association!! You are known by who your friends/associates are!!
Then there are few verses in Psalm 36:8-9 talk about the plenty in
the Father’s house/storeroom (His Word). And how he invites those who
are thirsty to come and drink from the river of His delights- His Delight is His spoken-His
written Word. Finally
the Word that became flesh and blood for us…in Him we see, understand, intake,
ingest the true character and person of The Living Word…for we see in Him the
FULLNESS of who our God is… for He has honoured His Word according to the honor
due to His Name (Ps 138:2). So take time to come to Him and let His Delight be
your delight too. He alone can satisfy you. No one else can and will. No
substitutes. Do not try to live on “crumbs“ that fall from any one/thing. There is plenty at the Master’s Table. Come
and eat/drink and you will be nourished, you will be fattened and matured!! He
is the ever-living, flowing, nourishing Fountain, come to drink deep… let this
be your cry of your heart-the passionate pursuit- of your God thru His written
Word and let it become the living Word to you in your everyday life and
ministry!! In His LIGHT you will see the light-enlightened by the True Light.
May we be like the True
Shepherd who leads His flock (Jn
10:1-16) to green pastures; Psalm 23 (Word of the Living God). And he leads his
flock to the still waters of His Word-River of the His Delight (His Word). May we learn ourselves and teach our flocks
to get into the Word for themselves and feed for themselves, not spoon-feeding,
and not even chew the cud and spit into their mouth…that’s what majority do!!!
(I have this final request to you, the congregations, fellowships, churches, readers, listeners: Tell your pastors/elders,
“We would like you to teach us the Word: Genesis-to Revelation; book-by-book; chapter-by-chapter;
passage-by passage; verse-by-verse and word-to-word…And ask them to teach you
how to get into the Word for yourself and dig deep, diving deep to get the
precious stones, pearls…don’t be satisfied by spoon-feeding, or by visiting
preachers etc”!!! In this way, you will grow in the Grace and knowledge
of Jesus… This is His will for you!!!!
Pastors/Teachers/Preachers: Determine in your hearts that you
have depended on others and your theology or homiletics to pastor the
church of the Living Word and not taught the Word…but now on you will be His kind of man, studying to be approved by the One who
enlisted you into the ministry, who will nurture the flock by/in green
pastures/Living Waters of His Word… book-by-book; chapter-by-chapter; passage-by-passage;
verse-by- verse and word-to-word and teach His people (flock) to get into
the Word for themselves and drink from the River of His Delights. Then you will
see your fellowship-church-congregation, growing in the Grace and Knowledge of
Jesus, (read Ps 92:12-15; 2 Pet 3:18) everyday!
Then we all will
grow in the full Grace and knowing Jesus, till we all attain full stature,
image, maturity, which the Father longs for His children. Be like His “only-begotten Son”, who has
become our older brother, we His brothers and sisters to reign with Him in our
royal role !!! Amen, Come Lord Jesus, Your Bride is ready, eagerly waiting for YOU, our GROOM!!!
Blogger's Note:
The author invites constructive feedback/ suggestion/criticism etc. through the comment box.
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