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An Alert to the P C Users All Over The World. How To Protect Yourself From Monday's Malware Threat









©iStockphoto.com/Justin Horrock
By Jim Finkle
BOSTON (Reuters) - About a quarter-million computer users around the world are at risk of losing Internet access on Monday because of malicious software at the heart of a hacking scam that U.S. authorities shut down last November.
Some blogs and news reports hyped the risk of an outage, warning of a potential "blackout" and describing the Alureon malware as the "Internet Doomsday" virus.
Yet experts said only a tiny fraction of computer users were at risk, and Internet providers would be on call to quickly restore service. They said they considered the threat to be small compared with more-prevalent viruses such as Zeus and SpyEye, which infect millions of PCs and are used to commit financial fraud. Read More @ in.financeYahooStory

How To Protect Yourself 
From Monday's Malware Threat

Addressing The Internet Malware Threat This Monday — Exactly What To Do?
click here to read more:

Also listen this video conversation.

Source: Reuters/Yahoo.com

Video Source: Howstuffworks.com

ഏരിയലിന്റെ കുറിപ്പുകള്‍ - Ariel's Jottings: പാതിരിയും രോഗശാന്തിയും Priest and The Healing

A Story of a False Priest.
Read More by clicking 
on the below link:

കഥാകൃത്ത്‌ : ബി എം തോമസ്‌ 
വിവ. ഏരിയല്‍ ഫിലിപ്പ് വറുഗീസ്‌
 വെള്ളക്കുപ്പായം അണിഞ്ഞ പാതിരി സ്റാന്‍ഡില്‍ കിടന്ന എക്സ്പ്രെസ്സ് ബസ...


ഇത്തരം രോഗശാന്തി വരമുണ്ടെന്നു  
വീമ്പിളക്കി ഒരു കൂട്ടര്‍ 
ഈ കഥയിലെ പാതിരിയേപ്പോലെ 
രഹസ്യമായല്ല, പരസ്യമായിത്തന്നെ
 സ്ടിജിനു മുകളില്‍ പ്രത്യക്ഷപ്പെട്ടുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നു!
പാവം ജനങ്ങളെ  കബളിപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നു!
ഇത്തരക്കാരില്‍ നിന്നും ഒഴിഞ്ഞു നില്‍ക്കേണ്ടതുണ്ട് ! 
യേശുക്രിസ്തു ഒരിക്കലും തന്റെ അനുകാരികള്‍ 
ഇത്തരം പ്രവര്‍ത്തികളില്‍ ഏര്‍പ്പെടണം 
എന്ന് ആഗ്രഹിച്ചിട്ടില്ല. കല്പ്പിചിട്ടുമില്ല. 
ഇതെല്ലാം ഒരു തരം  തട്ടിപ്പാണെന്ന് തെളിഞ്ഞുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നു.
 അതുകൊണ്ട് എന്റെ പ്രീയപ്പെട്ട വായനക്കാരെ
 നിങ്ങള്‍ കബളിപ്പിക്കപ്പെടരുത് !

ജാഗ്രതൈ !!!

Google+: Google Plans End Of iGoogle. Google Is Shutting Down Five More Shops.. One Among Them is IGoogle

Pic. Credit Google Image

Google Is Shutting Down Five More Shops.. One Among Them is IGoogle
Read More on this by clicking the below link Post written by Adar Vijay

Google+: Google Plans End Of iGoogle:
Google continues its product purge, with five more products getting the axe. Google on Tuesday continued amputating products and se...

"ആകാശ സഞ്ചാരിണി" അഥവാ "എന്താണീതീ പാതിരാത്രിയില്‍" (A Mini Story-Joke)

A Rare Flower "Epiphyllum oxypetalum" ഒരു വിചിത്ര പുഷ്പം (അനന്ത ശയനം)

Here is an interesting post 
from one of my blogger friends Blog Posts. 
Mini's Chithrashala                      

To See More Pictures, 
Please visit the page.
Enjoy the beautifully captured pics by Soumini Teacher, Kannur, Kerala.

Family : Cactaceae
Commonly Known as: Anathashyayanam (അനന്തശയനം)
This is a large epiphytic cactus is called Dutchman's-Pipe Cactus and also known as the Queen of the night.

Some Amazing Facts About Your Body ! Which The Doctors Never Tells You OR Some Spectacular tricks (cool tips) to teach your body

Pic. Credit adam.com/Google Image

This is yet another mail I received it today from one of my friends.  
I never tried it, but I am sure it works. Why don’t you test it?
Welcome your responses in this regard.
Have a Good and Healthy Life.

Philips And Associates

Some Amazing Facts About Your Body ! Which The Doctors Never Tell You 
Some  Spectacular tricks (cool tips) to teach your body

“One of the complex machine in the world is nothing but Our human body. There are lots of amazing things that are yet to be learned from the human body. Not all things are known to our body, there are few cool tricks that we can teach our body.

So, let's see those cool tips...

1.) If you've got an itch in your throat, scratch your ear. When the nerves in the ear get stimulated, they create a reflex in the throat that causes a muscle spasm, which cures the itch.

2.) Having trouble hearing someone at a party or on the phone? Use your right ear it's better at picking up rapid speech. But, the left is better at picking up music tones.

3.) Next time the doctor's going to give you an injection, COUGH as the needle is going in. The cough raises the level of pressure in your spinal canal, which limits the pain sensation as it tries to travel to your brain.

4.) Clear a stuffed nose or relieve sinus pressure by pushing your tongue against the roof of your mouth then pressing a finger between your eyebrows. Repeat that for 20 seconds it causes the vomer bone to rock, which loosens your congestion and clears you up.

5.) If you ate a big meal and you're feeling full as you go to sleep, lay on your left side. That'll keep you from suffering from acid reflux it keeps your stomach lower than your esophagus, which will help keep stomach acid from sliding up your throat.

6.) You can stop a toothache by rubbing ice on the back of your hand, on the webbed area between your thumb and index finger. The nerve pathways there stimulate a part of the brain that blocks pain signals from your mouth.

7.) If you get all messed up on liquor, and the room starts spinning, put your hand on something stable. The reason: Alcohol dilutes the blood in the part of your ear called the cupula, which regulates balance. Putting your hand on something stable gives your brain another reference point, which will help make the world stop spinning.

8.) Stop a nose bleed by putting some cotton on your upper gums right behind the small dent below your nose and press against it hard. Most of the bleeding comes from the cartilage wall that divides the nose, so pressing there helps get it to stop.

9.) Slow your heart rate down by blowing on your thumb. The vagus nerve controls your heart rate, and you can calm it down by breathing.

10.) Need to breathe underwater for a while? Instead of taking a huge breath, HYPERVENTILATE before you go under, by taking a bunch of short breaths. That'll trick your brain into thinking it has more oxygen, and buy you about 10 extra seconds.

11.) You can prevent BRAIN FREEZE by pressing your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, covering as much surface area as possible. Brain freeze happens because the nerves in the roof of your mouth get extremely cold, so your brain thinks your whole body is cold. It compensates by overheating which causes your head to hurt. By warming up the roof of your mouth, you'll chill your brain and feel better.

12.) If your hand falls asleep, rock your head from side to side. That will wake your hand or arm up in less than a minute. Your hand falls asleep because of the nerves in your neck compressing so loosening your neck is the cure. If your foot falls asleep, that's governed by nerves lower in the body, so you need to stand up and walk around.

13.) Finally, this one's totally USELESS, but a nice trick. Have someone stick their arm out to the side, straight, palm down. Press down on his wrist with two fingers. He'll resist, and his arm will stay horizontal. Then, have him put his foot on a surface that's half an inch off the ground, like a stack of magazines, and do the trick again. Because his spine position is thrown off, his arm will fall right to his side, no matter how much he tries to resist.

14.) Got the hiccups? Press thumb and second finger over your eyebrows until the hiccups are over - usually shortly. "

Ronald D'Silva, 
Picture adam.com/google 

Ariel's Photo Blog: Some Scenes From the Port City of Vizag (Vishakhap...വിശാഖപട്ടണം യാത്ര ചില ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ (ഒരു ഓര്‍മ്മ പുതുക്കല്‍)





Ariel &  Fly. Picture taken by Anju James New Delhi

To View More Pictures Please Click on the Below Link,

(Here are some pictures captured in our recent visit to Vishakhapatanam city.
Pictures are taken by Charles Philip and P V Ariel) ...