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Masihi Vandana: Welcome To Masihi Vandana Blog "मसीही वंदना":

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Satya Nadella The New Microsoft CEO: - Well Done Mr. Satya Well Done!! Keep It Up! We Indians Are Proud of You

Microsoft names India-born Nadella as next CEO, Gates to advise on technology

Pic. Credit Slashgear.com
(Reuters) - Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) named 22-year company veteran Satya Nadella as its next chief executive officer on Tuesday and said co-founder Bill Gates would step down as chairman and advise the new CEO on technology, marking an epochal change of control at the company that drove the PC revolution.

Nadella, a 46-year old born in India who led the creation of Microsoft's Internet-based, or "cloud" computing services, is only Microsoft's third CEO in 39 years, taking over from Steve Ballmer, who inherited the job from Gates in 2000.
To Read  More Please Click here  @REUTERS

Post Script:
Satya is from Andhra Pradesh India.

Source:Reuters & Slashgear



We are living in a world of uncertainties.  Unusual things are taking place day in and day out. A good number of unusual and unwanted things are happening even among the so called Christian evangelicals.   Such things are happening mainly due to confusion and deception.  Christ himself has given warning of such incidents at the end time.   We read this in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21.

Take heed that no one leads you astray (Matt. 24:4) Mark 13 the last five verses very emphatically says  "Be watchful".   In this context of end time charismatic movement the writer in this book "The Church Subtly Deceived" gives a warning to the believers, "Be alert and Watchful"  In this small book of 107 pages the author very vividly explains many aspects of this dangerous trend prevailing even among some believers circles.

The Book of Acts at first sight, gives an adequate support to this, but a closer look at it will evidently show(s it is not so.   "It is vital to note that the sections of the scriptures dealing with the return of our Lord Jesus emphasize the area of deception, whether they be speeches of our Lord Jesus, or letters of the apostles.   In these sections, signs and wonders are repeatedly mentioned, but not in a positive context, instead, warning is given concerning them and their function of deception."

The author reveals growing penetration of liberalism, modernism, ecumenism and mysticism into the charismatic movements.   He brought out NINE important and serious matters for the present day believers as an isssue of serious thinking and consideration.

It's a good study on the following subject matters:


  1. GIFTS. a) Tongues for private edification? b) Tongues as a sign.

  1. LAYING OF HANDS. A) Is infiltration of a believer possible?

  1. PASSIVITY.      a) The identity Theory. B) Active or Passive? C)  Falling on ones back. E) out of the body experience.

Third Edition - 2009
Publisher GLS Mumbai
  1. SIGNS AND WONDERS. Signs in the Gospel of John, A) the case of Nicodemus. B) The response of the 5000. C) Passivity among these modern movements. D) Which is the greatest wonder? Signs in Acts.   From signs to scripture.  Signs, wonders and miracles, Signs in the last days, Signs in our days, A final consideration




For a reader who wants to know the real facts on these subjects it's a good study and a reference guide.  A genuine reader can obtain such a lot of information needed to face such false teachers and practitioners of the present day charismatic movements. One can easily deal with such people if he thoroughly studies this book.   Though it's very short in its contents he dealt with  almost all required aspects in these nine chapters.

All believers should read and make note of its contents to resist the false teachers of the Word. One can easily discern  the false teachings entered in the Christian church. He will be able to refute such practices with sufficient scriptural references.

Fourth Edition - 2012
Published by GBBM, Bangalure
In the concluding chapter he quote Abraham "The father of all believers", who did not work one sign , yet he is called as the father of believers (Rom 4:12&16)   Abraham did not look at himself but only cling to the promises of God; he held fast the promises of the Lord and therefore only looked unto Him. He was his real consolation, the true anchor of his soul ( Heb.6:19).  His faith was fully counted on God.  This kind of faith proves God right and therefore let us look unto the Lord Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. (Heb.12:27)  He is the true Savior and victor over all these sinister powers of darkness.

 In conclusion he quotes the story of the prodigal son and calls the believers for repentance. Quoting Revelation 2:3 the author says even in spite of the deplorable situation in the seven churches Jesus never rebuked the saints for not having received the baptism of the Spirit or have too few spiritual gifts.   However, five times He says, "Repent"

He ends the book with an interesting yet serious appendix.  A critique of D G S Dinakaran's book "Gifts of the holy spirit". In these pages he gave a fitting reply to the followers of such false teachings.

The Blogger Philip V Ariel 
with the Author Alexander Seibel
A very informative book to know the fallacies of the so called self-styled  apostles of Christian faith.  A helpful guide and must read for Bible college students and believers who want to know the real truth about Jesus Christ and His teachings concerning the last days

Alexander Seibel
About the Author:
Alexander Seibel was born in Vienna in 1943. Brought up in a customary religious setting, he later discarded his religion and became an atheist. His main interests as a student were scientific subjects.

He was confronted with the Good News of the Bible during his days as a student through the testimony of some Christian believers of a worldwide missionary movement. The undeniable fulfillment of biblical prophecies in relation to Israel made it possible for the Lord to soften Alexander's heart toward Christianity. The final breakthrough, where he finally surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ, came on August 4, 1968 when he listened to a message about true discipleship.

Up until this time when Alexander completed his studies, he was a member of the Baptist Church in Vienna. He now holds a Master of Technology degree and works as a full time evangelist. He speaks on the subjects of science, the Bible, and evolution versus creation to youth groups and students. He has engaged in an extensive study of the Charismatic
  Movement and recent trends in our society and churches. He has written several books, some of them up to five editions, which have been translated into several European languages. Alexander Seibel now lives in Germany, is married, and the father of three children. 

Alexander Seibel, Germany 


A TO Z 2014 Blog Challenge Registration is open now!! Hurry Up !!!

A TO Z  2014 Blog Challenge Registration is open now!!

Join in and register your URL and other informations now, and get ready for the great challenge which begins on First of April 2014 !

This interesting event is the Brainchild of Arlee Bird. The owner of "Tossing it out" Blog page. Behind him there is a wonderful team!

To Join in the list and to know more about this interesting forthcoming event please click on the below link: 
A to Z Blog Challenge 2014

            M J Joachim

Read a Guest Post written by M J Joa. the famous Blogger: 
5 Things You Can Do To Prepare For The A To Z  Challenge/

Confident Living Magazine Articles: How To Begin And End Each Day

Mr &Mrs. Wiersbe
The book's cover page
How to Begin and End Each Day:
To Read More Please Click on the
Below link.

Confident Living Magazine Articles: How To Begin And End Each Day: Written by Warren W Wiersbe
   David wrote this psalm when he fled from Saul into a ...

Source: Confident Living Magazine/Back to the Bible

How To Make Money Through Your Blog Pages ?

Picture Credit. appitive.com
The Bible Says: "For the love of Money Is the Root of all Evil" (1 Timothy 6:10).  And it’s Absolutely True too!

But at the same time Money Is an Essential part or thing For Human Beings!!

In this trouble stricken world it is required very much to meet our daily needs.

So people around the world are after money, some try to make it through crooked ways and some acquire it through genuine ways. 

Of course in this vast world there are several methods to make money.  Some people wants to make money through shortcuts and some through their hard work. 

In this new age of internet there are several people come forward with different means to get hold of people by luring so many striking schemes, and many fall prey to such gimmick methods.  We used to get number of such offers through our email in boxes, The other day while I was chatting with a blog friend he send a link of such an organization, their offer is very attractive and the gullible one surely get trapped in such tempting words.

Picture Credit: livingyello.com
The truth is that most of such offers are fraud and many are trapped in their nets and lose their hard earned for making money! Making money through online or blogging is no doubt not an easy thing, instead it’s a tedious one and one need to shell out hours to be a master of it. 

Here is an informative and educative piece on how to make money by blogging. 

One of my blog friends Harleena Singh today posted a Guest post in her newly designed blog page Aha!NOW  written by EnstineMuki - yet another famous personality in the Blogging world.

Enstine very systematically brought out several suggestions and guide the bloggers how to make money through their blog pages. 

I am sure if anyone follow these steps and suggestions given in the post very systematically they can succeed in making money.  No doubt this will be a turning point to a genuine blogger who really wants to make money through their blog pages. 

To read more please do click on the below link:

 We Wish You All 
A Happy Blogging!! 
And Happy Earning!!!

Masihi Vandana: Back to the Bible's Hindi Magazine