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A Response to an Editorial Written by Arindam Chaudhuri, Editor-in-Chief, the Sunday Indian News Weekly on American President Barak Obama's Few Months

(A Response to an Editorial)

A feedback to the editorial written by Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri American President Barak Obama's 100 days rule and its aftermath and some valuable suggestion or advice to the President on throne. This is a feedback to that e

Apropos the editorial "Mr. Obama, I appreciate you, for you have again proven that unlike your predecessor, you are receptive to change and don't stick to irrational logic just for the heck of it!" *(a snippet from the editorial is given below. Read full editorial at this link:

www.thesundayindian.com OR www.Arihdamchaudhuri.blogspot.com ), was a good reminder to the president of America to re-think about his present going. The editorial is an eye opener to Obama and his administrative wing. They should reconsider some of the serious issues for the betterment of their own citizens, especially the decision on the issue of outsourcing to India and other countries. As the editorial pointed out, outsourcing to other countries will be more beneficial to them than other countries. The present economic crisis, in a way is a blessing in disguise for the Asian countries. Obama and his team should realize this fact and act accordingly. Otherwise it will lead the country from bad to worse. It is high time that America should recognize the dominant role India and China can play in the global market. I appreciate Mr. Arindam Chaudhuri for telling these facts through his editorials time and again. I think, TSI should post some copies of this issue to the white house and a special pack addressed to Mr. Obama.

* A snippet from the above said editorial.

"Prior to this editorial, I've written a couple of more editorials on the American President, Barack Obama. In those editorials, I have been extremely appreciative with respect to his historic win; and more than anything else, with his win that had actually made the American citizen the

real winner. I had also been extremely candid with my appreciation towards him, not just for him becoming the President but the arousing reasons that made him so. For the uninitiated, I wrote that he demanded change from his fellow Americans, not simply with respect to the economic outlook or foreign policy, but in something graver; he beseeched them to realise that in the hardships of today should not be forgotten the intensity of the American character of past. This is not to miss how enamored I was with his outstanding speeches"...

Source: www.thesundayindian.com



Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768

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