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The Story Behind My Pen Name

(The Story Behind My Pen Name 'Ariel')

How I procured my pen name "Ariel"? There is a story behind it. This knol is a narration of that small incident happened in my life years back. That paved a way to stick with that name as my byline.

Pic. Credit. Fanpop.com
First, let me say few words about what prompted me to write this content. Yes, just after posting my previous content, "what is there in a name" Read more here:

 I just started thinking about my own words, "Yes, next time when this question arises, "What's there in a name? Think of it, you will definitely find a lot in it". Those words echoed in my mind and I just thought of my own name "Ariel" and myself: Yes, there is a big story hidden behind it. Let me narrate that in short:

Pic. Credit. Google images
If my memory is not wrong, it was, when I was studying in the seventh standard; our English class teacher (Susan Mathew) started taking a lesson from an English prose. Shakespeare's famous drama "The Tempest" (Read the summary of the story here was the lesson for that day. Ms. Susan Mathews explained the story's summary and it was so interesting that everyone eagerly listened to it. Later she asked the first bench row to read out the lesson, each of us got different character to read, and very interestingly, I got the part of an interesting character called 'Ariel' the good spirit. The session was so interesting and all of us played our part well. Later when the class was over, everyone started calling me 'Ariel'. Since the character, Ariel was an important role to play in the drama 'Tempest.' I too liked calling myself Ariel, slowly the name became famous in our school and everyone started talking about it, and the people around me called 'Ariel Philip'. Thus, born a new person by name 'Ariel Philip'.

From the very young age, I used to write articles, stories, songs and poems in Christian weeklies and magazines. For more on this line about me please visit my content titled "My Early Experience with My Writings" at the following links: Here  and Here 

I used my original name 'Philip Verghese' as my byline in my early writings. Few years later, after completing my high school education, I started sending letters, stories and articles to the secular publications in the new name 'Ariel Philip, Valanjavattom' and many of my writings published in the newspapers, Children's magazines and weeklies. My first writing (a letter to the editor) with that name, got published in one of the most prestigious publication in India, "The Malayalamanorama" daily newspaper (The largest circulated daily-now it is the largest circulated regional language daily in India). In addition, many of my articles and stories published in their children's magazine called 'Balarama', which is popular among the Malayalam speaking children. Later in the Malayalamanorama newspaper's youth page "Yuvatharangam" I was a regular contributor with that pen name  ‘Ariel Philip’

Years went by and in connection with my further studies; I landed in Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh where my elder sister was working. Staying with her family, I have completed my graduation and Journalism course. Slowly my writings shifted to the English language publications, and started publishing my contents in the name "P V Ariel" which is the short form of my full name "Philip Verghese 'Ariel' ".

Later I came to know about the meaning of the word 'Ariel'. Ariel means 'Lion of God'. I was so delighted to know the meaning and I decided to stick on to that name in my further writings thus born this little name 'Ariel'.

Now in my web writing I am using this name P V Ariel as my byline. Please read my interview with a well-known source producer at AssociatedContent.com, Dr. Donalad Pennigton of Texas, USA. Read more Here

Yet another content producer at AssociatedContent.com Ms. Sheryl Young of United States of America (A well known Christian writer, a Jew by birth) interviewed me and you can read more about my writings at this Interview

I am extremely happy to be here at this world wide web writing community. I am again happy to say that through this sites like associatedcontent.com, knol.google.com I could obtain a good number of like-minded people as friends and associate writers.

Presently I am working as an Editor for a Christian bi-monthly publication called 'Confident Living' published from Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh.

Read here my official Bio.

Let me take this opportunity one again to extend my heartfelt thanks to all my fellow writers, co-authors, readers, fans and friends for their wholehearted supports, comments and encouragement.

My sincere good wishes and season's greetings to one and all.

Thank you for your precious time to read this knol

With Best regards,


Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768


  1. What a great essay!! You have a talent for writing ~ I wish I had a special name or the creative thinking to come up with something like that ~ the way you did. What an enjoyable post!!! Thank you for sharing ~alice

  2. ആഹാ‍ാ..
    ടെമ്പസ്റ്റ് ഡിഗ്രിക്കായിരുന്നു നമ്മള്‍ക്ക്, നൈസ് ഡ്രാമ..

    ഷേക്സ്പിയറെക്കഴിഞ്ഞ് കഥാപാത്രങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് പേരിടാന്‍ ആരുമുണ്ടായിട്ടില്ല.

  3. It's nice to know where the name came from. Lion of God is really special.

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge


Thank You Very Much For Your Precious Time.PV
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