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India Is My Country All Indians Are My Brothers And Sisters, I Love My Country....

Picture Credit Arun Mathew
Google image
When I was thinking about the next word for the A to Z Blog Challenge which starts with a big "I".  My thoughts went on and on and on with many words, but suddenly it stopped at the word "INDIA" Yes, my own nation topped the list.  A beautiful country in the universe, we call it MOTHER INDIA. 

My memories went back to my childhood days.  In school we start our days with the following pledge which I still remember and sometimes whisper too.  Yes, it still lingers in our minds and on our lips.

Here is the pledge we make every day in the morning along with the morning prayer.  Yes we start our school day with this pledge.  It still continues in all the Indian schools.
A Scene from Thekkady, Kerala. Pic, Credit Shibu Thovala

 The Pledge

India is my country
All Indians are my Brothers and Sisters
I love my country
And I shall always strive to be
a loyal and worthy citizen of it.
To my country and my people
I pledge my devotion
May God grant her peace and prosperity. 

But Alas! 
Today, When I look around,  this concept is totally changed
and many look at each other in a different outlook.
The golden old days are gone forever!
politics and politicians polluted the system
and they created a kind of enmity
within ourselves to
fatten their vote banks/pockets. 
The journey goes on!!!

Anyways  here is....
A Brief Info. about my beloved country called INDIA:

My Country is the largest nation in the southern Asia
And the second largest country in the world.

About one out of every six people in the world lives in India
It's population is nearly equal to that of all the nations of Africa and south America together.

In Area, India stands at the 7th place.

The people of India belongs to different ethnic groups.
And people speak more than 14 major languages
And more than 1000 minor languages,
And dialects.

(India is known as Republic of India,
Bharath or Union of India)

Capital: New Delhi

Official Language: Hindi (National)

Area: 3,287,263 sq. km

Population: Above 1,025.1 m.

Languages: Hindi(National), English, 
18 officially recognized languages

Literacy: 65.38%

Religions: Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, 
Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, etc.

Currency: Rupee [ US $1 = Rs. 49 (approx.) ]
p.c.i.: $2,230

Head of State is President: Mr. Pranab Mukherjee

Head of government:  Federal Republic.

Prime Minister: Dr. Man Mohan Singh

National Song”  “Vande Mataram” (I Bow to The Mother)

National Anthem:  “Janagana Mana”(Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people”)

October 2nd is the Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi 
"The Father of the Nation"

Here are few links which leads to few  videos 
which reveals the life story of Mahatma Gandhi

Credit: wichm.home
The birth and death anniversaries of Great leaders come ones in a year and on that particular day different celebrations takes place in remembrance of such people with much enthusiasm and respect. But unfortunately in most cases that ends with that. But here is an exception to this trend"Gandhiji" the Father of Nation is still remembered and his brand has grown stronger and stronger every year and every walk of life even the new generation giving a new vision to it and discovering him and adopting his polices with much enthusiasm. His birthday is also known as International day of non-violence,

Here are some rare videos from the life of Mahatma Gandhi -- The first TV Interview and his speech at different places.

The first ever made TV interview with Mahatma Gandhi by Fox Movietone News.

Please Click on the below link to watch these videos. 
 P V Ariel's Video Page 

To Read a related article Please click on the below link:
Few Amazing Facts About India

Few Pictures From India
Picture Credit Keralatourism.com
A Scene from my City (Secunderabad) Pic. by Ariel

The Blog Author P V,Near Taj Mahal

P V At Qutab Minar New Delhi

A side view of Qutab Minar Picture bye Charles Philip
Lotus Temple New Delhi Pic, By Mathews Philip

Taj Mahal Pic By P V Ariel

Rajghat, Gandhi Samadhi Entrance Gate P V and family members

P V's Family Members Near India Gate , New Delhi Pic, by PV

A Scene From Thekkady, Kerala. Pic. by Shibu Thovala

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Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768