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"Meals Ready" A Must Watch Short Film

"Meals Ready" 
A Must Watch Short Film.
It Speaks Volume. 
Heart Rendering Scenes.

Please Spare Little Time 
To Watch This Video.

Source: A film by Nithuna Nevil Dinesh

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768


  1. This short film's length is just 12 minutes and 30 seconds only. I am sure the viewers can pick up few lessons from this video. Have a look.
    Thanks for your valuable time.
    Best Regards

  2. a very meaning ful story... lot of things it tells us silently! thanks for sharing !!


Thank You Very Much For Your Precious Time.PV
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