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F for “Facebook” Oh No! “F” is for “Faithbook”

Picture Credit. zazzle.com

F for “Facebook” 
Oh No! “F” is for “Faithbook”

Facebook is one of the famous social networking website.  Here one need to register and can upload photos videos and send messages to their friends by posting it on the wall as well as one can send private mails too.
It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.  The membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and eventually to anyone aged 13 and over. Facebook now allows any users who declare themselves to be at least 13 years old to become registered users of the site.  This is now available in 37 different languages.

It has now many features like kno-it-all, Marketplace, groups, events, pages etc.
These days many use it mainly to promote their products, services and resources; no doubt it’s a good media to reach millions of people in a fraction of seconds. A good number of people join and visit this site to just to pass their time, or to do some kind of gossips or just to relax after a day’s toil.


My title already said that this post on “F” is not on Facebook but on “Faithbook”
But I am going away from my intended subject.  Let me come to the point.  I am slightly worried to note that few of you may disagree with my points here.  Anyways, I need to express what I mean to express.  If you got annoyed it you can coolly go to the other blog.

Ok this Faithbook is a different one from the popular facebook.  Yes, in its entirety it is different from the other.
Whether you accept it or not, Faithbook or The Bible is the greatest of all and it cannot be denied that it is the most remarkable and precious one, human beings ever received.   Yes, it’s amazing and no doubts a ‘Unique Book’.  Yes it’s written by the inspiration of God.  When one goes through it he can realize that God himself is talking through it.   And you can communicate with God any time 24/7 through prayer and supplication.

Not only that you can find any solution for your life’s problems.  It’s a guide book towards the journey to heaven.  If follow the instructions in scripted in it you will surely reach the destination safely.   No other books on this earth give such detailed instructions to human being connected with his life and destiny.
Follow the instructions and be sure about your life!

But please do not listen to my words; look into the following facts and check out for yourself.

A)    The Bible is unique in its continuity, and it’s written over a 1,500 year time span by over 40 authors from different walks of life from kings to peasants at different places at different intervals.  It’s unique because the authors of different experiences dealt with number of controversial subject in full harmony. All the authors outlined God’s great love towards man.

B)    The Bible has more reads than any other book.  It’s still the number one book in sale. And it was the first major book printed; it is first printed at Gutenberg’s press.

C)    The Bible has been translated and published in more languages than any other book.

D)   The Bible is the only book which withstood many attacks by its enemies.  Kings and rulers tried to destroy it from the time of Roman emperors to the present day rulers. Even in spite of the countless opposition its teachings and truths have been preserved, it is in itself a miracle.

E)     Modern archaeologists have confirmed and proven the Bible’s absolute accuracy and proven it to be a source of History.

F)     The Bible is the only book ever produced which contains a good number of prophecies which is prophesied thousands of years back fulfilled accurately.
These are some of the amazing facts about the amazing and unique book, but unfortunately a good number of people who consider themselves as smart and intelligent just ignore it for their peril.

Jesus Christ Wants to put you in His Book. 

Do you Accept.  It is up to you to decide.

You need not worry about the 4, 7 10, 14 days or one months

 block from the book, or no fear about getting deleted from the 

account permanently.  No. This registration is a permanent one, 

and once registered you are safe in His hand.

If you want to read the truth from this book they can visit this 

page by clicking on the below link.


May God Bless.


Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768


  1. loved that analogy in the title..
    interesting read

    1. Hi Jyoti,
      Nice to hear from you again,
      thanks for dropping by and for the feedback.
      Yet another similar one is in line to appear LOL
      Keep Inform.
      Best regards,

  2. That's quite a bit of interesting information on the Bible.

  3. Interesting information both Facebook and your Faithbook. Though I do not usually follow religious blogs, thank you for commenting on my blog.

  4. Faithbook that is a nice twist of words. Interesting post Philip Thank you.


Thank You Very Much For Your Precious Time.PV
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