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Z is for Zeal: Zeal is the Word for Today

Zeal is the word for today

Picture Credit. Squido.com
Zeal is the word for today at A to Z blog challenge the brain child of the wonderful blogger cum writer ArleeBird

We are at the finishing line, though few left behind, many could touch the finish line.  There is a reason for my selection of this word for today. 

I am sure we all had this zeal in the initial stage of this challenge, and that zeal lead us to reach here at the end of the challenge. 

Zeal: The dictionary meaning says = Enthusiasm, Passionate, ardor etc… Yes, our enthusiasm brought us thus far.

We all need this zeal in our daily life to lead a victorious or successful life. 

Though on the way we may face different kinds of hurdles, failures and problems, if we have the zeal to go forward it that surely takes us to reach the goal.

We know many such people in the pages of history, even in spite or their problems and difficulties the zeal they had helped them to reach to the success line.

let us look into few of such examples, since we are all involved in the field of writings, I am sure this will be an encouraging one to move forward, and no doubt, their zeal for their goal will be a guide to all of us.

Sometimes you may be surprised to know this.  Many of the world famous writers and their works were rejected several time by the publishers, but they did not looked back instead they sacrificed their time and energy to go forward.  With a great zeal they went forward and reached at the success line.

margaretmitchell www.goworldtravel.com
The famous book "Gone with the Wind" written by Margaret Mitchell was rejected by twenty five publishers, and later it bagged the famous Pulitzer Prize. 

So is the case with George Orwell’s "Animal farm" and "Ann Frank’s Diary", sixteen publishers rejected these works and later become famous and counted as the great works of 20th Century.  

The list continues, the following famous writers’ writings too were rejected several times.

William Gold’s "Lord of the flies", (Later he got Nobel Prize for literature)

Joseph Heller’s "Catch 22" (greatest work of 20th Century)

J K Rowling’s  ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” (more than 4 crores of books sold out later in the series of Harry potter)

William Falkner’s  “Sanctuary” (he bagged Nobel Prize for literature)

Irving Stone’s  “Lust for Life” (later more than two crores sold out)

Rudyar Clippings stories,(later he got Nobel Prize for Literature)—the publishers just rejected his writings with a note saying “do not know how to write in English”

The interesting part is that they never got dejected or looked back, instead with great zeal they went forward and achieved their goal.

We need to have this kind of zeal in our life, not only in writing field, but in any field one need to have a kind of zeal to achieve the goal, definitely he can win the race with flying colors, yes, for this we need to have great patience along with the zeal.

Let us take one or two leaves from their life.  May these wonderful people’s life be an example or guide to us.  Let us have the same ZEAL that they all had.  As one of the A to Z face-page story said, "This is not the end of it," yes, let us continue our journey along with BLOGGING!!!

We at Philipscom Wish You All A Happy Blogging!!!

Have a wonderful time of friendship and blogging.

Thanks to Arlee Bird and Associates for allowing us to take part in this wonderful and great event.

Best Regards

P V Ariel & Associates
Secunderabad, India

Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768