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I W S G – My First Installment :-)

I W S G – My First Installment J

Though I was in the web world for quiet sometime, somehow I missed this wonderful group. 

I am so glad to join the group.  Thanks Alex for your kind invitation and reminder.  

Alex J Cavanaugh needs no introduction to the web community.  He is one of the A to Z blog challenge founding members and he played a vital role to make the A to Z a grand success.  IWSG is the brainchild of Alex.  He created this group to help the writers with timely advice, suggestion and other connected helps in relation to writing. To get More information Please Click Here: Alex J Cavanaugh

I was so delighted to hear about this group and at once i jumped in and  posted one blog in this regard immediately at my page.  You can visit that page by clicking HERE

As I said though I was in this field of writing for quiet some time, but still sometimes I feel very insecure to go on due to the pressure from many sides.  People like Arlee Bird, Alex, Tina Downey and many other like minded people are there to help out the genuine seekers with their timely help.  I was so glad to join in this year’s a to z challenge and completed successfully, with the timely help and support of such dear ones. That support and encouragement made me to continue to be in the process. OMG! I am going away from the stipulated subject.

This post’s main aim is to help fellow writers with timely advice as well as to express our own fears and doubts.  This is my first installment in this line, and
I would like to start with my own experience in the writing field, though I started my writing in my mother tongue (Malayalam) and slowly entered into the English language.

My child hood desire was to become a well known writer,  and I struggled a lot and still struggling to reach that level.  But one thing I learned from my life is that though we fail miserably in our area to reach the goal, we should not give up by any chance, go on try and get into that level.

Fears of rejection is one of the main area where many newbie’s fall flat.  But my advice to such new comers is that ”Do not Give up”, Go on try”, Rejection Slips are part and parcel of a writer. Look into the history of many well known writers, they all faced such situation in their life and they all overcome such hard situation, in this line I have posted a blog post recently, that you can read HERE

Also read yet another post I made sometime back in this regard, you can read that too here at this link. Slips! Slips! Rejection Slips!  In this post you get bit more information about me and my writing life.

Keep Going!  
Keep Writing! 
Keep Inform! 
Don’t Give up!
Good Wishes! 

C U All Until Next  ISWG

And Associates

Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768

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