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Sonia vs Modi And A BIG Salute to Our Jawans (The Indian Para Military Forces) Two Cover Stories And my Feedbacks

Picture Credit The Sunday Indian

Irrespective of the outcome, 

Congress is bound to emerge 

as one of the two biggest 

parties after 2014. 

It will leave its president 

with a major role to play 

behind and in front of the 


When minister of state for 

food processing 

Charan Das Mahant recently 

Pic Credit TSI
said he would be willing to sweep 

the party office in Chhattisgarh if 

instructed by Congress supremo 

Sonia Gandhi, he was repeating
Pic Credit TSI

what another Congressman 

Zail Singh said three decades ago 

about then Prime Minister Indira 

Gandhi when nominated President of 

India during her tenure.

Times may have changed but the message then - as now –

remains the same; Madam is supreme....

The stories goes on and on... Our Political leaders color

changes quiet often like chameleon,  some makes serious

comments/statements, some makes utter foolish comments

or statements.  So sad are our politicians new developing 

trends to stand on...

To Read on please click at this link. Sonia vs Modi

Also please read my feedback on this story 


A BIG Salute to Our Jawans (The Indian Para Military Forces)

Our Jawan's (the para military forces) dare devil acts 

in the recent Uttarakhand's hour of tragedy is really 

great and praiseworthy.

An inspired tale of heroism under pressure as India's 

men in uniform save the day for a grateful nation in 

Uttarakhand's hour of tragedy. 

Here is a report from The Sunday Indian's Reporter 

Mayank Singh.  And my response to it. 

Pic. Credit: The Sunday Indian
The unsaid truth about all natural disasters runs a familiar course. In absolute distress when the chips are down; when systems have broken down, when no civic worker or state police force is within hundreds of miles, when the already minimal and overstretched infrastructure has collapsed and millions need to be rescued from certain death, it is India's defence forces that save the day for everyone – a grateful nation, its tunnel vision politicians and inept civilian administrations.

To Read On Please Click on this links:  Where Eagles Dare 

To Read More Letters Please Click on this link: Readers Speak

Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768

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