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Sachin Tendulkar: The Incredible And An Amazing Man In Indian Cricket Retires Today

Sachin Tendulkar:

The Incredible And An

 Amazing Man In 

Indian Cricket Retires Today


The Indian Cricket legend Sachin’s name is in the air again!!!

He retires today after a long journey

in the field of Cricket!

His name is moving all over, people around the world is sending appreciation or tribute note to Sachin in different forms, Some make it as a celebration and others on World Wide Web created pages and pages for him to congratulate him.

The Mumbai Cricket Association celebrates 
“Apna Sachin”.

 Google+ created a page to Post a word of Tribute to Sachin
And the fans association offering gifts to the people who participate in this Tribute to Sachin campaign

You can post your tribute 
by clicking on this link: 

The Note At Tribute To Sachin Says:
Pay your tribute to the master 
in less than 500 characters.
 All of them will be compiled 
into a coffee table book.

200 limited edition coffee table books will be printed.

Sachin will be presented the first copy'
The remaining 199 will be awarded to the best contributors. 

Twitter also created a page for Sachin under the title THANK YOU SACHIN

Facebook pages are flooded with messages for Sachin.

Many golden feathers can be placed on his cap.

Here are some facts and achievements in his cricket life:
He was the youngest test cricketer and the fourth youngest ever when he made his debut in 1989 at the age of 16.

He left the game 24 years after as the oldest active International player.

He was India’s top run scorer in 2011 when India won the world Cup for the first time in 28 years.

He is the only Indian player name by Wisden Cricketers Almanack to its all-time team.

The list about his achievements in the cricket field is numerous the space constrains to write it here!

Here is a Youtube video created by Hemant Tantia 
Under the  title "Yeh Hai Sachin" A Tribute To Sachin!




You Did A Wonderful Job

 In Your Respective Field !!


We Are Very Proud Of You

We Wish You And All Yours

A Wonderful Time Ahead!!

Your Achievements

 Are Praiseworthy

And All Indians Will

 Always Remember It!

Best Wishes!


And Now The Government of India Conferred the Highest Civilian Award
Bharat Ratna To Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.
He is the First Youngest Person(@40)
and the first Sports Person
Who Receives This Award.

No doubt Sachin is a great sports personality 
but very few know that he is a great human being 
and a  wonderful philanthropist too!!  
The outside world is unaware about this fact.
During the shoot of the Great Indian Dream ad film,
Sachin Tendulkar with his wife Anjali and children Arjun and Sara
 with Arindam Chaudhuri, Rajita Chaudhuri and their son Che Kabir Chaudhuri
Here is a revealing write-up about one such incidents, written by Arindam Chaudhuri, The Chief Editor of  'The Sunday Indian' Weekly. 
Read More Here OR Here with pictures


Here is His Farewell Speech
Watch This Video:

Yet Another Video 
Sachin's magical performance 

*GOLD* Sachin Tendulkar vs Pakistan - Magical batting compilation

Sachin waves hands to his fans at Wankhede stadium. The last goodbye pic by RS Gopan/The Week Weekly. Kottayam
Sachin The Cook
Illustration Credit. Jairaj T G/The Week
What will Sachin do after he retires, is a question on many minds. 
For someone whose love affair with good food is as serious as his passion for cricket,
 a culinary adventure sounds like a good option. Read an interesting write-up from The Week Cover Story

To Read More Such News Stories 
On This Master Blaster
Please Click On The Below Link: 

The Week Cover Story 

The philanthropist Sachin Tendulakar, The Master Blaster in Cricket is again in news.

Courtesy Hindu Daily
Now again for another philanthropist activity. 

Picture Credit: Pencil India Foundation
Yes, Sachin now bats for sanitation. The UNICEF named Tendulkar as their regional brand ambassador  to promote its Total Sanitation Campaign in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal. 

Read  more by clicking the picture or visit the Hindu online www.hinduonline.com

For Philipscom & Associates
Philip  Verghese 'Ariel'

The Sunday Indian Weekly
The Week

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Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768

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