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‘Yet another Thanksgiving Day/ Week is here again. And "Thank You" The Magic Word. Happy Thanksgiving Day

O Lord that lends me life, Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness!

                                                                                                           - William Shakespeare
Yet another Thanksgiving Day/ Week is here again.  

No doubt this week is very special to many, especially my friends in the western world very religiously celebrate this week with lot of activities.  

We Wish You All A
Happy Thanksgiving Week.

Pic. Credit: voxxi.com

Today while browsing through the pages of the world wide web I just happened to visit an informative page and found some wonderful quotes for the week called Thanksgiving week.

If you treat Thanksgiving Day as a mere custom, then you are missing out on the true meaning of the holiday. As much as we enjoy Thanksgiving for the dinner and the festivities, we must also rejoice for our good fortune. So, have fun with your family this thanksgiving, but don't forget to say 'thank you.' And if you are fumbling for meaningful words, read these thanksgiving inspirational quotes for a push in the right direction. Click Here &  Here to read more thoughts for this week. 
Suddenly my thoughts went into a small incident happened few months back and I have written a post in this regard, of course a totaly different thanks giving.  Please Read that piece here below.

Pic. Credit. SimpleeSerene

Thank You’ the word we generally  say to only those who went out of the way to do something for us and did not include those who were only doing their routine services. But an incident occurred the other day in my life, changed this thinking altogether. 

In my recent visit to my native land I had a pleasant experience while I was traveling in a private Transport bus. I just happened to say “Thank You” to the conductor when he issued the ticket. In fact, I had said it thoughtlessly, but the conductor was so happy that he nodded his head twice with a twinkle in his eyes.  Perhaps I thought the conductor’s job was such a routine one that a little gesture like that could mean so much to him.

With this incident I began to say “Thank You” to the people who serve us on a regular basis.  The apartment sweeper who collects the garbage, the post man who brings in letters, the maid servant who do the house hold works and the office boy who serve tea  and snacks at my desk. I have noticed a great difference it made to them.  

Yes, generally we say ‘Thank You’ to only those who went out of the way to do something for us and did not include those who were only doing their routine services. They gave us what we take for granted and consider we have every right to expect because they are paid for their services.

Now I realized how nice and effective it would be if we could express our thanks or appreciation to those who are in our daily round, help our lives to run well and at ease. A word of ‘Thank you’ or a word of appreciation will definitely do some sparkle in their lives.

In short, is not the same reward the majority of us expect for our efforts too? Some may call it a human weakness, but in reality, we would like to know about our performance or their appreciation.

For instance, take the case of the above examples about the bus conductor, sweeper, the postman, the peon etc.  in the course of doing their service some one like me recognize them and their services and says, ‘Thank you’ it will definitely be a bonus on the day’s pay and I am sure it makes their day.

By this, I do not mean to say that we should go around thanking everyone who does the service to us for that they are paid for. But we can do it quiet often, that may perhaps take only few seconds, that shows we value their contribution in our daily lives.

It definitely gives a happy moment in the recipient’s life.  If we notice their lives, we will definitely take some enjoyment in all those little things that we have and should have. In short, looking for people to thank helps us to find people to be thankful.

Pic. Credit. misssarahsstorytime
I am reminded of a quote of Abraham Lincoln, one of the founding Fathers' of America,   “I never had a policy; I have just tried to do my very best each and every day.”
May this be our motto too.

And Ha!  Thank you for your valuable time to read this blog on THANK YOU  on this busy and very special week called Thanksgiving week.  :-)

Source: About.com

Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768

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Thank You Very Much For Your Precious Time.PV
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