This is a common complaint from many of the bloggers especially the beginners!
As someone said, if we write something and we do not tell others about it who will read it, only you or your family members or some of your close friends, that's it!
Now there are a good number of social sites available in the World Wide Web, major among them are the facebook, twitter, Google+, linkdin, Digg, stumpleupon etc.. it is really difficult to visit all these pages individually and post our urls there, instead here is a button (web site link) available which you can embed it into your blog posts, please click on the below picture to visit that page, it is very easy to embed this into your blogger or wordpress or any other platforms. Just click and embed it into your page, that will help your visitors or friends to promote the page into their social sites without leaving your page to visit the social site. Try this button and place it in your page. You yourself can promote your page to your social sites by just clicking on the AddToAny button.
Try this today, it will surely boost your readership.
Here is the link to that page +Add To Any
By clicking on the button you will see a page like this(See the Screenshot below) Then click on the button "Get the Share Buttons"
There you are, then click on the relevant page, blogger, wordpress etc. that's all this

Have a wonderful time ahead.
Keep inform about your experience in this regard by posting a comment in the below comment box.
9 Tips to get Traffic into your Blog Pages Or How To Promote your write-ups (Blog Posts) to Get Traffic.More Links..
Yet Another Important Announcement
from IWSG.
Here is a contest!
Participate and
win fabulous
To know
Meanwhile Spread the word
See You All Until Next ISWG
that is on January 8th 2014
since first Wednesday of Jan.
is on the New Year's Day.
It's main advantage is that you need not leave the page to promote the post to their social sites,instead you can post it to your social web sites from the post itself.
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Thank You Very Much For Your Precious Time.PV
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