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An Alert And A Tuto: My Janauary Installment At IWSG

Greetings to all my friends here at IWSG. 

Every First Wednesday is dedicated to the writers’  especially the to the blog writers' by the well known Sci-Fi  writer cum blogger Alex J. Cavanaugh, the famous Ninja 
Captain and his associates @ IWSG.

Since This January's First Wednesday falls on the New Year Day, this month's IWSG day is shifted to the 8th the second Wednesday.

Before I jot down my take for the month’s installment I must tender an apology for the bit delay happened in submitting the page.  As I was not fully well I could not concentrate on this month's piece.  Due to the giddiness and the related ailments literally I was away from my desktop.  Though I was intermittently using my mobile phone to post few short notes and likes at some of my social networks.  Today I am much better thus this post.

Again before I enter into the original text for the month, I must say a BIG word of thanks to the wonderful team of IWSG under the leadership of Alex J Cavanaugh, for bestowing me the prestigious award for 2013 IWSG contest held on December 4-16  2013.  

THANK you so much for the International Prize Package given to me.

To read more about the contest and the related post in this regard please click on the  links HERE AND HERE:

I wanted to give a caution or alarm to the readers here 
through this post.

We are living in a world of uncertainties, anything can happen to anybody at any time!
There is no doubt that, it is an undisputed fact.
But I wanted to caution you about our hard earned or made contents at the World Wide Web pages.  Suppose if you lose all your contents in a fine morning what will happen!  No doubt that will be a big disaster! 

Did you ever thought of such a situation? If not just imagine one fine morning when you try to open your blog pages its showing a big zero or let me put it this way a big blank page on your computer’s screen.  There are many possibilities to happen this, even while you typing or editing the contents this can happen. 

There are several other ways to lose our valued blog pages, another one is by hacking.  There are a good number of hackers out there in this World Wide Web.  The WWW is no doubt a mixture of good and bad.  The hackers, some do this as a fun and few others purposely do this to spoil other’s reputation and images.  This types of things are happening even in some official web sites of different nations.  So be always ready to face such situation of losing all your content by the act of hackers.

The other day I was just talking about this to one of my blog friends’.  Immediately he said, no worries! before that you can take a precaution.  Why don’t you take the backup of your files in the blogger pages?  

Hey, hey, how I can do that?  I yelled, instantly and he suggested few pages to visit to learn more about this.

Here I am with that pages for your information and further visit.

And another informative post on this line please click on the below link:

Also watch this simple video
It gives some more insight into the subject.

To Read my previous post in this series

 please click HERE 

Click Here To Join IWSG's Facebook Page

We Wish You All A Blessed 

And Profitable New Year 2014.

Goodbye  now

Till we meet at next IWSG.

Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768

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Thank You Very Much For Your Precious Time.PV
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