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Bloggers Do You Know These Secrets! 15 Secrets About Your Blog Page!

Bloggers Do You Know These Secrets! 

15 Secrets About Your Blog Page!

I am sure many bloggers do not know some of these secrets about their own blogs!

I mean, I am talking 

about some of the

hidden facts about our own blogs which we quiet often do not notice or do not know!

Read on these facts and some suggestions along 


· 1.  It is estimated that there are 80% visits in your blog are new.   Especially if you build an email list and a regular activity on social Medias like Facebook, twitter, Google Plus, Digg, linkdIn, Pinterest and many others.

· 2. If you are a regular blogger and post quite often, say daily, there are every chance to get your traffic 5 times more than the regular one.

· 3. When you reach a total of 51 posts your blog traffic increases by 53% it increases by 3 times after you complete 100 posts and 4.5 times after 200 posts.

· 4. There is a slight confusion among bloggers about the needed length of the content.  Is a long content or a shorter one will fetch more accessibility among readers?   The recent statistics say that, there are a good chance to get more backlinks if it’s a longer one. A post of 1300 or above words content will fetch more backlinks and thus more traffic than a shorter one.

· 5. It is another factor that a blog post with more images will get attracted by the general readers and also get more backlinks.  This include screenshots, graphs, infographics, cartoons, art works, and other attractive pictures in your blog post.

· 6. Your social media shares matters a lot. It is estimated that 41.6% people measure the social influence by counting your post’s social sharing by others. Note that your page should have a share button which helps to reach to different social sites.

· 7. Another important factor to note is about your blog page’s look.  If it is adorned with some lovely images along with your quality contents it will easily get the attention of the browsers.   If your visitor wants to stay back at your page it must carry some solid, quality worth reading material. Otherwise all our efforts will go waste. If our visitors do not find any interest in our contents there is a less chance of their visit again or share. So make it a point to fill your pages with quality contents. Though sometimes it may be a bit difficult task, a bit of a research and hard work will pay the bill.

· 8. This is yet another unknown thing to many that your posts on Monday’s get more visibility and traffic.  Notice the difference between the post published on Mondays’ and other weekly days.

· 9. Also another fact found out recently is that: If you publish the post on Thursday’s there are a good chance to get more social shares.  So apart from Mondays’ Thursdays’ too carries wait!  So make it a point to not to miss Mondays’ and Thursdays’.

· 10. Your social media numbers (more friends) will fetch you more shares and simultaneously you get more traffic. Here we need to have more care while selecting new friends or accepting new friends.  Try to stick on the friends who are interested in your niche, or products and accept only such requests.  If you accept all your friend requests you may sometimes land in trouble without any response and at a later stage you need to do a complete purge of such friends.  And note that this is a time consuming thing process and I did this lately with my all three major social media.  I bet it’s a cumbersome process and am sure in the process you may even lose some valuable friends too. And then again to go with an explanation or accepting new request etc.  To avoid these processes select your friends wisely.  That will surely give a good share and traffic to your pages.

· 11. It is observed that more contents about a product or company will fetch the attention of more people. More than 70% people’s attention will get to a quality content than from an attractive add. Notice that adds will fetch less but quality contents will fetch more.  So concentrate on contents which attract people by reading it.

· 12. Post your blog post regularly on a daily basis that will fetch more leads, it is found that it generate 4 times more leads than a weekly or a monthly post.  So this will encourage people to post on every day, but the problem is that the frequency increases there are every chance to miss the quality.  This is very important to be note while doing the more frequent posts.

· 13. Visit 5 to 8 blog pages daily if possible more on a daily basis that will surely increase your knowledge but at the same time make a good rapport with them by commenting on constructive and meaningful comments relevant to the subjects.  Eventually that leads to a new relationship with new writers and get acquainted with them well that will surely increase your readability and status.

· 14.  Build or develop a good relationship with fellow bloggers by visiting their pages and by interacting with feedback through comment columns and via email or social media contacts.  Though some may not respond immediately slowly and surely if your relationship develop in a systematic way it will pave way to have a concrete relationship and that will fetch many benefits in the long run in relation to your writing.  

   There are a good number of outstanding personalities in the blogging world who emphasis on this subject. Prominent among them are Adrienne Smith, Harleena Singh, Mi Muba, Chery Schmidt, Carol Amato and many others.  There is no doubt the list of such personalities are a big one and the space constrains to accommodate all of them.  May their tribe increase!

  If you are a visitor to these pages you will very well understand the importance of rapport between blog writers. Their pages links are given below:

You can read more about them 


Mi Muba -  Be A Money Blogger  

Chery Schmidt -SuccessCoachChery  

Adrienne Smith  - AdrienneSmithnet  

Harleena Singh -  Aha Now  

Carol Amato   -    CaroAmato .com

Atish Ranjan   -  TechTricksworld

Nisha Pandey  -   SEOTechyWorld

Rohan Chaubey    Learning with TeamSR

· 15.  The last but the lease is about Guest blogging.  62.96% people feel that multiple authors’ engagement add more credibility to our blogs.
   Also this will create a good rapport between bloggers.  Getting good writers to our blog pages are a bit difficult task, but a constant relationship with the good bloggers can surely fetch good offers from them.  
   And their write-ups in our pages will get an international attention if we do the promotion well. In the recent past I have done this and I enjoyed the benefits on a mutual basis. 
   If they make note of their guest post writings in our page by posting a note in their page as well as in their social sites will surely fetch a great traffic and can build a strong relationship with far off people, I mean the people from around the globe.   

   I have created an initiative on this line recently and I am on the lookout for new Guest authors in my page. And few well known authors already did this and a good number of others are already offered their posts. 

   I am sure this will be a great land mark to my page.  

  You can read more about my new initiative here @PhilipscomWP

This is my post for the month of October at IWSG pages (Insecure Writers Support Group) pages. In other words, a group of people join together from around the world on the first Wednesday of every month to help each other and to air their doubts, fear, suggestions, tips etc on blogging and other related writings.

This is an initiative started by Alex Cavanaugh one of the Co-founders of A to Z Blog Challenge. The Ninja Captain and his team members are celebrating its first Anniversary this month with lot of celebrations. To know more about this group and to join the celebrations please click on the below link:  

IWSG; bufferapp.com; Impactbnd.com; Hubspot.com; Socialmediaexaminer.com; Moz.com; Velocitydigital.co.uk; Socialmarketingwriting.com; Kissmetrics.com; Socialmarketingwriting.com; Convinceandconvert.com.
Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768

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