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My First Book: Guest Post Friday: Michelle Davidson Argyle

My First Book: Guest Post Friday: Michelle Davidson Argyle: Hi all! Today I welcome Michelle Davidson Argyle for another installment of Guest Post Friday. However today is a bit different because I h...

Smile: A Great Gift That Can Make Tremendous Changes

SMILE. A great and wonderful gift from God, when you give, it cost you nothing. But unfortunately many a times we show our stinginess even to share this wonderful gift the creator placed on your lips. share this to a needy soul today, see the change it creates in them. As the quote in the picture says: "It bring happiness to anyone even if they do not like you."

A Smile Can Do Wonders.
Pic. Credit; Saffire Productions. HCL

Don't give him anything, which
Cost you something, but
Give a smile which costs you nothing

NOTE: A great and wonderful gift from God, when you give, it cost you nothing. But unfortunately many a times we show our stinginess even to share this. Note that; please don't be stingy to share this wonderful gift the creator placed on your lips. Take a decision to share this to a needy soul today and see the tremendous change it creates in them. I am sure that it will work wonders - God Bless All. Phil

Picture Credit:

The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls - The Oldest known Bible book online…

The book of the Bible “Isaiah” is now online. Now you can read the original manuscript of the Bible in digital in amazing detail along with verse and translation.

Great and wonderful news!!!

The Great Isaiah Scroll at  The Israel Museum Credit: DSS Collections
“The Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa) is one of the original seven Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in Qumran in 1947. It is the largest (734 cm) and best preserved of all the biblical scrolls, and the only one that is almost complete. The 54 columns contain all 66 chapters of the Hebrew version of the biblical Book of Isaiah. Dating from ca. 125 BCE, it is also one of the oldest of the Dead Sea Scrolls, some one thousand years older than the oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible known to us before the scrolls' discovery.”

To read more about this and to read the Hebrew original text click on this link:  The Great Isaiah Scroll”

This is really Amazing!!!

Although creation tells us much about God as a wonderful all-powerful Creator, we need the Bible to teach us about the love, grace and mercy of God demonstrated through Christ’s work at Calvary’s cross.  Bible, The Greatest and unique gift human beings ever received.  But unfortunately the human beings just neglect to accept it as a great gift ever received.  Instead many, even the so called followers of  Jesus Christ just neglect it without finding time to read and meditate this wonderful treasure.

In relation to the reading of the Bible, here is a wonderful finding I just come across in my today’s reading.  This is really worth noting, so please read on:

Do you know ?

It takes 70 hours and 40 minutes to read the Bible through at pulpit rate.

It takes 42 hours and 20 minutes to read the Old Testament and 18 hours and 20 minutes to read the New Testament.

In the Old Testament the Psalms take the longest to read – 4 hours and 26 minutes.

In the New Testament The Gospel of Luke takes 2 hours and 43 minutes; that is less than 12 minutes a day to read it through a year.

These figures show that if a person reads his Bible 12 minutes a day, he could get through the Bible ones a year.

This means that if you spent a ½ hour a day reading the Bible, you could read the Bible through nearly three times a year.


How much time you are spending to read the Bible everyday?

Are you reading the Bible 30 minutes a day?

If not, take a decision today to read it everyday at least 30 minutes.

Make it a habit to read it daily — 30 minutes or more.

It is the only written communication between the Creator God and Man.
So please don’t neglect to read it.

Read it.
Meditate on it.
And have a constant communication with the Author of this wonderful Book.
That pleases the Creator God and will be a great blessing to you.

So, Let us do it diligently.

May God Bless.
Philips & Associates


Mathew Joy
Mercy M
Bible Believer's Bulletin
Bible Beacon, Secunderabad.

Google Turns Today A Teenager - Happy Birthday Google

Credit. google.com
 Google Turns Today 
A Teenager

Many Many 
Happy Returns 
Of The DAY Google

Though a bit confusion prevailed on its birth date.  Google officially decided to celebrate its birthday on September 27. It’s this year’s birthday doodle shows a five letter logo wearing hats and placed behind a birthday cake with colorful balloons and wrapped up gift boxes around.

In 1996 its founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin with a humble beginning (with four computers) started their first search engine.  The toil they put in is tremendous and that lead Google to become one of the giant search engine today..  Though they faced many hurdles its way to victory and success in its field itself is history.

With all its stories spread all over the web Google is continuing with numerous new projects.  Its growth in the IT field is tremendous and an envious one to its counterparts.

Google now entered into a crucial/critical age, “Teenage”

No doubt the competition around Google is crucial and tough too.

Ha, As India’s former Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said, “Miles to go before I sleep…  Yes Google needs to travel miles and miles……

Keep Finding, Keep Searching and Keep Informing the public about the new and wonderful things in the world over.

We wish this wonderful Search Engine Company A Happy Birthday.

May you Travel many more miles with more interesting and wonderful things for the web searching community.

Philips Ariel And Associates

Christian Brethren In Police Custody For Preaching The Gospel In Andhra Pradesh, India: Your Earnest Prayers Are Requested


A Call For Prayer
For Earnest And Constant Prayer For The Persecuted Brethren And For The Persecuters:

(Peter therefore was kept in the prison; but unceasing prayer was made by the assembly to God concerning him. Acts 12:5 JND)

Young Men's Evangelistic Fellowship (YMEF) Team (North Division) which has been working in Andhra Pradesh is in Police Custody. The four member team from Kerala had been doing gospel work with the co-operation of the local Brethren in the Telegana region of Andhra Pradesh. On 24th September around noon  a hostile group started misbehaving with the team members. Soon a big crowd formed blaming the Brethren from Kerala of coming and converting the locals. Police arrived at the scene and tried to disperse the crowd. As their efforts failed, the Police arrested 8 Brethren in protective custody and took them to the Police Station. The hostile crowd soon reached the Police Station and prevailed over the Police to act. A case has been registered on our Brethren. Till late night the hostile crowd has not moved away from the Police Station.    

The arrest took place under the jurisdiction of Dharmapuri Police Station in Karimnagar District of Andhra Pradesh.

The YMEF Team includes four brethren from Kerala and four from Andhra Pradesh.

M C George – [Courtesy: TBN. Email: thrissur.brethren.news AT GMail Dot Com ]

A Latest Update:

The YMEF Gospel team which was taken into Police Custody in Andhra Pradesh yesterday due to heavy opposition and complaint by anti-gospel elements.

The anti-Christian and anti-gospel elements have finally been able to force the Police to take adverse action against the Christians. These people produced witnesses that claim 'the Christians were indulging in “religious conversion”' and 'that they stood in front of a non-Christian religious place and asked people to become Christians'. Finally the Police have made it a case of “religious conversion”.

Since the region in AP where these people were taken into Police Custody is already undergoing a political unrest (The Telangana Problem), there is widespread strike in that region for many days and courts and government offices are unable to function full time. As a result, though the brothers were taken to a Court, it could not be presented to a judge and the brothers continue to be in Police Custody.

The brothers in that region have hired a lawyer who hopes to plead for these people on Monday, provided the prevailing political unrest does not hinder such things. The plan is to seek bail for them, but at present there is no certainty that the brethren would be released on bail.

Our readers should keep it in mind that though the constitution of India guarantees the freedom to “propagate” one’s religion, it does not automatically guarantee the freedom to “convert” or proselytize others (as per the latest sentiment and common interpretation of the constitution). Thus getting charged with attempt to “convert” others can take a serious turn if the Lord does not intervene.

Exactly the way the saints did at the time of the Apostles (the book of Acts), let each one of us get on to our knees individually, as families, and as churches that the Lord would intervene in the present situation, that no harm be done to our innocent brethren, and that they might be released as soon as possible.
[Courtesy Dr. J C Philip; Brethren Believers)


These are one of the signs for His (Jesus Christ) Coming.  We the believers need to fervently pray for His laborers in His Vineyard, at the same time we need to earnestly pray for our persecutors too, Just an example Stephen Read From Acts Chapter 6)

Yes, let us earnestly pray for our persecutors too.

May God Bless and Guide.

Philips & Associates.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Dr. Binoi Varghese. Thrissur
Thrissur Brethern News ( M C George)
Spiritual Digest (Br. Benjamin K V)
Brethren Believers

Please Share This News For Prayer:




Bible The Unique Book and The Most Neglected Book Too...

Bible The Unique And Largest Circulated Book In The World,
But At The Same Time The Most Neglected Book Too...

Read More on this line in the following articles by Confident Living Magazine Authors.

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The Confident Living Magazine, Secunderabad