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Slips! Slips! Slips! Rejection Slips! Rejection Slips! Don't Worry! Don't Give up!!! Also A Note About The Sunday Indian Weekly - A Magazine In14 Indian Languages

 My Seventh and Last Entry (for Sunday)  
In a Series of 7 for "7 Day Blogging Challenge for bloggers" 

A Cover page of  The Weekly Magazine The Sunday Indian
Rejection Slip! Rejection Slip! Rejection Slip! Don't Worry! Don't Give up

Yes, "Don't Give Up"  this is the success manthra or Secret for any upcoming writers.

These slips are part and parcel of any writer.  I am sure almost all writers went through such stages.

Take the case of any writer, for that matter any well known writer

There is no doubt, that all went through  such a stage of continuously receiving these slips.But

They never give up in their aim.

The important factor here to note is that..

They never frustrated or left out there by seeing the flow of these slips into their mail boxes.

The time has changed tremendously now and we are living in a computer world or for that matter call it as an internet world.

The written words can reach to the publishers or editors in a fraction of second, and in no time the writer can know the fate of their creations.

There is no waiting to know the decision of the editor on the writer's product and
There is no rejection slip to come through snail mail.

Here let me tell my own experience:

My passion for writing developed at an early age. I have written a small write-up in this line:
You can read that here at this link: My Early Experience...

That passion continued and in the initial stage there was a flow of these rejection slips from the publications to my post man and then to my post box.

That literally frustrated me.

And I was totally dejected And thought of throwing out my pen and paper

But my Malayalam Master Niranam Kannasha Panikar while taking the class ones said this type of rejection is normal in any writers writing life, and the one who wants to be a writer should not get dejected and go backward, but to go forward and forward.

Those words started lingering in my mind and from there i never looked back.

But Alas! No chance!!! 

In how much speed I shoot my post to the publications, with double the speed it returned back to me.

But i could not stop posting my creations to different publications due to these rejection slips.  

I continued my jottings and at last the first one saw the light of the day.  And from there it spread its wings and many laurels came into my baskets thru different sources.

And in the recent past i entered into the arena of Web writing and it spread thru the net.

A simple Google search of the name "P V Ariel" will take you to few of such places.

Given below are few snippets of such postings in picture format.

Though I am still not an established writer, i strive to achieve that goal in my life.

This is my prayer and vision.

Thanks ones again for all my readers, well wishers, supporters and co-authors and fellow writers here at world wide web.
To Read More About Me Please Click On This Link. Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Thanks to All my visitors and readers

Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Associate Editor-Confident Living Magazine
Secunderabad - 3 Andhra Pradesh, India.
Email pvariel at Gmail Dot Com

To Read the Latest Issue  Pl. Click Here   Confident Living Magazine 

Here are few snippets from the print and web world in English, Hindi and in Telugu                                                                       
One of the recent prize winning letter

Read a Review about this Wonderful Magazine by the blog author pl. click Here: The Sunday Indian

Few Hindi Write-ups

More to follow.....

Source: The Sunday Indian Weekly
Confident Living Magazine
Mashi Vandana Hindi Magazine, New Delhi
Daivaraadhana Telugu Magazine, Secunderabad

Why Do You Blog???Some Serious Thoughts on Blog Writing.

Picture Credit Blogger.com
 My Sixth Entry (for Saturday)  In a Series of 
7 for "7 Day Blogging Challenge for bloggers"
from Jenson Taylor
The other day while browsing through the net  i  noticed an interesting notification from Blogger Buzz in their blog page.    "Why do you blog?  was the title given to that content. That title specially attracted my attention, since i too belongs to the blogger community.  
My B/H Omana
I was going on thinking for quite some time about the non-responsiveness of Google’s knol pages.   Since The response from the Google's knol page platform was so dull and discouraging these days, I was concentrating mainly on my blogs.   I was spending much time on blogging and blog related matters like reading followers’ blogs and posting comments and attending responses to my blog posts etc.   I was actively  involved in these activities even neglecting the household things, sometimes even to the dissatisfaction of my beloved ones, especially my better half's.  I really appreciate her patience towards me even when i neglect most of the household chores and sitting in front of the computer.  When i was thinking on this line for quite sometime, and immediately when i saw the blog i thought this is the right time to do some jottings on this line, thus this small note or blog.  
Why do you blog? Why do you blog?   This question was lingering again and again in my ears. Yes, the question was buzzing around and I got a ready made answer to it, and following few lines flowed from my thoughts.   
Why do I blog? I asked myself and I wrote:     
“Yes, I do blog mainly to express my love towards my fellow human beings, and to share my happiness and my blessings I received through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.   
And also to make aware to my fellow beings through my blog posts about the great calamity the human beings going to face if they neglect the God’s Word mentioned in the Holy Bible.   
And then to make note of the important and helpful news and tips which will in some way helpful to my fellow beings.    
Benjamin Franklin
One of my favorite quotes:  As I quite often repeat and quote in my conversations or writings is one of the founding fathers of United States of America, “Benjamin Franklin”  He ones said and I repeat:       "If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing."     
And lastly, but not the least I am always reminded of Apostle Paul’s words when he was writing to the believers at Philippi:   
  “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.  The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians Chapter 4: verses 8 and 9 Holy Bible).   
I want to really stick on to these words and to do something worth for the entire humanity as long as I live.        
Pl. read a similar thoughts expressed at one of my blogs HERE:      
Best regards     
Philip Ariel, (P V Ariel)      
Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India     
PS: Part of my response to that blog  and more blog writers responses you can read at this link this link  (Read my comments on 17th July comments)   
Picture credit: Blogger.buzz  

Family: A New Definition. A Fun/Serious Thought For Friday

 A New Definition. 
A Fun/Serious Thought For Friday.
I Firmly Believe that My Female Friends Here 
Do Not Get Offended On the Second Definition..
                             Have A Happy Weekend!!!                                                                                                                        

My Fifth Entry (for Friday) 
In a Series of 7 for "7 Day Blogging Challenge for bloggers"  
from Jenson Taylor

I was in search for a new topic for the day “Friday” :  for the “7 Day Blogging Challenge"  initiated by Jenson Taylor.

Suddenly the Word “FAMILY” for Friday came to my mind and I made a G search for it and found the followings:-

Free Dictionary says: Family means:  1. A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children.
2.  Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place.
3.  All the members of a household under one roof.
5.  A group of persons sharing common ancestry. 

Another Page Says:
Family is the basic social unit. Family represents people living  together by ties of marriage, blood or adaptation, thus representing a household. According to sociology, the family has the primary
function of reproducing society; biologically, socially, or both. There
are various structures of a family based on the relationship shared
between the parent and the children. The different types of family are
patrifocal, where the family consists of a father and his child;
matrifocal, where the family consists of a mother and her child.
Consanguineal family is one which consists of the mother, the child and
other people, mainly belonging to the family of the mother. The
conjugal family consists of one or more mothers and their children,
with other people and one or more spouses.  To read More on this line please Click HERE

Yet Another Page Says:

The collective body of persons who live in one house, and under one head or manager; a household, including parents, children, and servants, and, as the case may be, lodgers or boarders.
The group comprising a husband and wife and their dependent children, constituting a fundamental unit in the organization of society.

Those who descend from one common progenitor; a tribe, clan, or race; kindred; house; as, the human family; the family of Abraham; the father of a family.
Course of descent; genealogy; line of ancestors; lineage.
Honorable descent; noble or respectable stock; as, a man of family.
A group of kindred or closely related individuals; as, a family of languages; a family of States; the chlorine family.
A group of organisms, either animal or vegetable, related by certain points of resemblance in structure or development, more comprehensive than a genus, because it is usually based on fewer or less pronounced points of likeness. In zoology a family is less comprehensive than an order; in botany it is often considered the same thing as an order.

But to my Surprise 
I found a New Definition for FAMILY
Please scroll thru the pages and found it out for yourself.
Have a wonderful weekend to all our readers and fellow authors.
 Best Regards
P V And Associates
Secunderabad A.P.

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More Pics to Follow.....

Ronadl D'Silva

Today (March 22nd) Is The World Water Day. Let Us Join This Call And Donate Our Voices.

Pic Credit UNwater.org
Today (March 22nd) Is The World Water Day. Let Us Join This Call And Donate Our Voices.

A statistics says that "there are 7 billion people to feed on the planet today and another 2 billion are expected to join by 2050. So each of us drinks from 2 to 4 litres of water every day, however most of the water we ‘drink’ is embedded in the food we eat: producing 1 kilo of beef for example consumes 15,000 litres of water while 1 kilo of wheat ’drinks up’ 1,500 litres

The U.N. designates March 22 as the day of the year when we spotlight the global safe water and sanitation issue and the collective efforts underway to get solutions to those struggling and in need.

Let Us Air Our Voice To Make Awareness About The Coming Alarming Situation Ahead In Relation To Water and Its Consumption.

The United Nations Designates March 22 as the "International World Water Day"

This is held annually on this day giving more focus on the importance of fresh water availability and its proper use and the sustainable management of fresh water resources.  On this day The UN spotlight the global safe water and sanitation issue and the collective efforts underway to get solutions to those struggling and in need.

This day was first recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on  Environment and Development (UNCED). And in 1993 the UN responded to it by designating 22 March 1993 as the first World Water Day.

This become a big event every year and world water organisations celebrate this week with different awareness activities. As part of the celebration world water day.

More on this line you can read at this link of water.org

Let us utilize this week to make known (Donate our Voices) about the serious crisis and how to alert people and overcome this crisis.

Also Watch this YouTube Video From Water.org

Also Please Read This Related Blog at This Link Philipscom:
WATER, WATER everywhere and not a drop to drink…

Picture Source  and Content: from
water.org and unwater.org