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Life is Good: Getting to Know Tina's Terrific Team! JoJo!

Tina's Terrific Team's Badge
Jo Jo and her fiancee

Life is Good: Getting to Know Tina's Terrific Team! JoJo!:

Today's post is the first in a series which will appear very sporadically from now until the A-Z Challenge starts April 1, 2013. STIL...
Tina the Team Leader

Life is Good

Life is Good: CassaStorm by Alex J. Cavanaugh Cover Reveal!

Life is Good: CassaStorm by Alex J. Cavanaugh Cover Reveal!: One of the first books I bought for my Kindle was Alex's  CassaStar , the first in his trilogy. He writes the same genre I do (space...

Life is Good: Introducing Tina's Terrific Team!

Life is Good: Introducing Tina's Terrific Team!: Good morning all! Today I'm THRILLED to introduce to you: Tina's Terrific Team! My team of helpers, administrative ass...

Wishing a Happy National Day to Kuwaiti Citizens,

Wishing a happy National Day 
To The
Kuwaiti Citizens,

Picture Credit. Google.com
Here Is 
Google’s Gift 
For the Day 

ഏരിയലിന്റെ കുറിപ്പുകള്‍: "എ ടു ഇസഡ്‌ ബ്ലോഗ്‌ ചലഞ്ച് "A To Z Blog Challenge ...

ഏരിയലിന്റെ കുറിപ്പുകള്‍: "എ ടു ഇസഡ്‌ ബ്ലോഗ്‌ ചലഞ്ച് "A To Z Blog Challenge ...: ആര്‍ലി ബേര്‍ഡ് (Arlee Bird) ഈ വര്‍ഷത്തെ ലോഗോ   ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് ബ്ലോഗിങ്ങ് ലോകത്തിലെ പ്രസിദ്ധമായ ഒരു സംരഭം അത്രേ A to Z Blog Challenge എന്ന..

Tina Downey (ടിന )

To My English Readers:

This is a promotional post about
The A to Z Blog Challenge
In my Malayalam(My Native Language) Blog.

Please Click on the below link 
to read more.

ഏരിയലിന്റെ കുറിപ്പുകള്‍: "എ ടു ഇസഡ്‌ ബ്ലോഗ്‌ ചലഞ്ച് "A To Z Blog Challenge ...:
ആര്‍ലി ബേര്‍ഡ് (Arlee Bird) ഈ വര്‍ഷത്തെ ലോഗോ   ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് ബ്ലോഗിങ്ങ് ലോകത്തിലെ പ്രസിദ്ധമായ ഒരു സംരഭം അത്രേ A to Z Blog Challenge എന്ന...

A Post in Advance For The A to Z Blog Challenge 2013 - Few Things About The Wonderful Word 'Awesome'

Picture Credit: blog.milford.io

This Year’s A to Z April Blog Challenge is indeed a great challenge to me!!!

A to Z Blog Challenge
You may ask, "Why?


That’s indeed a good question!

To begin with, I must confess that the challenge last year was really not a success for me.

You may ask again, "Why?

Ok, due to some unforeseen travel towards my native land I could not reach the finish line and midway it ended.

But this year’s challenge I am sure that I will reach the finish line. 

As enough time is available in advance to prepare the post as well as to visit the fellow bloggers, I started browsing more and more blogs mainly connected with this challenge. Since I am now on board with the Co-host Tina Downey’s Life is Good, that is Tina’s  Terrific Team (TTT).  I mean the new assignments at T T T    I am prompted to visit more and more pages at A to Z Blog pages.

As I was thinking of this year’s alphabet many things flashed in my mind, but browsing through many posts and comments from A to Z Challenge I have noticed one particular thing which I wanted to make known to my fellow bloggers and friends.

Let me come to the point where I want to write on: 
The A - Z challenge’s first word “A”, I thought I will write about the word “Awesome”.

There is a reason to select this word as my first post.

I have noticed many of my beloved friends here at this great web world very liberally use this word "Awesome” for anything and everything, to appreciate some posts or writers or some wonderful or marvelous things happening around us. This liberal usage of the word I noticed in many posts even at A to Z Posts and comments I thought I need not wait for April first and thus this post today.

As many of you know that I am a foreigner to this wonderful language called English. And ha, my mother tongue is Malayalam a South Indian language. Though I am not an English expert, a doubt raised in my mind:

Can we use this wonderful word “Awesome” with anything and everything?

As far as I know and my understanding goes:  

This word can only be used with the ‘Word of God’ and the ‘God Almighty’. 

This is my belief. I am sure a few may get offended, so will you please respond to my doubt and give me some light on this.

Thanks in advance for dropping in.

With Kind Regards

And Best Wishes for a Happy Blogging.

Philip Ariel

Here Is Yet Another Announcement!!! I Am On Board At Tina's Terrific Team

Hi All,
Here Is Yet Another Announcement!!!

I am an official ambassador for A to Z 2013 Blog Challenge!  I am on board  @ Tina’s Terrific Team!!!

Indeed this is a wonderful assignment! 

The Team Members needs to work from behind the scenes!

I am sure this will be terrific too, to work with a team based at different locations since I am from India and the other five are based at different locations.

Tina Downey Co-Host
 We are under the terrific leadership of  Tina  Downey who blogs at Life Is Good.   

You can read more about this Terrific Team Leader  here at this  LINK

Here is  a note to the people who are newcomers here:

Arlee Bird

The A to Z Blogging Challenge  April 2013 is the brain child of the famous blogger, Arlee Bird.  You can read more about this wonderful personality here at this Link:  Tossing It Out  You can also read a good number of informative posts in relation to blogging,   internet and many other related subjects in this page. 

To learn all about this year's blog challenge please visit the official blog of A to Z Challenge, or you can also visit the following links to get some more idea about this Challenge.

We invite you to join in this great challenge  increase your knowledge and traffic.  So spread your wings.

The Registration to this event is in progress until April 1st (when it starts officially) and you can join in this by registering your URL at this PAGE.

The A to Z Blog ChallengeTeam and Tina's Terrific Team 
Wish You All A Wonderful Blogging Time Ahead!!

Keep Blogging! 

Stay Informed.

Pease  Don't hesitate to contact any one of us in this regard.  We are ready to Answer Your Queries!!

for TTT
Philip Ariel