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Here Is Yet Another Announcement!!! I Am On Board At Tina's Terrific Team

Hi All,
Here Is Yet Another Announcement!!!

I am an official ambassador for A to Z 2013 Blog Challenge!  I am on board  @ Tina’s Terrific Team!!!

Indeed this is a wonderful assignment! 

The Team Members needs to work from behind the scenes!

I am sure this will be terrific too, to work with a team based at different locations since I am from India and the other five are based at different locations.

Tina Downey Co-Host
 We are under the terrific leadership of  Tina  Downey who blogs at Life Is Good.   

You can read more about this Terrific Team Leader  here at this  LINK

Here is  a note to the people who are newcomers here:

Arlee Bird

The A to Z Blogging Challenge  April 2013 is the brain child of the famous blogger, Arlee Bird.  You can read more about this wonderful personality here at this Link:  Tossing It Out  You can also read a good number of informative posts in relation to blogging,   internet and many other related subjects in this page. 

To learn all about this year's blog challenge please visit the official blog of A to Z Challenge, or you can also visit the following links to get some more idea about this Challenge.

We invite you to join in this great challenge  increase your knowledge and traffic.  So spread your wings.

The Registration to this event is in progress until April 1st (when it starts officially) and you can join in this by registering your URL at this PAGE.

The A to Z Blog ChallengeTeam and Tina's Terrific Team 
Wish You All A Wonderful Blogging Time Ahead!!

Keep Blogging! 

Stay Informed.

Pease  Don't hesitate to contact any one of us in this regard.  We are ready to Answer Your Queries!!

for TTT
Philip Ariel

Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768


  1. Congratulations PV! I am sure you'll do an excellent job as ambassador. :)

  2. Hi Diaz,
    Thank you so much for the first comment and the thoughtful words.
    Let us hope so.
    Few more links and pics to be added in this post.
    Thanks again for dropping in
    Keep inform
    P V


Thank You Very Much For Your Precious Time.PV
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