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Our Existence Depends on Trees: An Alert to the General Public and the Tree Fellers
(A Great Alert to the general public and the tree fellers)
- Ariel P V
- MEES Gust
- Dharan Murali
- Thomas Bijin T
- Guild (KPG) Knol Publishing
- P Ann
- Phi Carl
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Picture Credit. Anish Thankachen, Houston, Texas |
Tree’s Role In Global Warming
Every year we celebrate environment day on June 5th with a lot of fervor and activities. Our media, print and visual, put forward a lot of stuff in this connection about the coming peril, the alarming global warming. It was good that many could take some kind of precaution towards it.
If the present life style continues, no doubt we will be caught up in this peril. It is upsetting to note that cars, air-crafts, air conditioners, bulbs etc… and the way of life that causes the global warming. If we go on at this rate, the level of heat increases and it will definitely be a great threat to the earth’s species as well as human. Another report says that “the world has just 10 years to reverse surging greenhouse gas emissions or risk runaway climate change that could make many part of the planet uninhabitable.” This is a great warning from the scientist world. They conclude that unless mankind rapidly stabilizes green house gas emissions and start reducing them, it will have little chance of keeping global warming within manageable limits. The result could be a great destruction. The present alarming high rate of oil addiction is a great threat. It is high time that we think seriously for a Great New Deal, that we must start the action needed to reduce green house gas emission before we end up in disaster. We have to seriously consider our present way of functioning and to do something solid to curtail the global warming.
Trees are an integral part of the human race. The benefits we receive from a tree are many. It has been estimated that a palm tree is useful to man in more than 250 ways. It is also estimated that an ordinary tree inhales approximately 14,000 liters of carbon dioxide, and exhales double the quantity of oxygen for human consumption and survival. Sad to say, these days even the civic authorities are cutting down trees in the name of development. But unfortunately, many do not know the consequences of their negligent activities. The massacre of trees means putting an axe to the very existence of human race. No doubt, the continuous felling of trees will cause irreparable damage to the already perishing flora and fauna of our country. The need of the hour is to carefully plan and reduce felling of trees. The truth is that it is more profitable to leave a tree standing than fell it. A recent study says that, “There is a direct loss of over Rupees fifty thousand per year for each tree that is cut or removed from its place. It is also estimated that one tree yields oxygen worth thirty thousand rupees. If we cut trees at the current alarming rate, (Watch the video: The Australian Tree Cutter at the bottom of this knol) soon we will need to install oxygen manufacturing units in every corner of the nations, especially in the urban area which would cost a very high price that no government can afford.
Trees absorb water from the ground, and then through transpiration, transmit this water to air as water vapor. Thus, they help maintain the atmospheric equilibrium. The study says another rupees ten thousand will be spent per tree on the other miscellaneous functions a tree performs preventing soil erosion, providing shade, food, fruit and of course, fuel (provided by the dead branches and manure made of decomposed leaves). In short, the cost of replacing a single felled tree proves expensive indeed! Just calculate the price of the several thousands of trees removed from earth every day all over the world. There is no doubt that this is a serious issue.
What the Religious Texts Says
A Typical Tree scenery from Texas
Pic. Credit. Jolly Daniel, Portland, Or. USA
Let us have a look at the religious texts in this connection, what it has to say on this:
Picture taken by Knol Author/Photo Journalist Vesna Cesnakozelji used bypermission: |
In the Bhagavath Gita (The Hindu scripture), it is mentioned that “A tree’s leaves, flowers, fruits, shades, roots, skin wood, pulp even the charcoal, everything, it gives to humans for their use. In short whatever they have they give it for others and they live a selfless life. How precious and satisfied are their lives”.
In the Padmapuranam, another Hindu Scripture, we read, “The one who plants a tree on the wayside is a blessed man. He receives the blessings from heaven as long as it bears flowers, leaves and fruits”.
The tree was part and parcel of human race from the very beginning. It was so closely connected with human beings. Trees not only connected with human beings but the animal kingdom too depends on trees.
Famous Personalities on Trees:
Poet Kabir wrote “Trees live a sacrificial life; soul body and everything they have they give to others with a sacrificial mind. They are the real munificent, they are the great benevolence. The ones who do service to such trees they receive God’s blessings”.
President Roosevelt said, “How sad will be a childless life! A nation without enough trees and greenery is also like a childless couple”.
Trees growing in the midst of a
tea plantation at Poopaara,Kerala
Trees growing in the midst of a
tea plantation at Poopaara,Kerala
Picture Credit: Bijin Thomas |
Goutam Buddha said, “Trees are the best examples of selfless service. For their existence they never demand anything from anybody, instead they provide many good things for the welfare of the people. Even the person who puts his axe on its bottom, it gives him shadow till its fall.
Another famous Malayalam poet wrote:
“The one who pours water with a loving heart to a Banyan sapling, when it grows, it gives shadow to everyone who passes by”.
The Australian Tree Cutter – A YouTube Video
YouTube Video The Australian Tree Cutter |
Trees are being killed mercilessly in the forest. The Australian Tree Cutter |
Let the people who mercilessly cut the trees take note of the great danger they are causing. Here is a horrifying video which narrates how mercilessly the innocent trees are being killed in machine speed. Watch this video: “The Tree cutter from Australia”.
If this type of felling of trees continues, one can very well imagine the disastrous consequences we human beings are going to face. We need to think seriously on this issue to find a solution soon.
Yet another point to note here is that trees have feelings too like other living beings, it has got its own feelings towards human beings. There are a good number of incidents we can put forward on this line.
Let me narrate one such incident that happened in my own life. This happened many years back and still remains a mystery.
The Pumpkin Mourned a Death
The Pumpkin Creeper |
“The mother of a friend of mine, (lovingly I call her ‘Chittamma’—mother’s younger sister) had planted a pumpkin creeper near their ancestral house compound at Valanjavattom near Thiruvalla (Kerala) that had a portion with thatched roof. Apart from this creeper many other plants and trees were growing in the same compound. Chittamma was the one who lovingly took care of these plants and other small trees.
Every time, especially when the annual vacation or other holidays came, we all gathered together and played cricket and other games in their vast compound. On such occasions I used to notice her special care and love towards the plants and trees growing in the compound. A pumpkin creeper had spread all over the roofing. A fairly big pumpkin had ripened. Her husband suggested many times to cut it down for use, but she, for no apparent reason, always avoided it and used to change the topic by saying that there was no hurry and that it would be taken down when some special occasion arose. She thus allowed it to remain where it was and since the family was not interested in cutting it down they almost forgot about it.
Days passed by, Chittamma fell sick and died. It so happened that while we were all assembled near her death-bed, sad and morose, that pumpkin, in full view of her, broke itself off the creeper and rolled down from the thatched roof on to the ground below. The fall almost to the minute coincided with her death. Later, this pumpkin was used for her own post death ceremonies on the suggestion of my friend’s father who felt that probably the pumpkin was being kept for this very special occasion. Chittamma’s death and the coincidental death of the pumpkin still remain as a mystery to me.
Few Typical Scenes From My Present Village
Here is another similar incidents in response to the above incident after publishing it in a news paper.
Death of Trees An experience of a Reader
These incidents happened few years back. Let me put it in his own words:
An Apple Tree
Picture Credit:
Few years later my grandfather went to Varanasi in connection with our family business. In the year 1957 he expired at Varanasi, the same week the guava plant he planted in the village dried up. This is not an isolated incident. In the year 1960 my father also went to Varanasi. The day he departed the village in Bihar the mango tree he planted started withering and in few days time it completely dried up. Few years later my uncle also died at Varanasi, and the apple plant he planted in the village also died the same week”.
These incidents may be amazing and unbelievable to many of you. But no doubt there is some mystery behind the death of these plants and trees.
This type of strange reactions of plants and trees need a little rethinking. May be they are also capable of sorrow and happiness. Sometimes science may not recognize this as fact. There are many references in literature that plants too have feelings. But this is not convincing as poets and writers have a world of their own, where birds and animals’ talk and smile etc.
The incident which I witnessed may not be enough for a scientific theory. But I firmly believe that many such instances and their statistical analysis might yield some positive results.
At the same time it is more difficult to arrive at a scientific conclusion if our observations are added with emotions and presumptions are drawn with a biased mind.
It would not be out of place to say that plants are at a very low level of consciousness when compared to animals. Pain, pleasure, longing, love, hatred, kindness, contentment and sympathy are the feelings of higher forms of life. Association of higher feelings with a lower level of consciousness sometimes may not appear convincing.
Tree Suicide: A YouTube Video:
YouTube Video |
Tree Suicide |
Though human beings are trying to eliminate these innocent beings in high speed for their personal interest, the trees love them and extend their limitless service to the human beings till their death.
Yet another interesting fact is that there are some trees which take the extreme steps of suicide. It is believed and established that even some animals commit suicide. “Springbock” animal in the Southern African forests kill themselves. This they do for the existence of their coming generations. Scientists say that they do this for their new generations’ welfare. ‘Spring Bock’ animals are from the deer family, they join in group and suddenly jump into the water and die.
Humans’ commit suicide because of frustrations, love failure, financial instability and even due to dreadful diseases etc.., but these animals, when their number increases they die for the welfare of their coming generations. They are paving the way for their younger ones, this is the scientific communitie’s finding on these animals’ mass death. There are some cases noted that even trees commit suicide. Robin B Foster, from the University of Chicago Press (the chief of biology department in Chicago University) in his ten years research found out that even some trees suicide. A tree named “Rackygaaliya vercikkolor” kills itself a year after its flowering. These trees are mostly found in the island of Baaro Colorado’. In the year 1970 eighteen trees flowered first time and they produced fruits and later suicide. In the year 1974, for study purpose he marked 430 trees out of which 80 flowered and produced fruits and later died. Robin B Foster says, they do this for the existence of its generations.
The Pumpkin story and other death of the trees mentioned in the above incidents shows that they have feelings like human beings.
Joan K, A Cancer Patient with her book |
Instead of being present to feel their feelings we often destroy them for our selfish interests. But there are many exceptions to this, there are a good number of people especially in India give much importance and respect to these silent servants (service providers).
A majority of them in Hindu religion give respect to nature and especially to the trees. Trees have a major role in their daily worship services. In Hindu mythologies trees have been a prominent place and have given deep and sacred meanings. Though it may look strange to some these type of respect is deeply associated with faith. Ancient sacred writings reveal that tree worship was an age old practice in the Hindu religion. Aryans worshiped all kinds of plants and trees, this practice continue to be part and parcel of Hindu worship services till today.
A list of trees and plants worshiped by sacred Hindus
The Great Banyan Tree |
The Great Banyan Tree in Indian Botanical Gardens, Howrah, Kolkata.
This banyan tree is counted as the widest tree in the world, it is also estimated that the tree is 200 to 250 years old. Some travel books state that this tree withstood two great cyclonic attacks in 1884 and 1886. this tree looks not like a single tree but like a small forest. Yet another god, Dakshinamurthy, who is worshiped as the “ultimate guru”, is depicted under a banyan tree. He represents god Shiva who is believed to be the destroyer of ignorance and incarnation of knowledge.
Ashoka Tree, after Peepal tree Ashoka tree is the most legendary and sacred trees of India and Sri Lanka.
It’s a sacred tree in the Hindu religion, and is worshiped in Chaitra maasa (the first month of the Hindu Calendar)
Asoka Trees, like a fencing near a road. Picture Credit. Bijin Thomas |
Ashoka tree comes from the Caesalpaeniaceae family, and the Sanskrit word’s meaning denotes, “no grief” or “without grief”. This tree also symbolizes love, and is dedicated to Kamadeva, ‘the love god of Hindu religion’. This tree has a symbolic importance in Buddhism too. According to the legend it is believed that the founder of Buddhism ‘Lord Buddha’ was born under this tree, and it is planted in every Buddhist monastery. It is also believed that Mahavira the Jain guru renounced the world under this tree inVaishali.
This tree has a number of medicinal value, and our ancient poets and writers made mention of this beautiful tree in their works. Its flowers, fruits, bark are used for healing different diseases. Especially its bark’s cooling and soothing effect is good to the human body. It is mainly used in Ayurvedic medicines, it improves complexion, relives thirst and burning sensation, expels worms and reduces swelling in the body. It also purifies blood, reduces pain, stops bleeding and gives an energizing effect. This is mainly used for the treatment of excessive bleeding and uterus related ailments.
Here is a home remedy for leucorrhoea: Take the bark of this tree 2 tholas, Milk ½ seers, water ½ seers. Boil them together in low flame till only milk is left out, filter it and give regularly to keep control of the menstrual flow, it maintains a normal level.
Powder this tree’s flowers, mix it with water and take, it is very effective for diarrhea with blood discharge. Ayurvedic books suggest: continuous use of Ashokaarishta (a liquid medicine prepared by using the parts of this tree) is very useful and effective for curing many diseases of women. Take ½ ounce of this tonic, mix it with equal quantity of water and continualy use it after meals. It will stop excessive bleeding in women, reduce leucorrhoea and relive headaches. It is proved and reported that the continuous use of this medicine completely cured leucorrhoea.
Bael Tree |
Its botanical name is Aegle marmelos. It is also used for medicinal purposes. Every part of this tree is very useful for different ailments like diarrhoea, intestinal problems, amoebic dysentery, irritable bowel etc. and is also used for different Ayurvedic formulations.
Henna Tree (Plant)
A Henna Plant. Pic. Credit. hennapage.com |
A Full grown Henna Tree Pic by Bijin |
Henna applied hands Pic. Credit. Muraleedhara Panikar & Nisha |
Mango Tree
Typical Mango Tree |
Mango blossoms are used on Basant Panchami day in the worship of Goddess Saraswasti. The tree is also sacred to the Buddhists because it is believed that Lord Buddha performed during his lifetime the instantaneous creation of a large mango tree from the seed at a place called Shravasti.
Coconut Tree
Coconut trees in monsoon season Its feather-like leaves spread from the top of the branch-less trunk. |
The tender coconut is a summer drink, PV enjoys a coconut drink. Notice the Mango leaves hanged on top of this road side shop. |
The farmers of this tree make a kind of sweet drink called ‘toddy’ or tuba from the sap of the tree’s blossoms. Its sap is also used for making sugar, vinegar and other beverages.
A Typical Kerala House (in Champakulam Alleppy dt , Kerala) surrounded with coconut trees |
Golden Shower Tree (G S T) (Cassia Fistula)
Golden shower tree |
A GST from A.P, A.P. Pic. by Bijin. |
A GST Picture From Kerala. by Rijin Thachanalil |
This tree’s flower is the state flower of Kerala, India, and also the national flower of Thailand.
GST and its parts like the flowers, fruits, trunk, root etc. are used in medicinal purposes. In Ayurvedic medicine it is known as ‘aragvadha’ or “Disease killer”. Diseases like arthritis, nervous system disorders, blood related diseases like hemorrhages, different cardiac conditions and stomach related diseases like acid reflux are being treated with its fruit pulp.
Neem Tree
Neem Trees growing on the side of a footpath Pic. Credit: Bijin T Thomas |
Neem or Margosa is a botanical cousin of Mahogany. It belongs to the family Meliaceae. The Latinized name of Neem – Azadirachta indica – is derived from the Persian word: “Azadirakht” That is, Azad = Free, dirakht = Tree, i – Hind = of Indian Origin which literally means: ‘The Free Tree of India’. For a brief background, chemical investigations of neem click here Chemistry of Neem
A Neem Tree near a Hindu Temple at Secunderabad A.P pic. credit. Bijin |
Ancient texts like Vedas (basis of Ayurvedic tradition) indicates the medicinal value of neem. Yet another ancient text written by Varahamihira (AD 505) sometimes known as ‘the encyclopedia of Indian Culture.” Had a mention of this wonderful tree.
This tree can be seen in every Indian household. Its leaves are hanged on the entrance of the doorpost and are believed that it wards off evil spirits, and also believe that it is a passage to heaven. In the Indian villages the new born babes are laid on its leaves and believe that it gives them a protective appearance. The brides before marriage take bath in the water filled with these leaves. It is established that Neem trees releases more oxygen than any other trees. In short it’s a miracle tree and can find its mention in the ancient texts.
In the northern part of Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu the people use its dried and powdered tubulars as a stimulating tonic. It has number of medicinal usages; its every part is used for this purpose. Especially in most of the Ayurvedic medicine it is an essential item. Oil made from this tree is used in medicines as well as in pest control and cosmetic industries. Its leaves are an important part used in treating Chickenpox. Yet another belief of Hindu religion, Sithala the ‘goddess of chickenpox’ lives in neem trees. Neem tea is another drink usually used for treating headache and fever. Its flowers are used for intestinal problems. Its barks acts as an analgesic and be used to cure high fever like malaria. Its leaves are used for curing some skin diseases. Some even believe that this can even purify human bodies.
Other than medicinal uses it has got many other uses in India. Some parts of the country people use its twigs as tooth brush. It is also used as a rehabilitating plant in waste land regions. Its pulps are used for producing methane gas. It acts as carbohydrate and a rich base for other industrial fermentation. Its barks are used in mass tanning and dyeing in industries. In some part of southern states, its woods are used to make furniture. In the cultivation of sugarcane, vegetable and many other crops, its cakes are used as a fertilizer. To face the global warming many countries are constantly cultivating neem tree as a major crop. The Worldwide Neem Foundation is playing an important role in making awareness among people about neem and its importance.
This tree can be grown in any soil like clayey, dry, stony or shallow. It requires very little water and needs more sunlight. It grows from its seeds as well as from its cuttings.
A Banyan Tree is protected!! A scene from my city Secunderabad, A.P.Pic. by Bijin |
Pic.Crdt. realestatewebmaster.com |
Yet another Earth Day 22nd April—passed by, Tree lovers and environmentalists did their part to promote their cause by planting tree saplings and various other connected activities. Let us continue to do this and many other things like avoiding usage of plastic bags, instead buy and use personal care natural products, use only reusable bags, limit the usage of water, like uncontrollable usage of showers, vessels, cloth washing etc. If we take little more care in our daily activities we can control the usage of water and thereby help the mother earth to survive.
Let us be more careful while using water in our daily life. Limit the usage of personal vehicle instead take a bus trip or share a vehicle, by this one can reduce the emission of air pollution. If each one do this there will be a tremendous cut in the environmental air pollution. Let this be a practice in our daily life not only on such particular days but also in our everyday life.
Planting Trees for her future, India’s village women plant saplings, Pic. Credit. mckaysavage. |
In the above picture, as part of a religious ceremony Indian women plant new saplings, and their little girl keenly watching.

Google group turned its homepage logo into a nature scene doodle Friday in honor of Earth Day. One of its blog (Google Celebrates Earth Day With Nature Doodle, Wind Investment) the blog author ‘Chloe Albanesius’ said: “The image features a moving waterfall, penguins jumping on an iceberg, pandas nibbling on bamboo, and a lion curled up under a tree. Read more here at this blog post.
YouTube Video “Living In a Tree”
Forty one years back in 1970 Gaylord Nelson a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin after seeing the 1969 massive oil spill with a much burdened heart initiated this movement. On April 22 that year 20 million Americans participated in that movement. And by 1990 Earth Day went global and the people around the world are aware about it and very religiously participating every year on this day (April 22) with various activities to promote this cause.
Organic Searches on yahoo |
Social websites and major search engines are promoting this years (2011) earth day in a massive way, yahoo on one of its post (Solar Trumps Recycling: Searches on Yahoo! Indicate Green Living, Organic Trends & Freebies Define Earth Day 2011) on Thursday said that: “This month, searches onYahoo Green for “solar energy” are up 208 percent while inquiries for “wind power” are up 1,307 percent.” Read more here at this blog post
Google Logo on 2011 Earth Day |
Earth Day FounderGaylord Nelson (former US Governor) Pic.Credit: wilderness.net |
YouTube Video |
Watch this video and find out the hidden creatures. |
Apart from these search engines there are many other activities are going on through print and other web media. Many are conducting different kinds of Earth Day activities and protests in various manners. Schools, Colleges and other educational institutions too are actively involving in spreading the awareness among people . The environmental activist group “Greenpeace” is already in full strength to get involved with big firms like Facebook and Apple to get reduce the use of coal by building custom data centers that are powered by as much renewable energy as possible, in a recent campaign in this regard they created a big network through their contacts via facebook and other social media networks.
Yet another website already started their campaign to encourage people to join in and take ‘ Pledge an Act, Save Our Planet”
In short this years Earth Day will definitely give a good awareness about it and will no doubt gives an impact to the new generations. Let us all together make note of this and do whatever we can do to save our earth from the coming calamity.
Here is an interesting YouTube video song in relation to tree, This song is sung by Priscilla Ahn “Living in a Tree.”
The latest developments in my city – Hyderbad
The latest news on these issue is that, The Times of India’s yesterdays (15th Aprl) edition published a news item under the title “Trees get axe effect for Rosaiah’s heli-hop” the news says, “Chief minister K Rosaiah may have not used his helipad adjacent to the Secretariat even once, but overzealous officials thought it was best that the area around it was cleared. So, as many as 24 trees on the footpath in front of the helipad were axed late on Tuesday night, to ensure that the CM enjoys a smooth chopper ride, in case he proposed to fly out from here.
City environmentalists staged a dharna (protest march) at the spot on Wednesday and said that the felling was carried out by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) as the trees may have caused hindrance to the CM’s chopper. The trees were identified as gulmohar, neem and peltophorans.”
The tree lovers raised protest against such actions, they say, “They could have opted for trans-location if it was such a necessity. Why chop them so ruthlessly?” environmentalists questioned.”
On Wednesday, members of various social groups like Forum for a Better Hyderabad (FBH), Cova and Puccar demanded stringent action against the concerned officials. Click Here to Read more:
These are some of the serious issues happening in all over the world, the people who cut or fell the trees should find an alternative arrangement to raise or plant more trees. The tree lovers should join together and form such forums to save trees from the destructing hands of these types of cruel people.
The people who initiate removing of trees from this earth should take note that they are putting an axe on the very existence of their life. Let them plant more sapling in its place. Planting of saplings through school and college level will make a big difference to this serious threat. Let us introduce awareness programs in school and university levels. The tree lovers group or forums, and of course the media print and web can play a vital role in this to promote this awareness among people.
A Call From Greenpeace India—Earth Day Give Earth A Hand
Here is an interesting video to watch on this day (The World Environment Day). This is posted by Greenpeace India Organization. They posted a note along with the video it says: “Happy world environment day! Years of neglecting our most precious resource have caused damage all around the world, and it will only get worse if the exploitation continues.”
A Music Video captured at the outset of Amazon Rain-forest.
YouTube Video |
Amazon Rain-forest Relaxation Video |
Here is yet another video to watch.
This video gives a glimpse of the rain forest’s beauty as well as a soothing music.
A good relaxation music video in the midst of serious thoughts on the subject tree.
A good relaxation music video in the midst of serious thoughts on the subject tree.
Please enjoy the music and relax.
Thanks for your valuable time.
PS: Read a Malayalam version (a gist of this knol): മരങ്ങളില് മനുഷ്യ ഭാവി! മരം മുറിക്കുന്നവര് ജാഗ്രതൈ!!
- http://www.personalitreesbook.com
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- World Book encyclopedia
- Tree Suicide video
Images Source Names and Links:1). Mango Tree: http://www.flickr.com/photos/11188344@N06/2917322315 by. prmn_2002
2) From the photo gallery of Vesna Kozelj http://vesnakozelj.com/gallery-flora
3) Pumpkin. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dvorak319/3929698644/ by. dvorak
3) Pumpkin. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dvorak319/3929698644/ by. dvorak
4). Mango Tree under the scorching sun: http://www.flickr.com/photos/58362482@N00/429556356/
5). Trees among tea plantation, Ashoka Trees, Bijin T Thomas, Nellikkamon, Ranny, Kerala
5). Trees among tea plantation, Ashoka Trees, Bijin T Thomas, Nellikkamon, Ranny, Kerala
6) The Great Banyan Tree: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Banyan
7). Beal Tree: http://www.flickr.com/photos/soluy/3342410987 by soluy_2007 8). Typical Mango Tree: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/2452839). Red colored mango: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/23499210). Coconut Trees in monsoon: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1087968
11). Julie Mango Blossoms http://www.flickr.com/photos/coreykgraham/4436425563/ by Corey Graham
12). Golden Shower Tree: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mariasg/287620456/ by Maria13). Jolly Daniel, Portland, OR. USA.14). Golden Shower Tree from Kerala. by Rijin Thachanalil
15) Henna Plant Picture: http://hennapage.com
16) http://timesofindia.com http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/hyderabad/Trees-get-axe-effect-for-Rosaiahs-heli-hop/articleshow/5806923.cms
17) YouTube: Credit: Blysu
18) Planting saplings. Pic. Credit. mckaysavage.
17) YouTube: Credit: Blysu
18) Planting saplings. Pic. Credit. mckaysavage.
19)”Living in a Tree.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK9qjPhO5nE&feature=player_embedded
20) Greepeace.org http://www.greenpeace.org/india/world-environment-day-2010
21) Amazon Rain-forest Relaxation Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43yvlrNl3Xc&feature=related
Hi Philip .. lots of information here on trees .. good for you for writing about something you believe so much in - if we don't protect our trees and all life associated we won't help our future ..
ReplyDeleteGood to welcome you to Tina's team of minions ... cheers Hilary