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The M-Word: Masturbation: A biblical perspective

This one’s about masturbation. You’ve been warned.
Is there a more awkward subject in all Christendom? Controversial, sure–but mostly it’s just not fun to talk about. Of all the sex issues, it’s the squirmiest.
And if we’re talking about getting God’s perspective on it, there’s just not much to go on. In the past, people have tried to translate certain verses–including, notoriously, the sin of Onan in Genesis 38:6-9–to refer to masturbation, but it’s quite a stretch. There’s no rule to scribble on a post-it note and slap on the bathroom mirror. I dig deeper. I engage the Bible.
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Have a Blessed Weekend
For Philipscom Philip Verghese

L for Letters: The Letters To The Editor

L for Letters           Letters and letter 
writing is disappearing in this age!
It’s a fact that few years back we all used to send letters to our near and dear through post cards or inland letters via post office.
The main media of communication at that time was the inland letters and the post cards, of course some use envelops too.
That was really a bygone age!
- See more at: http://pvariel.com/l-for-letters/#sthash.V6VmcjFm.dpuf


L for Letters: The Letters To The Editor

K is for Knowledge: Knowledge Is For Sharing! Why Not Share Our Knowledge?

In this computer age we can obtain any information by just pressing few buttons on our computer or by just touching on our mobile phones or other devises screen.

Pic. Credit: Shutterstock
Lot of knowledge we obtain/learn in this way in our daily life.
How are we utilizing those information you learned from people and places?
Are we utilizing it just for our selfish end?
Or are we sharing those knowledge to our fellow beings?
These are some of the questions we need to find answers! 
Pic. Credit: Shutterstock

To Continue Reading Please Click on the below link:

K is for Knowledge: Knowledge Is For Sharing! Why Not Share Our Knowledge?

J Is For Joy

What is the definition of Joy?
The dictionary meaning is = to experience great pleasure or delight. Or the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation etc. 
A famous Christian author said: “Joy is the experience of gratitude, of being glad for life in the presence of the Giver of life. Joy is also the will to give back to another something of what one is and has for the sheer desire of sharing the gift.  Joy is a blend of gratitude and giving.” 
We are living in a society where we can buy almost anything with our money and power, probably we can buy or get momentary joy or pleasure with our resources. But that is not the joy I am going to talk about, instead it is the really Joy one can obtain by his faith.  That is not a momentary one but a permanent one.  Of course it has a great price tag attached to it! But at the same time it is given freely and will always be free.
- See more at: PhilipscomWordPress 

Picture Credit:
Anish Thankachen
And Twinkle Paul
Philipscom                           J is for Joy

I for Interview: Interviews with my blogging friends

Hard time for Windows XP Users!! Microsoft is shutting down their shop at Windows XP!! Here’s How What to Do Next

G Is For “God’s Own Country” – Kerala, My Native Land – A Photo Feature