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Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Confident Living Magazine Articles: THE FOOL'S FOLLY

 This psalm describes the atheist and gives eight reasons why he is a fool. First, he does not acknowledge God (v. 1). He lives as if there is no God. He does not obey God (v. 1). Some people think that human nature is basically kind and good. Not so. We are abominably corrupt by nature (Rom. 3:9). He does not understand God (v. 2). If you don't have the Spirit of God, you can't understand the things of God. Atheists say they won't accept anything they can't understand. Actually, there is little in the world they do understand!
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Confident Living Magazine Articles: THE FOOL'S FOLLY

Confident Living Magazine/Back to the Bible India

G is for God Only… Rest All Will Come Later… God Is Good!

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G is for God Only… Rest All Will Come Later… God Is Good!


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Confident Living Magazine

The M-Word: Masturbation: A biblical perspective

This one’s about masturbation. You’ve been warned.
Is there a more awkward subject in all Christendom? Controversial, sure–but mostly it’s just not fun to talk about. Of all the sex issues, it’s the squirmiest.
And if we’re talking about getting God’s perspective on it, there’s just not much to go on. In the past, people have tried to translate certain verses–including, notoriously, the sin of Onan in Genesis 38:6-9–to refer to masturbation, but it’s quite a stretch. There’s no rule to scribble on a post-it note and slap on the bathroom mirror. I dig deeper. I engage the Bible.
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Have a Blessed Weekend
For Philipscom Philip Verghese

Health & Sex — A Christian Perspective

Health & Sex
by Josh McDowell & Dick Day

Picture Credit. Google/tumblr.com
God created each of us as a total being, and therefore is interested in each of us as a total being.  Most important, He wants to see us grow near to Him spiritually.  He also wants to see our minds challenged.  He wants to see us emotionally and physically healthy.  He is interested in our moral conscience, desires, speech, social relationships, and plans for the future.  He is no less interested in our physical well being and how we treat our bodies.  The body is the vehicle for all the rest.

The owner’s manual for a car I brought was entitled “The Proper Care and Maintenance of Your Vehicle.”  If car manufacturers... are so interested in how I care for my vehicle…. How much more is God concerned about how we care for the “vehicles” He has placed us in?

We don’t put gas in the radiator or water in the engine.  Why? Because we know it will ruin everything… Yet even though we see the awful damage premarital sex continues to cause in lives all around us, millions of people engage in it nonetheless.  They may even glance through the Manuel and claim a knowledge of the subject, yet they continue to take part in sex out of the context God established.  If God tells us sex is wrong because it wrongs our bodies, He knows what He is talking about.  Remember, this vehicle is His design.

God wants us to be good stewards, good caretakers of what He has given us.  That goes for money, possessions, talents, spiritual gifts, and our bodies, everything entrusted to us

Related Bible Texts; 1 Corinthians 6:15-20; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:4. 

From the Archives of Christian Writers.
Confident Living Magazine, Secunderabad

God ! What does it mean to have a god, or, what Is God?

by Martin Luther

What does it mean to have a god, or, what Is God?

Picture Credit: theologygaming.com
I answer: A god is that from which we are to expect everything good and to which we are to take refuge in all times of need. 

Therefore to have a god is simply to trust and believe in him. It is, as I have often said, only the heart’s confidence and faith that make both God and an idol.  If your faith and confidence are right, your God will be right too.  On the other hand, if your confidence is false and wrong, you do not have the true God; for these two, faith and God are correlative concepts. 

Therefore I say that your god in reality is that around which you interlink your heart and on which 
you place your confidence.

… God grasps everything in a moment, the beginning, the middle, and the end of the entire human race and of all time.  And what we consider and measure according to the sequence of time as a very long, extended tapeline, He sees in its entirety, as though wound together into a ball. And so both the life and death of the last and the first human being are no farther apart for Him than a single moment.

Related Bible Texts:
Genesis 1:1-2:3;
Exodus 20: 1-6;
Isaiah 45:1- 46: 13;
2 Peter 3; 8-10

Source: From the archives of Martin Luther