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Snaphix: Social Listening with NOD3x

Big brands, and indeed anyone using social media at scale, benefit greatly from social listening tools. The idea being that once you reach a certain audience size, across multiple social networks, it can become difficult to be everywhere all at once.

In today's evolving world of social activity Online, people and brands are expected to respond everywhere they are mentioned. Not only this, but brands are expected to respond appropriately. Responding appropriately means maintaining brand voice, understanding how people feel towards what they are posting etc. and doing these quickly.

NOD3x is well suited to brand listening, because it is able to collect posts from many different places across the Internet. For members of Google+, social listening is (and will always remain) free for that network. Each NOD3x project can be trained to listen for specific brand mentions. Whether those mentions take the form of a keyword or a hashtag.

To read the full content of this informative post please click on the below link:

Snaphix: Social Listening with NOD3x

Source:  Snaphix

Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
Philip Verghese 'Ariel' Founder and CEO at Philipscom

A freelance writer, editor and a blogger from Kerala. Now based at Secunderabad, Telangana, India. Can reach at: pvariel(@)Gmail [.] Com
Tel: 09700882768

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