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Malayalees (Keralites) and Their English Accent (Just for Laugh)

(A Joke on Keralites)

There is a common belief that Malayalees (Keralites) English accent is very poor and others laugh at them when they speak English. This is a joke made upon that line...



The people of Kerala (A. southern state in India) members of the collection of the ethnic groups defined by their native language 'Malayalam. They are generally called- 'Malayali'  or "Malayalees" this word is derived from the word 'Malayalam.' The people who speak the language Malayalam and are natives of Kerala are called Malayalis or Keralites or yet another nick name added  that is "Mallus".
 There is a common belief and saying that Malayali's English accent is poor and others laugh at them when they speak English. Of course now the trend is changed and an estimated 75 to 80% of the children are getting convent or English medium education and they are proving or proved their metal in many areas the world over. And among them there are  a good number of  well educated and renowned  professors, scientist and business people.  But still people make fun of us on our English accent. There are a good number of created stories on this line.  Just for a change and for a lighter vein I am herewith posting some of the jokes for the day.  I am sure my Malayalee brethren (Malloos) the world over will not get annoyed. Instead I am sure they take this lighter vein.

Here is a sample of such stocks, received via mail from my friend, Vasanth Kumar (A Telugu Brother).       Hope my Malayali breth                                                                                                .
Don't worry we are no less than anybody else. In literacy we are on the top of the list. I congratulate and appreciate my fellow Kerala brethren scattered all over the world. 
Yet another interesting thing, a common saying about Malayaalees are that "They are  found even on the surface of  the moon"  That means whereever you go you can find a Malayaali.   I am happy to note this with much proud, Keep up my dear fellow Malloo brethren.
 I am again proud to say that Kerala is the only State achieved 100% literacy rate in the world.
So Cheer up My Dear Fellow beings.

 Q. Name the wonly part of the werld, where Malayalis don't werk hard? Ans: Kerala.
 Q. Why is industrial productivity is very low in Kerala?
A: Because 80% of the shift time is spent on lifting, folding and re-tying the mundu or lungi (a garment worn around the waist) LOL
 Q. Why did Malayali buy an air-ticket?
A: To go to Thuubai (Dubai), zimbly to meet his ungle in the Gelff (Gulf)
 Q. Why do Malayali's go to the Gelff?
A: To yearn meney
 Q. What did the Malayali do when the plane caught fire?
A: He zimbly jembd out of the vindow.
 Q. What is Malayali management graduate called?
A: Yem Bee Yae.
 Q. Why did his wife divorce him?
A: Because he was louwing another woman. Who found out that? His aandy (aunt).
 Q. What does a Malayali do when he goes to America?
A: He changes his name from Karunakaran to Kevin Curren.
 Q. What does a Malayali use to commute to office everyday?
A: An Oto.
 Q. Why Kerala is the heghly literrate state in India?
A: It's easily giving Degree to get rid of the peapal from Kerala.
 Q. Which car does he purchase when he gets license?
A: A second hand Mercedes.
 Another interesting part of this joke is given in the Post Script, it says:
PS: Please don't delete this; it's not a junk mail. If you send this mail to 10 Malayalis you will receive ½ liter cocunut oil. 20 Malayalis you will receive 1 kg benena chips. 40 Malayalis you will receive 3Appams (a dosa like preparation (sweet taste) prepare on festive seasons) and mutton curry.

Yet another interesting joke I noticed is given below:

A "Mallu" (Malayalees are called sarcastically by this word) female (from the central part-more educated class lives in this part) of Kerala) went for a job interview for the post of a PERSONAL SECRETARY.
 When the manager saw the Mallu's colorful attire and gold and well oiled uncombed jet black hair, his mind was screaming "WHOW!! NOT THIS WOMAN."
 Nevertheless, he still had to entertain the Mallu.
 So he told her "If you could form a sentence using the words that I give you, and then may be I will give you a chance. The words are GREEN, PINK, YELLOW, BLUE, WHITE, PURPLE and BLACK."

The enthusiastic Mallu lady thought for a while and said:
 I hear the phone GREEN GREEN GREEN, then I go and PINK up the phone, I say YELLOW......BLUE's that? WHITE did you say? Aiye, Wrong number ........Don't PURPOSELY disturb people and don't call BLACK, ok? Thank you."
 Hearing this the Manager fainted.......

Source : ILoveKerala.Org

Authors and readers are invited to contribute to this knol with more such jokesnot only on Keralites but other jokes too are welcome.  Keep writing my dear flocks. THANKS IN ADVANCE.   
  Post Script:               



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Most of these jokes have become old now; also, some of them sound very much like the Gujju accents I come across in Surat--like benena instead of banana. Ungle instead of Uncle is a Mallu accent for sure.

"ISMILE" instead of smile could be either Bihari or U.P...There are countless more such examples; just observe when they speak...

The joke given below is also very interesting---I guess i should say "Bery interesting" since I am Bengali...

A Delhi Panju guy decides to buy 3 samosas from a popular road side eatery. He asks the shop guy to "rape" (wrap) 3 samosas for him. The shop guy asks "do you want them to be raped separately or together?"

Last edited Oct 16, 2010 12:10 AM
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Dear Friend, Thanks for the comment, Yes, I know these are pretty old jokes and i agree too that some other states like AP, Gujarat, Bengal and many others too will fall into this section, but still keralites accents are far more better than of all others, Just for the sake of some fun I posted this, I am sure many of my Malayalee friends here and elsewhere will not get offended and will take this lightly,
Dear Friend, I invite you to be a co-author or contributor to this knol
with best regards
PS: by the by will you pl reveal your identity. Thanks

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Posted by P V Ariel, last edited Oct 16, 2010 12:09 AM


Thanks for the chuckle...lol

Last edited Oct 16, 2010 12:50 AM
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Thanks Bhavana I really missed your comment, Will you pl. join me in this knol as a co author or a contributor. I am sure you can add some jokes here in relation to the English language
With best regards

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Posted by P V Ariel, last edited Oct 16, 2010 12:50 AM



Last edited Oct 22, 2010 7:17 AM
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Hi Murali,
Thanks for the comment, somehow i missed your post, Happy to note that you did not get offended on these jokes, I appreciate.
Murali Here is an invitation I am posting pl post some jokes of similar kind if any on English accent
Thanks in advance

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Posted by P V Ariel, last edited Oct 16, 2010 1:13 AM
PV, That is really interesting indeed, no worries,
write on and on :-)

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Posted by Murali DharanInvite as author, last edited Oct 17, 2010 8:21 AM
Thanks Murali

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Posted by P V Ariel, last edited Oct 22, 2010 7:17 AM

Very Interesting

Its really interesting. These jokes made our DAY. Thanks PV for this funny Jokes about, we malayalees, though its interesting many are not relevent at all at this present day, because Malayalees are improved a lot in thier status in all levels. Some we can't take it, any way thanks for the "PERSONAL SECRETARY" joke. All the best

Last edited Oct 24, 2008 6:29 AM
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(A Mother Who Left Behind an Exemplary Foot Prints to Follow) A Loving Remembrance On This Wonderful Day Called “Mother’s Day

A Mother is remembered on this wonderful day called Mother's Day
(A Migrated Knol)
My Beloved Father P T Varghese and My Mother 
A brief memoir of my mother Saramma Verghese (85 years) Promoted to Glory on July 8th 2008
  • July 8th 2011.        
  • Three Years Just Passed By...
  • Pleasant  Memories  of  My  Mother  is
  • Still Lingering...
  • My Beloved Mother Saramma Varughese
  • A Photograph with her sister, sister-in-law, children and & Grand Children.

       Screen shot taken on 7th December 2011
                                             July 8th, 2011. Years Passed by...  Pleasant Memories of My Mother is Still Lingering In Our Minds...........                                   

My Beloved Mother Saramma Varughese:
Saramma Varghese

This is a brief memoir of my mother 'Saramma Verghese' (85 years)  who passed away on 8th July 2008. 
She was the first daughter of Mr. Thomman Chummar and Sara. Her parents were from an aristocratic family named Pappalil. They lived in a village called Maaraady, near Moovattupuzha town. 

She was brought up with strict discipline of the Syrian Christian tradition. Her mother Mrs. Sara was the first person (who came to know the Lord in their family) in her family to know the lord. Along with her conversion, some wonderful things happened in their home. Her mother Sara's father Mr. Ulahannan Kakkatuputhenpurayil was staying at Palakkuzha village. At that time there was no gospel preached or heard in that village. One day two evangelists visited the village and decided to do some open air preaching, they started singing some songs and was about to start preaching, all of a sudden an angry mob reached the spot and caught them and started beating. 

Their plan was to kill them and throw their bodies into the nearby river. One of the evangelists was Br. P H Peter lovingly called as "Peter Upadesi" (Now with the Lord), father of Evangelist George Peter of Chittoor. Hearing the news Mr. Ulahannan, my mother's grandfather ran to the place, he being the village leader, no one was brave enough to protest against him. By the time it was dark, fearing that the angry mob might attack them again he gave shelter to them at his home. That night the servants of God shared their testimony and spoke to the family about Christ and the salvation they could gain by believing in Christ. That was a turning point in their family and my mother's mother accepted Christ as her personal savior. 

Her faith was so strong and she started witnessing the truth to other members of her family. Her husband Thomman expressed his displeasure and was dead against to her new faith. But among the five children, Saramma and her younger sister Mariamma accepted Christ as their personal savior. Later they decided to take baptism according to the Word of God. The news spread throughout the village and it was shocking news to the relatives and the nominal orthodox Christian society. The Orthodox Syrian Jacobite Church ex-communicated them and they were considered outcasts and were not allowed participating even in the funeral services of their relatives. They faced severe persecution from inside the family as well as from outside.
A Photograph with her sister, sister-in-law, children & Grand Children
A Photograph taken 20 years back  at the time of my younger brother's marriage.  My mother sitting along with her sister Mariamma (left) and my father's sister at the center.   My two sisters at the left, with my brothers and their families. Myself and my wife standing at the right with my son Charles
Some of the prominent evangelists at that time in the brethren movement M/s. K V Simon, Lonappen Upadesi, Peter Upadesi, K G Kurian, E P Varghese, C T Mathai, A P Paily, Vattakattu Varkey Upadesi and a few other's through their inspirational messages and classes strengthened them to be firm in their faith. Though they faced many problems from their family members, whenever these brethren conducted gospel meetings and Bible classes in the nearby places, they made it a point to attend those gatherings. A few more Christians joined the faith and started a small gathering at Pothanicade near Parambencherry.

My mother's brothers were dead against her faith and they were not willing to take care of their parents so she decided to stay unmarried to look after the parents. Meanwhile, her younger sister got married.The years went by and the parents were getting old. After their death, Saramma's life and safety became a question, so they convinced her to get married. A few years passed by and their firm faith in the Lord and the exemplary life they led in the Lord enabled her other family members too to come into the faith. Some of their children are in the service of the Lord. 

Another Photograph taken at the time of my younger brother Shaji's marriage day. PV and his wife standing at both sides
The Lord was faithful to His daughter and gave her a partner who was a believer. Mr. P T Varghese from Kota, Chengannur, who was a God-fearing, humble, loving and well-disciplined person. Evangelist K P Stephen of Thiruvankulam and his wife (she can be seen in the adjacent picture--in white dress holding a bag) took initiative in this matter and they were united in holy matrimony. At that time my father was working as a pattern maker in the carpentry section of the erstwhile Pampa River Sugar Factory - Now Travancore Sugars and Chemicals Ltd-. My mother was an ideal wife to my father and a loving mother to all of us and an excellent homemaker like the woman in Proverb 31. She was a mature woman, devoted wife, mother, honorable, humble, unselfish and kind. She was a caring and loving mother not only to us but also to the neighbors, especially to the fellow believers. She was so keen to share whatever we had with others especially with those in the Lord's service. In spite of our tight financial budget, she always made it a point to set apart some amount for this purpose. 
PV with his parents and younger brothers Sunny & Shaji at his right and left. A photograph taken at our company Quarters. 
Those days running a family of nine members was a great task. With my father's meager salary it was difficult to make both ends meet. On my mother's initiative, father bought a cow and started selling milk and manure to the neighboring people and earned a small income from that. At that time we were staying in the company's staff quarters. There was a high demand for our milk as it was not diluted. My mother was so strict that she never diluted the milk with water for sale. Apart from this, my father used to work in the evening hours after his eight hours duty at the factory. He made different types of wooden furniture with good quality wood. This too was in high demand because of the carpentry skill and the reasonable prices.

Through their dedicated life, all the children got educated and are settled in different parts of the world. By the grace of God all are in the Christian faith. She was an instrument in bringing them up in the fear of the Lord. She continued steadfast in the faith till her departure from this earth. My mother set a good example for us to follow. We, her children are very happy to follow in her foot prints. Though, she was a silent doer of the Word of God we are sure that her reward in heaven will be much greater. We thank God for being the children of this loving mother.

We are seven children, five brothers and two sisters - Rosamma John Secunderabad, P V Thomas Bangalore, Ammini Daniel U S A, P. T. John Chennai, Philip Verghese Secunderabad, Paul Varghese Pulikeezhu, Shaji Varghese Palghat. 

Sons and Daughters-in-law: John Philip Secunderabad, Glory Thomas Bangalore, M V Daniel U S A, Sally John Chennai, Omana Philip Secunderabad, Nessy Paul Pulikeezhu, Annie Shaji Palghat. 

(Note: For the early history of my mother I am indebted to her sister Mariamma's elder son Joykutty Chacko, an evangelist in Kothamangalam, Kerala)
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Philip -- I was touched by your Knol, a very nice tribute. Do you suppose that tolerance of humans regardless of their beliefs should be taught at a very early age? Your story recounts essentially hysterical fear and hate-based behavior. If only tolerance, acceptance and love were taught and reinforced during childhood, such events would dissipate. My sister-in-law, an otherwise wonderful woman, would sit in my home and lecture that unless I accepted her specific brand of born-again Christianity, I was condemned to hell. I questioned her to point out the problem of a sparsely-populated heaven, since her specific brand embraced far less than 10,000 souls. It did not matter. She was incapable of intellectually accepting logic. She chose to remain mentally lazy, believing the dogma from the pulpit of her church without challenge. Tolerance takes intellectual bravery and energy. Blind faith is in my opinion at the root of hatred and war. As humans we need to question and test endlessly. What do you think?

Apr 27, 2010 8:04 AM
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P V Ariel

Thanks Murry

Murry— Thanks for the comment, good to know that you are touched by mother’s exemplary short history. Yes, tolerance of humans no doubt should be taught at the early stage. For that matter not only this but many other good moral fibers should be taught at the tender age that will definitely have an impacting effect till a person’s death. As far as I know it will not dissipate. About your Sis-in-law’s faith, I really appreciate her guts to lecture to a person like you about her unchallenging faith. LOL. and I fully agree with her, though a bit religious oriented subject, since you raised this let me put my view, Yes, her stand is a wonderful and an acceptable one, and as you said very few in this world opt for that, yes the Bible too says it, only a meager number follow this truth. The people who opt and go towards that way is very very less comparing to the other groups towards hell… That road to heaven is very short but towards the other side that road is wide open and many I mean the majority blindly rush towards it to their peril. Yes, as humans we need to question and search the truth, but I am sure that will not be an endless search. If one genuinely searches for the real truth he will find it. Many scholars and researchers found out that real truth where your Sis-in-law put her firm faith. Murry I don’t want to elaborate this further but would like to put a long full stop here. Thanks again for your genuine concern towards this subject. Yours lovingly phil

Last edited Apr 26, 2011 10:00 AM
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Murry Shohat Invite as author
Benjamin R Invite as author
  Philip Ariel, My Deepest condolence.
PV, your mother is a great personality. You are a blessed person to have such a loving mother. My belated deepest condolence to you and your dear ones. No doubt, this is a fitting tribute to your loving mother. Ben

Last edited Nov 3, 2008 9:04 AM
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Thank you Br. Ben for the encouraging words. God bless. Love. Philip
EditDeleteReport abusive commentPosted by P V Ariel, Nov 3, 2008 9:04 AM
Source: Google's Knol Wordpress.com

Aquatic Panorama of Kerala and the Onam Festival

(Water Carnivals in Kerala)

Onam, the harvest festival of Kerala is the season of water festivals at south Kerala's back waters. The Vallamkali (boat race), held mainly in some places in the erstwhile Travancore state. A Brief summary of this aquatic spectacle.

                       A Screen Shot from the page. Click on the Picture to see the original page



A Boat Race in Progress.
pic. credit. Google images

Associated with Onam, the harvest festival of Kerala is the season of water festivals at south Kerala's back waters, in kuttanad. The Vallamkali (boat race), held mainly in some places in the erstwhile Travancore state (Southern part of Kerala), from July to September, are spectacular pageants. These carnivals are unique and are deep rooted in the region's history and culture. Vallamkali is best seen at Alappuzha Nehrue Trophy Boat Race, Aranmula Parthasarathy Temple Boat Race, Neerettupuram Boat Race, Thiruvalla Pamba River Boat Race, Champakulam Boat Race, Karuvatta Boat Race, Mannar Boat Race, Payippadu and Kottayam Boat Races.

About a hundred oarsmen row huge and graceful Odee (boats), Oars dip and flash to the rhythm of drums and cymbals in each boat. The songs are typical in character and concern people in Malabar. 

Over each boat gleam scarlet silk umbrellas: their number denotes the affluence of the family owning the boat. Gold coins and tassels hang from these umbrellas. 

The low-lying Kuttanad, also known as the rice bowl of Kerala, where the carnivals are held annually, was once contemporaneously under three local chieftains, whose naval fleets used to be their only means of communication and defense. Display of fleets, consisting of different types of boats noted for their enthusiasm and maneuverability was a historical necessity in the days of yore. This display took place in connection with temple festivals.
Another view of Boat Race
pic. credit. Wikiepedia

Boats (Vallam) were the only means of travel for people living in hundreds of islets in Kuttanad and, it is but natural that their grandest celebration is one involving boats. The boats no longer play the role of fighters; they now display their tremendous for load and speed. Once they were designed to travel fast and carry soldiers. The largest of such boats is the 'snake boats or "Chundan Vallom". It was designed, for the first time, in the 16th century for the king of Chempakasseri to fight the neighboring Kayamkulam King. Narayanan Achari of Koduppunna had designed these boats. The enemy king, who suffered at the hands of Chempakasseri, later found that the snake boats helped his opponents. He promptly got a similar one designed by some master builder. The difference in his boats was that every time a soldier fired from them, they moved backward. Such was the craftsmanship of the makers of the boat. In ancient form the snake boat is similar to the Norwegian boats designed in the ninth century.

Kerala Backwaters Boat Races,  Few YouTube Videos...

Since the naval fleets were relegated to history, villages in Kuttanad took pride in organizing festivals and competitions of snake boats. In 1952, when the Prime Minister, late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru visited Kerala, he traveled from Allepey to Kottayam by boat. A race was arranged in the backwaters-of Punnamada Lake near Alappuzha for him. Nehru got so excited while witnessing the event; he jumped into a boat to join the rowers. When he reached Delhi he presented a trophy, modeled as a snake boat (Chundan Vallam), to the winner of the competition. Thereafter it is known as "Nehru Trophy Boat Race" and it became more popular Vallam Kali in these seasons. 

1.  Nehru Trophy Boat Race- A YouTube Video - Part - I

Nehru Trophy Boat Rase part I A YouTube Video

Nehru Trophy Boat Race Part I
Credit. www.keralatourism.org

These boat races have won international acclaim and recognition within the country too. Men from all religion and sects participate in these races. Each boat, nearly 30 meters long, is occupied by100 people. The Nehru Trophy race attracts people from all over the world. The largest numbers of entries are for snake boat races which, with their beak-like bows, high flared sterns, glided conical lip and high (4 mtr) tails, accommodate four who steer. 

Only big businesspeople can own a snake boat, which, 16 yrs back, costed around Rs. One Lac. It takes at least six months for a master builder to construct the boat. The entire process with an Anjili tree for the keel, and hard cast iron rivets for holding the hull, is done on eye estimate and the technique is handed down from one generation to another by word of mouth. The sides of the boat are smeared with sardine oil; the first launching is done ceremoniously. All the men of the community push the boat into water. The paddlers move quickly into position and then set the speed of the boat, keeping perfect time. The steerers are spaced evenly along the centre of the boat. They paddled to the accompaniment of whistles, drums and other sounds. There are a large number of songs in Malayalam, language and the steerers often row in time to these. That branch of Malayalam literature is called "Vanchipaatt" or Boat Song. 

2.  Nehru Trophy Boat Race- A YouTube Video - Part - II

Nehru Trophy Boat Race Part 2 A YouTube Video

Nehru Trophy Boat Race Part  II

A video by Keralatourism.  www.keralatourism.org

Snake boats are the main attraction of the races at Alleppey but there are a variety of other boats, all of which attain considerable speed "Churulan Vallam" (spiraled boats) are household boats named after the soirals carved on their bows and sterns; "Parunthuvallans" are eagle-tailed, " Veppu Vallam" are vessels used in the armadas of kings. The other variety is called 'Kochu Vallam' means small boats, which can only accommodate one or two persons.

Among the races connected with temples, the earliest one is at Champakulam. It is believed to have begun during the 7th century. The procession of boats starts from the Christina family of Mappillasseri kadavu at Champakulam a few kilometers away from Alleppey. The legend revolves round the robbery of a Krishna idol, which was to be installed at the Ambalapuzha temple. It is said that, in the early morning, the idol stolen from Karikkulam temple in Chempakasseri kingdom, reached Champakulam, from where it was joyously carried to Ammbalapuzha for consecration at the scheduled time. It is to commemorate this event that the Champakulam races are held annually in July. 

3.  Nehru Trophy Boat Race- A YouTube Video - Part - III

Nehru Trophy Boat Race Part III A YouTube Video

Nehru Trophy Boat Race Part  II

A video by Keralatourism.  www.keralatourism.org
The Parthasarathy temple at Aranmula is ancient and noted for its murals and architecture. The temple is believed to be one among the five Shri Krishna temples built by the Pandavas. At Aranmula there was a custom of carrying articles from the neighboring Namboothiri household for the Onam feast to be held at the temple. The special boat called "Thiruvonathoni" (the holy Onam boat) used to be accompanied by a large number of boats belonging to the Parthasarathy temple. This race was later held on the birthday of the Arnamula deity on the next day of the Onam festival. It is also the last race to be held during the season. Colorful umbrellas are an added attraction of the pageantry here. 

"Kuttanaadan Punchayile Kochupenne kuyilaali"

A Traditional Boat Race Song  Sung by the Rowers

Kuttanadan Punchayile .... A YouTube Video

Kuttanaadan Punchayile…This traditional boat song.
Barring the Nehru trophy race at Alleppy other races which are still more colorful and traditional are little known to the outside world. They are 'Aranmula Uthrattadi Vallamkali' at Aranmula in Pathanamthitta District, Champakulam Moolam Boat Race, in Alleppuzha District, Payippadu Jalotsavam-one of the oldest boat races in Allappuzha, Kumarakam Boat Race near Kottayam, and Indira Gandhi Boat Race at Ernakulam District.

There are a large number of songs in Malayalam, language and the steersmen often row in time to these. That branch of Malayalam literature is called "Vanchipaatt" or Boat Song. Among them the above given video song is the most famous one. Watch the video and enjoy the song.  A transliterated portion of the song is given below:

Kuttanaadan Punjayile.. Transliterate version of the song

Kuttanadan Punjayile
Thai Thai Thaka Thai Thai Thom
Kochu Penne Kuyilale
Thithatha Thithai Thai
Kottu Venam Kuzhal Venam
Kurava Venam

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Varavelkanaalu Venam
Kodi Thoranangal Venam
Varunnu Njangal

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Karutha Chiraku Vachu
Thai Thai Thaka Thai Thai Thom
Arayanna Kili Pole
Thithatha Thithai Thai
Kuthichu Kuthichu Paayum
Kuthira Pole

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Thala Thazhthanariyaatha
Kaavalam Chundanitha
Jayichu Vannoo

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Kuttanadan Punjayile
Kochu Penne Kuyilale
Kottu Venam Kuzhal Venam
Kurava Venam

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Pambayile Ponnolangal
Thai Thai Thaka Thai Thai Thom
Odi Vannu Punarunnu
Thithatha Thithai Thai
Thanka Veyil Nettiyinmel
Pottu Kuthunnoo

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Thengolakal Ponnolakal
Madi Madi Vilikkunnu
Thennal Vannu Venchamaram

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Kuttanadan Punjayile
Kochu Penne Kuyilale
Kottu Venam Kuzhal Venam
Kurava Venam

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Chambakkulam Pallikkoru
Thai Thai Thaka Thai Thai Thom
Vallam Kali Perunnaalu
Thithatha Thithai Thai
Kuthu Vilakku

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Panineer Kavadiyattam
Kavilammakkinnu Rathri
Garudan Thookkam

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Kuttanadan Punjayile
Kochu Penne Kuyilale
Kottu Venam Kuzhal Venam
Kurava Venam

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Varavelkanalu Venam
Kodi Thoranangal Venam
Vijayashree Laalitharai
Varunnu Njangal

O Thithithara Thithithai
Thithai Thithai Thaka Thai

Thithithara Thithithai

The tourist potential of these boat races is yet to be exploited. Tourism departments is taking much effort to promote this it in international level.  More are more tourists are attracted towards Kerala in these months of July to September.

There is no doubt that these boat races are unique in the world. It is high time that plans are drafted to exploit the tourist potential inherent in their cultural practices.

History of Kerala, Kerala charitham

Pic credit. Bijin Studio, Ranny, 
YouTube video credit.  
Vanchippattu credit:


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Added in the collection - Festivals

You can add some more material on Onam festival in the knol and give some reference for more details of the festival.



Last edited Dec 26, 2010 3:13 AM
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Thanks Raogaaru,
Best regards,

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Posted by P V Ariel, last edited Dec 26, 2010 3:13 AM
Thanks Raogaaru,
I missed this comment, sorry for the delay in replying, Thanks for the mention

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Posted by P V Ariel, last edited Dec 26, 2010 3:16 AM


PV. Yet another wonderful or exciting happening on earth you brought here for your readers. Thanks for sharing this exciting sports event.
This write-up took be back to my childhood days I spent at Kumara area with my grand parents. You left many things untouched; hope another write up can touch many other subjects you left out. All the best my dear writer. Ben

Last edited Dec 26, 2010 3:15 AM
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Hi Ben,
I missed your comment,
Happy to note that you liked it,
Yes, sure this knol needs some revision,
Thanks for the suggestion too

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Posted by P V Ariel, last edited Dec 26, 2010 3:15 AM