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Showing posts with label google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google. Show all posts

Take Screenshots by using your browser’s editing mode OR Want to change a webpage for a screenshot?

Take Screenshots by using your browser’s editing mode Or Want to change a webpage for a screenshot?

We all take screen shorts for our use in different areas like blog writing etc. 

I learned the Technic a few years back from one of my blog friends and a brother.

Google's Webmaster John Muller's  G+ Notification Screen Shot
Today I have received a Google+ notification/post from Google’s webmaster John Mueller’s page.  Where it mentioned about taking screenshots with a different method. In this process if you want to do some editing you can do it easily in the screenshot.

Here below I am giving his G+ note with a screen shot example.

Visit the link.  You can drag this link to your bookmarks for your further use:

John Muller’s notification says: 

If you need to make screenshots and want to use example-data for them, here's a simple hack that uses your browser's editing mode to let you change the page's text however you want.’
Please Click on the below link and start taking Screenshots: 

Yet Another Edited Screenshot by using the above method (from my computer)

John Mueller,(Webmaster Trends Analyst) at Google's Webmaster Central 

All You Want To Know About Google Plus - A Video Tells Almost Everything About Google+

Google+ is now a fast growing platform.
Many users are migrating to Google+from different other platforms.

Here is an excellent video!!!
Everything you want to know about 
Goolge plus and its applications.

This tutorial will helps such users to know more about the usage of this platform.

An informative and educative video.

A complete guide 
Google plus users!!!

martin shervington 

web counter
web counter

G is for Google Oh! No! G is for God the Almighty

G is for Google Oh! No! G is for God the Almighty

Picture Credit Google.com
Yes, these days for  getting an answer for a difficult question or for that matter for anything and everything people rush towards  Google Search.

Letter for the Day 7
But sad to say that many a time it fails to give an apt answer to your query.  Instead they go more into trouble and chaos as the web world could not provide a right answer or solution to their problems, may be their may not be such a learned person out there to post or upload such answers in the portal.

Sometimes may be because of the frequent power failures or may be due to the server problem or computer failures you may not be able to get the right answer at the right time. 

But one thing is for sure and I firmly believe and recommend to all of you that there is one Person who can answer to all your questions.   And ha, He is available 24 hours a day. You can approach Him for all your problems at any time, there is no restriction to approach him.  You may need a prior  appointment to meet a political or a religious leader, but here the Creator of all this Universe do not prescribe any rules of appointment, that is the greatness of this Creator God.

Yes, Your search ends at Jesus’ foot steps.

Yes He is the best answer provider or solution provider  to all your problems.

Meet Him today.

I am sure that will change your lifestyle altogether and infact,  your everything.  

I am doubly sure that an encounter with Jesus Christ will be an amazing and blessed thing in your life.  Your life will be in His hands safe and secure.

May God help you to take  refuge  in this God—The Creator of this Universe!

No other name on this earth will take you to a safe place.

To know more about this God,  please take time to read The Bible.  

A version of this miracle book can be find here at this link.  BibleGateWay

May God Bless.

Thanks for your patience.

Keep in touch.
Keep inform.

Yours Sincerely.


If you have any questions on this issue, you can contact me at any time my contact details are given below:
email: pvariel at gmail dot com
phone: 91 09700882768
Or you can drop a comment at the below comment box.
p. v.

We (Philipscom) Just Crossed The 100,000 Mark Today.

Philipscom Page Views
Just Crossed The 100,000 Mark.

Our English Blog, Philipscom's Page View Just Crossed the 100,000 Level  Today.

We are very much thankful to God And all our followers, visitors, Readers and supporters for their

relentless support and encouragement.
Picture Credit, flickr

P V Ariel & Associates

Google Reveals The Travel Secrets of Your Send Mail :-)

Picture Credit techmeasy.com
Did you Know or ever thought
How your send mail travels from your computer to the destination?

Google Reveals The Travel Secrets of Your Send Mail 
@ 'The Story of Send' :-) 

Here is how it travels.    
To watch the demo video
from Google  Green:
Please Click HERE
And ha  remember: 
Please click on the blue arrow 
to go to the next page. 
Or Please Click on the green buttons given at the bottom 
of the page. 

Thanks for dropping in.
Best Regards
P V Ariel & Associates.
Secunderabad, A.P. India.
Pic. Credit. Google.com

Picture Credit. Gmail.com

Source. Google.Com

Yet Another Death In the Family Of Google.

Yet Another Death In the Family Of Google.
Picture Credit. phandroid.com
“Google Reader” The RSS feed aggregator 
launched in 2005 by Google is no more.
What a sad demise to the popular RSS feed. 
This is in continuation of the demise of  several other products/platforms like Knol, Picnik, Adsense for feeds etc.. Few more other services are on the way to taste the death very shortly.  Though this was not a mainstream products of Google, a good number of people were using it regularly and is no doubt a great lose to many such users.

 Here is a cartoon published by the largest circulated daily in the world, "The Times of India" in its latest Sunday Edition
Picture Credit. A Cartoon by Ajith Ninan of The Times of India


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