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Trees Can Play A Vital Role In All Living Beings Life

Second Entry in a series of 7 for "7 Day Blogging Challenge for bloggers"  from Jenson Taylor

Trees are an integral part of human beings as well as animals and birds.

It can play an important role in the existence of all living beings.

An average tree produces a good quantity of oxygen which is very essential for the existence of all living beings.

The benefits we receive from a tree are many. It has been estimated that a palm tree is useful to man in more than 250 ways. It is also estimated that an ordinary tree inhales approximately 14,000 liters of carbon dioxide, and exhales double the quantity of oxygen for human consumption and survival.

Yes, without oxygen we can't live even for a moment, likewise the animal kingdom too will disappear without oxygen.  The emission of carbon dioxide to the air is increasing at an alarming rate, and at this juncture trees can play a crucial role if we allow them to grow.  Unfortunately in many areas especially in urban sector trees are removed or cut in an increasing speed.  This is a very sad state of affairs and it ultimately land us in great trouble.  Read more on this subject at the following BLOGS:

Our Existence Depended on Our Natural Resources.You can read more on this line in the following blog links:

A Malayalam Blog on this subject. "മരങ്ങളില്‍ മനുഷ്യ ഭാവി"

Here are some pictures of treesThe silent service providersto the human race and animal world.

A Warm Welcome! A scene from my city Secunderabad. Pic. by pva
An Orange Tree. Pic. By Anish Thankachan,

A Bird taking shelter under a tree branch with its little ones

A Tree from Gulf Countries

An Elephant Carrying a Big branch of Tree A Scene from Kerala 

A Scene from the backwaters of Kerala
A Full Grown Mango Tree

A Group of People Taking Rest Under a Large Tree

House Boats in Kerala Pic Credit.  Kerala Tourism 
Goats on a Tree 
Yet Another Large Tree in an Indian Village
A Coco Tree In Kerala Credit. Appachan Ozhakkal

An Age Old Tree On The Streets Of Hyderabad. Pic. by PVA

A Tree From Secunderabad City. Pic. by PVA

A Scene From My City - Secunderabad  pic, by PVA
A Picture from Secunderabad. By PVA

A Picture from Chattishgarh by Alice Mathews Martin

A Picture by Alice M Martin

Trees Providing Shades to the Road users. by Alice Mathews Martin

Monkeys Taking Shelter under a bamboo tree, Pic, by AMM

A Bird under a tree. Pic. by Memmy Moore

Death of a Tree/Tree on fire by hannah S.Chacko

Mind Blowing Images For Your Eyes

Here is my first entry for the Blogging Challenge by Blogger Jenson Taylor                                                        
Here are some mind blowing images from the world wide web                                                                      

Good Morning to Everyone. Have a Happy Day
Pic. Crdit. Sxc.hu

Glittering Flower Buds (Thilangunna Poomottukal) Picture Credit. Mini's Photo Gallery

A Morning Scene from Kerala India. Pic. Credit Appachan Ozhakkal

Pic Adarsh Vijay
Pic. Credit. Anish Thankachan

Pic. Credit Anish Thankachan

A Picture from Adarsh Vijay
A Treat For The Season (Summer-Just started in our place) Pic. Credit embc.com

Picture Credit Adarsh Vijay

Pic Credit. Rejoy Poomala Gaanaamrutham 

Pic. Credit. Rejoy Poomala

IT IS NOT AN ANIMATED GIF It is amazing how our brain works or doesn't work! Tautvydas Davainis  
Vivid_2011 - Arghya Das - 400-frank_hgs-re

Pic.Credit. tumblr_lybz6yvNuH1r8f1mqo1_250  Joao Eduaro Medeiros

Circles: by Adarsh Vijay

Google Play. Adarsh Vijay
Add caption
It's Party Time Now By Adarsh Vijay
Black Beauty by Adarsh Vijay
The Sun Is Setting Down.. Time To Take Rest.  Pic, By P VAriel

We spend about 8 hours/day, 56 hours/week, 240 hours/month and 2,920 hours/year doing it...that's right...SLEEPING. We apparently spend one third of our lives doing nothing. But is sleep really doing nothing? It looks like it...our eyes are closed, our muscles are relaxed, our breathing is regular, and we do not respond to sound or light. If you take a look at what is happening inside of your brain, however, you will find quite a different situation - the brain is very active. You are doing something !
Pic. Credit. Adarsh Vijay


A Touching Success Story of an A P Girl – D Anila Jyothi Reddy (A Rag to Riches Story)

D. Anila Jyothi Reddy Pic. Credit  The Indian Personalities Blog

Here is an encouraging story of an A P (Andhra Pradesh) Girl who made it top of the world.
Read on her success story in Malayalam  as well as in English at the following links:
Malayalam Here    English Here (Agricultural Laborer to CEO of  USA Companies
Thanks for dropping in.
P V & Associates
Secunderabad, A.P.

Mr. P M Jacob, Hyderabad,
Malayala Manorama, Kottayam (Manorama Online | Malayalam News | Sunday |)

A Bit Delayed Jokes For The Day (Women’s Day) Have A Happy Cracking Weekend

Picture Credit: surfkid74 SXC
A Bit Delayed Jokes For The Day (Women’s Day) 
Have A Happy Cracking Weekend

A Special Package for Business Men.

An Airline Introduced A Special Package For Business Men. Buy Ur Ticket Get Ur Wife's Ticket Free. After Great Success, The Company Sent Letters To All The Wives Asking How Was The Trip.
All Of Them Gave A Same Reply..."Which Trip?"

Husband was seriously ill

Husband was seriously ill. Doc to wife: Give him healthy breakfast, be pleasant & in good mood, don’t discuss your problems, no TV serial, don’t demand new clothes & gold jewels,
Do this for 1 yr & he will be ok.
On the way home.. Husband: what did the doc say Wife:- .No chance for u to survive

An intelligent wife

''An Intelligent Wife Is One Who Makes Sure She Spends So Much
That Her Husband Can't Afford Another Women"

New SIM to surprise her husband

Woman Buys A New Sim Card Puts It In Her Phone And Decides To Surprise Her Husband Who Is Seated On The Couch In The Living Room. She Goes To The Kitchen, Calls Her Husband With The New Number: "Hello Darling"
The Husband Responds In A Low Tone: "Let Me Call U Back Later Honey, The Dumb Lady Is In The Kitchen..

Wife treats husband

A Wife Treats Hubby By Taking Him To A Lap Dance Club For His Birthday ..
At The Club: Doorman Says: Hi Jim How R You?
Wife Asks: How Does He Know You?           
Jim Says: Oh Dear, I Play Football with Him
Inside Barman Says: The Usual Jim ?          
Jim Says To Wife: Before You Say Anything, He's On the Darts Team in My Local
Next A Lap Dancer Says: Hi Jim       
Do You Crave Special Again?
The Wife Storms Out Dragging Jim With Her & Jumps Into A Taxi..
Driver Says "Hey Jimmy Boy, You Picked Up An Ugly One This Time.."
Jim's Funeral Is On Sunday

Cool message by a wife

Cool Msg by a woman: Dear Mother-in-law, "Don't Teach me how 2 handle my children, I'm living with one of yours & he needs a lot of improvement"

I will think about it
When a married man says "I'll think about it",
What he really means that,  He doesn't know his wife's opinion yet..

Habit of talking in sleep
A Lady to a Doctor:    
My husband has habit of talking in sleep! What should I give him to cure? 
Dr: Give him an Opportunity to speak when he is awake

Wife: Do you want dinner?

Wife: Do you want dinner?  
Husband: Sure, what are my choices?        
Wife: Yes and no.

To whom do you owe your success as a millionaire
Interviewer to Millionaire: To whom do you owe your success as a millionaire?"
Millionaire: "I owe everything to my wife."
Interviewer: "Wow, she must be some woman.    
Interviewer: "What were you before you married her?"     
Millionaire: "A Billionaire"

Wife wish 2 be a newspaper
Wife: I wish I was a newspaper so I would be in your hands all day.
Husband: I too wish that You were a newspaper so I could have a new one every day.

Hell to hell is Free.
A man in Hell asked Devil:   
Can I make a call to my Wife?         
After making call he asked how much to pay.         
Devil: Nothing, Hell to hell is Free.

What if you don't see me for 2 days?
A man came home late at night after a party.       
His wife yelled:        
"How would you feel if you don't see me for two days?"    
The man couldn’t believe his luck: 'that would be great'!   
Monday passed and he didn’t see her......  
Tuesday and Wednesday passed too.....     
On Thursday his swelling became better    
And now he could see her from the corner of one eye.

Who is guilty (Husband / Wife)?
Wife is dreaming in the middle of the night and suddenly shouts: "Up! Quick! My husband is back!" Man gets up, jumps out of the window, hurts himself, and then realizes: "Damn, I am the husband!"

Nobody teaches Volcanoes to erupt,    Tsunamis to devastate, Hurricanes to sway around & no one teaches How to choose a Wife, NATURAL DISASTERS JUST HAPPEN.

Difference between Friend & Wife
U can Tell ur Friend "U r my Best Friend"    
But Do u have courage tell to your Wife "U r my Best Wife?"

Why did u shoot your wife?
Judge: why did u shoot ur wife instead of shooting her lover?
Sardar: Your honor, it's easier to shoot a woman once, than shooting one man every week.

Your husband needs rest
Doctor: Madam, your husband needs rest and peace, so here are some sleeping pills.
Wife: Doc, when should I give them to him?          
Doctor: They are for you.!!


vailiki sxc
Evelyn Parham
Pic. Credt. sxc.hu

Pic. Credit. sxc.hu
Alice Mathews Martin
Omana Philip

We Wish You All A Happy Week End!!!
Ariel & Associates

Alwyn Menezes & Ronald D'Silva

Sitting Disease? A Simple Solution Is Here....

Sitting Disease? A Simple Solution is Here....
Tired of Sitting? Use a Stand up Desk - Just Walk And Work.

Continuous sitting 

before a computer 

table or for that 

matter in your office

chairs leads to 


diseases, warns a 

doctor in Minnesota, U S A.  And he  suggest few 

remedies for this.  Please click on the below given 

link to know more about this.  

Sebin Jose

How to Grow Green Grass on Your Keyboard | LABSTRIKE

Pic. Credit: Labstrike

How to Grow Grass on your Keyboard?
A Tutorial and an Interesting Video:
See more here at this link:

How to Grow Green Grass on Your Keyboard | LABSTRIKE