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Run For Jesus- 10K Marathon Run In Twin Cities of Hyderaba And Secunderabad

Run For Jesus......

Yet another event organized under the banner of Aradhana TV Channel.  Here is a glimpse of the event.  The event went off peacefully with a vibrant musical concert by 
Anil Kant and his daughter Shreya.

Apart from the religious leaders, Central Minister Osar Fernandez , M Ps, MLAs and other local and central political leaders also attended the function. 
Here are few pictures taken by this blog author.
To know more about this event and to see more pictures please visit the website Run For Jesus

Image Credit: Run For Jesus.in
Some Photographs taken at the event.

Little rest after a long run

Little rest after a long run

web counter
web counter

E Stands For Environment, Let Us Protect And Preserve Our Environment

Pic. Credit Mandy Allen
E - For Environment, Let Us Protect And Preserve Out Environment 

The Webster’s Dictionary says:

1: the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded

 2 a : the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival.

b : the aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influence the life of an individual or community.

3 : the position or characteristic position of a linguistic element in a sequence.

4 : a computer interface from which various tasks can be performed - a programming environment.

But the word "ENVIRONMENT” very commonly used to denote Nature or natural environment, that is to say “All living and non-living things that surround an organism, or group or organisms.

Pic. Credit Phonex
It is mostly referred in connection with the protection and preservation of nature.  Environmentalism is a movement connected with environmental scientists mainly concentrating on the issues

To reduce world consumption of fossil fuels – Carbon Dioxide (one of the green house gases).

And  to reduce and clean up all sorts of pollutions like air, sea river etc.. and lately concentrating on alternative energy sources that have low carbon emissions.  And sustainable use of water, land and other resources and preservation of endangered species and the protection of our forest resources.

A Photograph by blogger p v ariel

Trees are playing a vital role  in reducing the green gas omissions and save our environment.  Here is a write-up  on this line--the selfless service these silent service providers put forward for the benefit of mankind.  Please  click on this link to read more:  Our Existence Depends on Our Natural Resources 

Websters Dictionary.com
Pic Credit. Mandy Allen

Death Is Inevitable, But You Need not Fear….

Many fear even hearing the sound of this word. And
Many do not like to talk about it too.  Because it is such a word that, it creates a kind of fear and commotion among the individuals

In this connection let us go back to the creation story. When God created man He created them in His image, and there was no death,.  But unfortunately man sinned and come short of the glory of God and death entered in and it continued to rule.  The Bible the God’s Word  says:  “The wages of sin is death.”
And it is appointed for men to die once, but after this judgment (Heb 9: 27).

 Death is inevitable  But You Need not Fear….
Yes, If you are a believer  in Christ and accepted Him as your personal Savior an Lord you need not fear. It is for sure that you need not fear death.

Yes, a believer’s life in Christ is sure and secure, His destination is clear and an appointed one.  After the death He  will be taken to Heaven.

The Bible says: "The death of His children is so precious to Him that it will not be an accident  Yes  his death is Precious in the Sight of God

But contrary to this in the recent past there was a news emerge into the scenario.

The breaking news was this an media put it as The Biggest Breaking News Ever!” IN 20 YEARS, SCIENCE MIGHT MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO LIVE FOR EVER. What a wonderful revelation.  This news item has published in a weekly magazine called “The Sunday Indian” (the only news magazine on earth in 14 languages) edited and published by Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri, a world renewed management guru (teacher). He said in his editorial, “A scientist claiming that those who live for another twenty odd years might actually go on to live forever. The scientist, Ray Kurzweil, has been dubbed by none other than Bill Gates as the ‘smartest futurist on earth’. So when he speaks, you listen. As per Ray in another twenty years, science would probably invent ways to re-programme our bodies and thereby reverse the ageing process; and then nano-technology would let us live forever! Read more on this subject here @(My Response to This in my other blog page)
and read an editorial by Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri Here.

What a sad finding or attempt to live forever.  Yes, there is no end to the desires of man.

The life expectancy of man is up to 70 or 75 years, The Bible too says that: " The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow;  For it is soon cut off, and we fly away. (Psalms 90: verse 10)

It is for sure that man will die one day and it is appointed for everyone.  We all know that one day we will die.  But the believers' in Christ have a wonderful hope that after the life on this earth they will be going to a wonderful place Jesus Christ is preparing for them.  So for others,  its vital to take a decision on this, and is very important to make our lives count as long as we are living on this earth.  There is no doubt that there will be problems and difficulties on this earth but to end of all this will happen in Christ's return, as the Bible call it as "Jesus' Second Coming"

Be Serious and think on this line- The Bible says: "He who does the will of God abides forever" (1 John Chapter 2 verse 17).  Death Is appointed to everyone, And it is Inevitable too. No scientist or intellect can re-write this truth.

So Let Us Make a Decision Today to inherit that wonderful place called Heaven.  
Let us obtain this by doing the will of God.

May Go help each one of my readers here

Have A Blessed Time Ahead.

Philip & Associates

Related Stories:

Oh Death...A Poem

A Timely Reminder   

Picture Source:  
The Sunday Indian Weekly 

C - For Christ, Christianity and Church—Some Facts to Make Note Today the 3rd Day of A to Z Blog Challenge

C - For Christ, Christianity and Church—Some Facts to Make Note Today the 3rd Day of A to Z Blog  Challenge
My Entry for the 3rd Day with the Word "C"

An Open Bible.Contains the Basic Principles of Christianity. sxc.hu
Christianity is a world wide religion today; here are some facts about this wonderful religion.
Though it started with a meager number of 12 people  (most of them illiterate) its growth was tremendous and now with around 2 billion believers around the world Christianity stands at the top of the list among world religions.

Over the ages Christianity went through many persecution (it still continues) from kings and rulers.  But it continues its growth and Jesus Christ's followers are increasing tremendously.
It  is the largest religion  in the world today.  Here is a statistics of World Religion:

Christianity          1.9 billion
Islam                    1.1 billion
Hinduism             781 million
Buddhism            324 million
Sikhism               19 million
Judaism              14 million
Baha'ism             6.1 million
Confucianism     5.3 million
Jainism               4.9 million
Shintoism           2.8 million

From the beginning Jesus' believers faced cruel opposition from the rulers of the nation.  Due to the severe persecution  believers scattered to different cities and villages.  Wherever they went the belief system sprouted and grown widely and its wings spread all around the world.

A close look at the history of Christianity will reveal the wonders it has done throughout the centuries.  Just take the case of any modern developments in this world, it will tell the amazing story of the influence or role played by Christians or Christianity.

As we all know that America and some European countries are on top of the modern developmental activities among all nations.  This is an undeniable fact.  Just go back to the history of America and these European countries just before Christianity entered in these countries.  It will definitely be a shocking fact that they were aggressive in nature and were leading an uncultured and brutal life like the people dwelling in forests.

It is amazing to note the tremendous changes happened in their life after Christ's teachings entered in these countries.  It is difficult to compare their past life and the present life as such a change has taken place in their life after accepting and following Jesus Christ and His teachings.  Nobody can say that it is just because of the development of science.   If someone thinks that way just looks into the life of such scientists.  They were all followers and believers of Jesus Christ.

Let me list out few of the prominent names of such Christian scientists who contributed their life and blood for the betterment of the society.  Let this be a reminder to my friends who blames Christians and Christianity.

Benjamin Franklin the scientist, an inventor, a statesman, a printer and publisher, a philosopher, a musician, and an economist. Who invented an efficient heating stove and proved that lightning is electricity was a Christ follower.

Galileo the astronomer, physicist, mathematician, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution.   The father of modern observational astronomy, the father of modern physics, the “father of science”, and “the Father of Modern Science was a Christian believer.
Sir Isaac Newton a mathematician and physicist, one of the foremost scientific intellects of all time who discovered how the universe is held together through his theory of gravitation, he also discovered the secrets of light and color too was a Christ follower.

Here are some more such scientists who followed Jesus Christ and His teachings:

Louis Pasteur a chemist and biologist, who proved the germ theory of disease and invented the process of pasteurization,.

Devi Humphrey, the inventor of potassium and Davis Lamb.
Michael Faraday, the discoverer of elector-magnetic induction, elector-magnetic rotations, the magneto-optical effect, diam-magnetism, field theory.
James watt, the inventor of steam engine.
Henry Cavendish, the scientist noted for his discovery of hydrogen. He described the density of hydrogen. Cavendish is also known for the Cavendish experiment, his measurement of the Earth’s density, and early research into electricity are well known.
William Murdock, the inventor of gas lighting termed as gasometer he also made a number of discoveries in the field of chemistry. 
Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of Phonograph, Light bulb – Motion Pictures.
Guglielmo Marconi, the Nobel Prize winner in physic and the  inventor of Radio.
Paul Vernier, the mathematician who described the vernier caliper measuring scale.
Samuel F B Mayors, the founder of telegraphic system.
George Stevenson, the inventor of rail engine.
Mason, the inventor of mason’s hygrometer (for determining the relative humidity).
Anders Celsius, an Astronomer the inventor of centigrade. 
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, the physicist, who invented the alcohol thermometer,  and the mercury thermometer he also introduced the temperature scale that bears his name – Fahrenheit Scale.

Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and the founder of  Nobel prizes which are awarded each year to people, irrespective of nationality who made valuable contributions to the good of humanity.

John Guttenberg, the inventor of printing machine, ,the inventor of the modern spinning machine,

Dr. Simpson, the inventor of chloroform,
Famous philosopher Lord Francis Bacon,
Father of modern chemistry Boyle,
Founder of Neptune Prof. Adams,
Famous geological scientist Adam Sedgwick,
Dalton, the inventor of atomic theory.
Young, the inventor of theory of light,
Kelvin the famous scientist,
Sir George Stocks known as the modern Newton and the five times Chairman of the fellow of Royal Society,

Wilberforce, who stopped the slave system, 

John Howard, reformer of the jail system,

World famous poets, Pope, Tennyson, Milton, Wordsworth,  William Shakespeare the famous writer, 

The brave and famous fighters like Napoleon, Nelson, Duke of Wellington, 

The great philosophers like Beacons Field, Gladstone, Kitchener, Lloyd George, Balfer,

Famous numerologists’ like John Heraclius, Laibinites, Pascal, Christopher Columbus the discoverer of America,  Cook and maghalen the adventurous people, who traveled around the world in a ship, 

The famous sculpture and artist Michelangelo,

OMG!!! There is no end to this list.  It goes on.... These famous scientists and philosophers were believers of  Christian faith.

In fact these scientist’s discoveries and inventions are so useful for the modern man, this is an undisputed fact.  The amazing thing is that a Christian’s brain is worked behind all these inventions and creations. 

One who blame Christianity should check these facts and stop blaming and persecuting Christians for everything.  The clothes they wear, the pen they use, the vehicle they travel, the technical instruments they use, the computer they use, the postal system a discovery of a European Christian all such things needed badly for their daily use.  Even Mahatma Gandhi who discarded the foreign clothes needed a vehicle invented by a European for his travel and he used a printing machine founded by yet another European, and again he used a timepiece invented by a foreigner.  These and many other things for the daily use all are created or invented by the Christians or let me put it this way, “Take the case of any invention a Christian’s brain is worked behind.  No doubt even to the people of India’s developments Christians and Christianity played a vital role.  Ruling or administration of a nation, war diplomacy, education, business, artifacts, dressing or dress design, and countless other areas we the Indians are now following the pattern of our western counterparts.

The fact is that a majority of Indians are rejected our traditional Indian culture and customs and now following the developing nations like Europe, America and other Christian nations.
The Christian missionaries gifts to our educational and health system is amazing. This is yet another undisputed fact; no doubt we the Indians are indebted to the English speaking countries for the present developments in India..  Just have a look at our history books that itself, will speak volumes about our previous culture, systems, habits and traditions.  And then just look at our present status this is only because of Christians influence upon us.
The interesting  and shameful fact is that the people who have an enmity towards Christians and Christianity need their governments’ jobs and their university degrees and their inventions like airplane, motor transport, the postal system, the internet facilities and numerous  other systems invented by Christian believers.

In short we the Indians are very much indebted to our Christian Brethren for our present status.  I am sure this is an undisputed fact.

Before the westerners arrived India what was our condition?  No doubt it was in a haphazard and chaotic condition. Our women flocks were like slaves and were fully under the control of men and they were not even allowed to go out from the four walls of the kitchen.  Wives can’t stand or come before the husbands.  They must be away from all activities of the family in fact they were treated worse than slaves.  They have no voice of their own and polygamy marriage system was prevalent.  A historian recorded about a person who married 50 women.  And one woman can have five or more husbands.  There was yet another system of women staying in temples and doing all sorts of menial job for the men. This is known as Devadasi system, it was very common especially in villages. There was another  kind of brutal treatment towards women, the ‘Sati System’, living wives are burned along with the dead bodies of their husbands or throwing the woman in the pyre of the husband. Another practice was throwing little children to the river Ganges as an offering to the mother river Ganges.  The ill treatment and negligence towards the blind, orphans, lepers were a common thing.  There was no mental hospitals, cruel punishment were a common thing especially towards the downtrodden. There were frequent fighting between people.  According to the tradition, fighting between small kings were common, the pathetic condition of the jails, no religious freedom, petty quarreling among leaders and neighboring states, corruption, unscientific cultivation, undeveloped educational system all these were the condition of our ancient India before the arrival of westerners.   But after their arrival the conditions tremendously changed and their ruling paved a basic way to the present improved or developed system.

For these tremendous changes and developments are we not indebted to the westerners?  No sensible person can deny these facts.  Yes we are in every way fully indebted to our western counterparts for our present stage/status.
The people who blame Christians and Christianity should make note of these facts and stop blaming Christians and their culture.  Many today just ignore these facts and just blame it on Christianity and Christians for every unfortunate things happening around the world, especially when some untoward things happens in western countries, Christians are blamed everywhere.
How nice it would have been the people who blame Christianity and Christians make note of this.
May God help them to understand the real truth.

Indian history
Sathiaprakashini, By Mahakavi K V Simion
Verpaadu sabhakalude charithram,
Krishtava sabhaa charithram
Kraisthava Sabha irupathu Noottandukaliloode
History of World Religion
 Yahoo.com/Press Trust of India.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 
P V Ariel’s Knol Pages

Blogging is Beautiful And Thrilling Too!!! A Brief History of Blogging and Few Vital Blog Tips for All

A to Z April Blogging Challenge: Post for the Day Two  "B"  

Closely watching my writings in print media one of my friends suggested, 
“Anna, (Brother) why don’t you start a blog of your own?
He has given me some guidelines and accordingly I did a web search and found few attractive pages for web writing, thus started my journey of web writing or blogging.

Started from Associated Content to Google’s Knol pages to Word Press and to Google’s Blogger pages. And the journey continues and it’s really thrilling too.
Here is a short history and few thoughts and tips on blogging from experts in this field.
A short history of blogging
The first use of the term "weblog" in relation to the delivery of content on a website comes from the delivery of a paper titled “Exploiting the World-Wide Web for Electronic Meeting Document Analysis and Management” by G. Raikundalia & M. Rees, two lecturers from Bond University on the Gold Coast, Australia made to a conference on August 14, 1995…..
The origins of modern blogging are often as argued about as what blogging is.
Many point to blogs as websites or WebPages that provided links and comments to other pages, and it is from this basis that modern blogs emerged.  Tim Berners-Lee, father of the World Wide Web, first posted a web page in 1992 at CERN that kept a list of all new web sites as they come online.  Read More Here At This Link  The Blog Herald

Here are few of my web friends and co-authors from Google’s knol pages. 

They have written number of informative and educative pages in relation to blogging.

Jadish Kumar Nambiyaar (Jag): Is a Web expert and a SEO expert in the World Wide Web.  He gives tons of information about web writing/blogging and other SEO related matters. To know more about SEO and blogging check his pages at this link SEO A Day No  No doubt it will be a refreshing and profitable  experience in your web writing career.


Yet another expert in the Web World is Dr. Johnson C Philip (Dr.JCP) A Christian Apologist, a prolific writer, and a missionary Evangelist gives lot of information to blog writers on blogging and content writing. This is apart from his huge volume of regular Christian Apologetic writings. 
Following are few of his educative titles at the page

How To Promote Your Articles
Why Use Pictures In Your Articles?
How To Write Popular Articles
How To Generate Net-based Income?
5 Time Management Tips For Writers
Keep Posting, Promoting, Polishing Your Blog!
These and more such blog related contents you can find on his web page @ Guide4Incom

Another Expert in Web creations in the World Wide Web is none other than Gust MEES (Gust)the well known Knol author and Professor.  His contents on web creations are very informative and educative you can read his post on the subject: Creating FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) in HTML with Google Docs. At this link.

Yet another web friend  Evelyn Parham, (Eve) author of "Becoming a Healthier You" and  blogger, vegan, educator, freelancer, and health enthusiast. who writes on health related contents, intermittently writes on blog creations, traffic and many other related subjects. Here are few informative posts from her page on  Blog writing.

Tips for The New Blogger 
9 Ways to Make Your Blog Post Easier to Read   And
10 Ways to Generate More Blog Traffic


And lastly here is a small tutorial I posted in the knol pages.
A simple tip on how to embed share button in your blogs. 
Read @ Peeveesknols

Here are some more valuable posts on blog tips/tricks from the web pages I just searched out for this blog.  Here it is for your reference and study:

20 Easy Ways to Ruin Your Blog” Under this title the author  Susan Gunelius  explains 20 tips or points of   dos and don’ts   A must read to make note of each blogger whoever maybe a newbie or a veteran one if follow these tips the results will be enormous.  Read in detail at this link. 20 Easy Ways toRuin Your Blog”

How to write a blog post in a short span of time.

This is really an interesting post which gives a quick idea to how to write a blog post in a short span of time.
I am sure this will an immense information to the blogger s who are participating in this blog challenge of A To Z Blogging challenge, The title is given as “How to Write a Blog Post in 5 Steps and 15 Minutes”

Here are five vital tips to become an expert in blogging: 5Tips For Building Expertise Through Blogging

Lastly here is a post to visit.  If you want to become a professional blogger read more on this line here at this post

Thanks for visiting this post.
Keep watching
Happy Blogging