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India Is My Country All Indians Are My Brothers And Sisters, I Love My Country....

Picture Credit Arun Mathew
Google image
When I was thinking about the next word for the A to Z Blog Challenge which starts with a big "I".  My thoughts went on and on and on with many words, but suddenly it stopped at the word "INDIA" Yes, my own nation topped the list.  A beautiful country in the universe, we call it MOTHER INDIA. 

My memories went back to my childhood days.  In school we start our days with the following pledge which I still remember and sometimes whisper too.  Yes, it still lingers in our minds and on our lips.

Here is the pledge we make every day in the morning along with the morning prayer.  Yes we start our school day with this pledge.  It still continues in all the Indian schools.
A Scene from Thekkady, Kerala. Pic, Credit Shibu Thovala

 The Pledge

India is my country
All Indians are my Brothers and Sisters
I love my country
And I shall always strive to be
a loyal and worthy citizen of it.
To my country and my people
I pledge my devotion
May God grant her peace and prosperity. 

But Alas! 
Today, When I look around,  this concept is totally changed
and many look at each other in a different outlook.
The golden old days are gone forever!
politics and politicians polluted the system
and they created a kind of enmity
within ourselves to
fatten their vote banks/pockets. 
The journey goes on!!!

Anyways  here is....
A Brief Info. about my beloved country called INDIA:

My Country is the largest nation in the southern Asia
And the second largest country in the world.

About one out of every six people in the world lives in India
It's population is nearly equal to that of all the nations of Africa and south America together.

In Area, India stands at the 7th place.

The people of India belongs to different ethnic groups.
And people speak more than 14 major languages
And more than 1000 minor languages,
And dialects.

(India is known as Republic of India,
Bharath or Union of India)

Capital: New Delhi

Official Language: Hindi (National)

Area: 3,287,263 sq. km

Population: Above 1,025.1 m.

Languages: Hindi(National), English, 
18 officially recognized languages

Literacy: 65.38%

Religions: Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, 
Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, etc.

Currency: Rupee [ US $1 = Rs. 49 (approx.) ]
p.c.i.: $2,230

Head of State is President: Mr. Pranab Mukherjee

Head of government:  Federal Republic.

Prime Minister: Dr. Man Mohan Singh

National Song”  “Vande Mataram” (I Bow to The Mother)

National Anthem:  “Janagana Mana”(Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people”)

October 2nd is the Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi 
"The Father of the Nation"

Here are few links which leads to few  videos 
which reveals the life story of Mahatma Gandhi

Credit: wichm.home
The birth and death anniversaries of Great leaders come ones in a year and on that particular day different celebrations takes place in remembrance of such people with much enthusiasm and respect. But unfortunately in most cases that ends with that. But here is an exception to this trend"Gandhiji" the Father of Nation is still remembered and his brand has grown stronger and stronger every year and every walk of life even the new generation giving a new vision to it and discovering him and adopting his polices with much enthusiasm. His birthday is also known as International day of non-violence,

Here are some rare videos from the life of Mahatma Gandhi -- The first TV Interview and his speech at different places.

The first ever made TV interview with Mahatma Gandhi by Fox Movietone News.

Please Click on the below link to watch these videos. 
 P V Ariel's Video Page 

To Read a related article Please click on the below link:
Few Amazing Facts About India

Few Pictures From India
Picture Credit Keralatourism.com
A Scene from my City (Secunderabad) Pic. by Ariel

The Blog Author P V,Near Taj Mahal

P V At Qutab Minar New Delhi

A side view of Qutab Minar Picture bye Charles Philip
Lotus Temple New Delhi Pic, By Mathews Philip

Taj Mahal Pic By P V Ariel

Rajghat, Gandhi Samadhi Entrance Gate P V and family members

P V's Family Members Near India Gate , New Delhi Pic, by PV

A Scene From Thekkady, Kerala. Pic. by Shibu Thovala

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This facility is useful to anyone whoever you may be, whether you’re a student or professional or a layman, it will be useful to all. Your resources will be always safe at Dropbox, doubly safe than your personal computers laptops etc.
There are many chance to loose those information from your own computers or laptops, but at Dropbox your materials are more safe.
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Image credit. kikolani.com
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Here is a video which explains what is a Dropbox 

MY DROPBOX INVITATON TO YOU                       


Helen Keller The Conqueror of Physical Handicaps

Helen A Keller
“Disability is not a liability” This adage is proved by many in the time immemorial.  Yes, History is filled with such people who conquered physical handicaps through their life.  Among such wonderful and great people “Helen Keller”  tops the list.  She is an outstanding personality who lived a life worth the living.

Helen Keller was born as Helen Adams Keller on 27 June 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama, USA.   She lost here sight and hearing at the age of 2 years due to a disease called “acute congestion of the stomach and brain”  She was unable to speak but by her sheer hard work and firm determination she achieved great thing in her life.

Anne Sullivan Macy
At the age of 5 her father  took her to Dr. Alexander Graham Bell and he advised him to write to the Perkins Institution  for the blind in Boston.  At the age of 7 Anne Sullivan arrived from Boston to teach her.  Sullivan herself has been nearly blind, during childhood.  A surgery partially restored her sight and she married John A Macy but she stayed with Keller until her death.   Anne played a vital role in Helen's life and the rest is history.

Keller learned to write and speak until 10 years she could talk only with the sign language of the deaf-mute.  And she decided to learn to speak and took lessons from a teacher of the deaf at the age of 16 she could communicate well enough to go to the preparatory school and to college and from Radcliffe in the year  1904 she graduated with honors.  She was very much concerned with her fellow beings who are deaf and dump and later she become the staff of the American Foundation for the blind and the American Foundation of overseas blind.  Later she gave lectures to the legislators  and wrote books and articles.  She started Helen KellerEndowment Fund.  She fully surrounded her life to the blind and under developed people.  She was an enthusiastic and untiring traveler and traveled  more than 25 countries in the 5 major continents.  She received many awards great distinction for her relentless service for the under privileged.  Her books have been translated into more than 50 languages.

Helen (left) & Anne
There are a good number of people followed her steps in helping and giving service to the people around even in spite of their deformities or disabilities.   Such people’s lives will always be an encouragement even to the physically able one.

Related Posts:   
Disability is not a liability

Thoughts for this wonderful day

Here is a Timeline from Helen Keller's life:
(An adaptation from thefamouspeople.com)

1880 – Helen Keller was born on 27 June

1886 - Helen was sent by her mother while being accompanied by her father to seek the help of Dr. J. Julian Chisolm, an eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist in Baltimore, for advice

1887 - Anne Sullivan started teaching Helen by arriving at Helen’s home in March.

1888 - From May, Helen started attending Perkins Institute for the Blind.

1891 - One of the earliest known Helen’s written piece was when she was eleven years old The Frost King.

1894 – Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan moved to New York to get special education from the Wright-Humason School for the Deaf and educate under Sarah Fuller at the Horace Mann School for the Deaf.

1896 - Keller and Sullivan moved back to Massachusetts and Helen entered The Cambridge School for Young Ladies.

1900 - Helen was admitted to Radcliffe College, where she lived in Briggs Hall, South House.

1903 - Keller was 22 years old when her autobiography, “The Story of My Life” was published which received help from Sullivan and Sullivan's husband, John Macy.

1904 - Keller received her graduation from Radcliffe College at the age of 24. With this Helen became the first deaf and blind person ever to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

1905 - Anne Sullivan married John Macy.

1908 - Keller wrote “The World I Live In” which talked about her feelings of the world she felt living inside.

1909 to 1921 - Keller remained a Socialist Party member for which she actively campaigned and wrote many pieces in support of the working class.

1912 - Keller joined the Industrial Workers of the World known as the IWW or the Wobblies.

1913 - A series of essays on socialism, “Out of the Dark” was published.

1914 – Anne’s health declined somewhere around 1914.

1915 - She found the Helen Keller International (HKI) organization along with George Kessler which devoted its work and research in the areas of vision, health and nutrition.

1916 to 1918 - She regularly wrote for IWW.

1919 - She appeared in a silent film, “Deliverance” which told the story of her life in a melodramatic and allegorical style.

1920 - Helen greatly helped founding the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
1927 - Keller’s spiritual autobiography “My Religion” was published.

1961 - Helen Keller was attacked by several strokes which confined her to her home in the final years of her life.

1964 – On 14 September President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded her with the prestigious Presidential Medal of Freedom which is regarded as one of the United States' highest two civilian honors

1968 - Keller died in her sleep on 1 June

The World Book
The World Famous People.com

കെടുതി. (ചെറുകവിതകള്‍) താരം©


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ആയ രാജേഷ് ശിവയുടെ
കുട്ടിക്കവിതാ സമാഹാരത്തില്‍ നിന്നും
ഒപ്പം അതിനുള്ള എന്റെ
പ്രതികരണവും കാണുക.
കവിതാ സ്വാദനത്തിനായി ഇവിടെ കുത്തുക.

താരം© - ചെറുകവിതകള്‍: കെടുതി

Rajesh Shiva താരം© -

Great News! Great News! Jesus Christ Is Alive

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This is really Great and Wonderful News to All Mankind.
Read the Bible (The New Testament) to know More About This Wonderful Story!
Have A Blessed and Wonderful Weekend to All My Readers And Friends!

Few Foods (Plants And Fruits) And Some Useful Information

Few Foods And Some Valuable Thoughts/Informations On This Day- 
The World Health Day. April 7th Saturday.

Pic. Credit. pva
Today being the world health day (Anniversary of the founding of WHO (World Health Organization).  Let us think seriously on the food we take.

Most of the diseases are someway connected the food we take in. 
Here are some Natural food which helps us to go forward with a steady good health.

This blog which reveals and suggest many solutions to many common and even acute ailments which human beings faces in their daily life.

Many resources available around us in nature are so precious but many do not know the real value of it.  Here is a blog which reveals many such insignificance but precious materials available in our surroundings’, which can play a vital role in curing many common and even dreadful diseases.

This is written with a personal experience and the other data collected from various sources.  Doctors and other para medical associates, friends, relatives and old people helped me in procuring this date at different intervals.  I am sure this will definitely give a soothing experience to many who go through it and apply it in their practical life.  If anyone got benefited by the suggestions solutions mentioned in this I am very much satisfied with it and believe that my efforts in this line is not in vain.

If anybody who read this blog know any other solution or suggestion to any other ailments from the natural resources they are most welcome to contribute to this blog. I request such readers to keep in touch with me through the comment column by posting a comment.  So that we can include the same in the text accordingly.

I have found out few such common medicines which is most of the time available right in our kitchen and in our surroundings or courtyards.

Anyone can post their suggestions through the comment box provided at the bottom of this blog.

There are many diseases that those common plants can cure. In the plant kingdom there are a number of plants which can be called "The Life Savers" or "The Miracles of Nature"  The Branch of Ayurvedic medicine discovered and utilized it and found it worth spreading. Thus we now have these wonderful secrets of Miracles of Nature.  A good number of plants and leaves in our courtyards are really miracles in itself which we do not really recognize it or just ignore it.

Here are some such medicinal secrets of our daily used items.

Thulasi The Wonder Plant;

Pic. Credit. PVA
 It's botanical name is "Oscimum  sanctum" Also known as 'Basil'.  A common plant found in every Indian household especially in Hindu homes.  It is considered as a symbol of pious reverence, only few are familiar with its miraculous nature or properties of this wonder plant. Though it is treated as symbol of holiness, piety and purity its medicinal properties are numerable.  It has been proved by the scientific research that it produces ozone gas which purifies the air.

It is a best medicine to relieve gas and cures cold and cough, worms, infections in the urinary tract, backache and even gives relief to leprosy. It uses as a prevention to malaria. The one need to either munch it raw or mix it with other herbs grind it to a paste or prepare as a decotion  and take.

Other medicinal uses of Tulsi:-

Tusli leaves juice mixed with cardamom (elaichi- in Hindi) powder prevents nausea and helps clear the motions.

Sniffing the fragrance of dried Tusli leaves or its black seeds gives great relief to nagging headache.

Chewing 5-6 leaves of this plant reduces hunger. It also reduces or cures nausea, bad breath, gum infection, distaste and also acts as a de-worming agent. It also clears respiration and works as a digestive agent.

The paste of  Tulsi leaves, if applied on a bleeding wound it stop bleeding and it helps to heal the wound fast.  The paste is also used for common skin ailments.

All parts of Tulsi , its leaves, seeds mixed with  black pepper are given to pregnant women suffering from malaria and other general ailments.  It is also used to stop nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and flatulence. The fresh flowers are used to cure coughs and colds. Tusli oil  is an effective mosquito repellant.

Pic. by pva
In Ayurveda medicine it is used as an antidote to snake bites and as a medicine for coughs, colds, bronchitis and diabetes. It can be taken as a drink with lemon juice or cardamoms. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.Use of this plant gives protection to enzymes present in the liver which helps to reduce fats and also lower cholesterol levels.  It is used in making some creams and ointments to treat eczema, people with sensitive skins should avoid applying parts of the plant directly onto their skin as it may cause adverse reactions.


I am indebted to the following members of the medical fraternity, family members and friends for some of the information furnished here.
I take this time to express my heartfelt thanks and regards to their timely suggestions and information provided to prepare this blog:

Dr. Vishwanathan Maanathaara, Thalavady, Kerala
Dr. Reka Sri Ramulu, MBBS, MS. Scunderabad, A.P.
Dr. Anita Ramkrishan, MBBS Secunderabad, A.P
Dr. Rami Reddy MBBS, MS Hyderabad, A.P
Dr. Sebastian Paul, MBBS MS Kottayam, Kerala
Dr. C K Warrior, Ranny, Kerala.
Late Mr and Mrs, P T Varghese, (My Parents) Thiruvalla, Kerala
Late Mrs Saramma Thommi, (My Grandma) Pothanicadu, Kerala
Late Mrs. Mariamma P Chacko,  Pothanicadu, Kerala
Late Mrs. Aleyamma Mathew, Mannarathara, Ranny, Kerala.
Mrs. Rosamma J Philip, Secunderabad, A.P.
Late Mrs. Phyllis Gomez, Secunderabad, A.P.
Mr. P V Thomas, Bangalore, Karnataka
Mr. Paul V Carpenter, Valanjavattom, Kerala
Mrs. Omana Philip, Secunderabad, A P
Ms. Anju James, New Delhi