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Earth Day Is 43 Years Old Today. (22nd April Two Thousand Thirteen)

Pic. Credit: Google.com
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Earth Day Is 43 Years Old Today.

The World Over Celebrated yet another Earth Day Today (22nd April) Two Thousand Thirteen. 

On this occasion as usual Google Created a Doodle for its Celebrations.

Here is a full Report on this from GuardianUK

R is for Rape: Shocking Rape News From Delhi the Capital of India. Delhi Witnessed Yet Another Rape of a Minor Girl

R is for Rape: Shocking Rape News From Delhi 

the Capital of India.  Delhi Witnessed Yet 

Another Rape of a Minor Girl

Demonstrators shout slogans as they try to cross a police barricade during a protest outside police headquarters in New Delhi. Pic.Reuters / Indian Express
At A to Z blog Challenge R is the letter for the day.  The Letter R today stands for “Rape” Yes, rape is the word for today.

The other day the media reported of a five-year old girl’s rape.  The victim was brutally raped by a 25 year old person.  The police arrested the accused Manoj Kumar, 25, from his native village in Bihar today.  The greatest irony is that the girl was kidnapped and raped repeatedly and kept her in a room for two days without water and food. The accused inflicted wounds on the child’s body and inserted a 200 ml bottle and two candlesticks into her genital area.

Q is for Quality: Content Writers/Bloggers Beware! Quality is the Key Word For Today Not Quantity

Q is for Quality: Content Writers/Bloggers Beware! Quality is the Key Word For Today Not Quantity

Picture Credit: onboardly.com
As the A to Z blog challenge just passed half way through, here is a point to ponder upon. 

Along with the blog challengers posts, tons and tons of contents are now available all through the web space.

Yes, people around the world are producing tons of material and posting it on the world wide web pages. 

Let us just ponder over it.

What types of contents we are creating and what is the ultimate outcome of it?

Is it profitable?  Is it worth reading?, or is it informative or educative?

Let us ask ourselves!

Each one should think on this line, is our posts are worth readable.
Since the web world is filled with all kinds of resources and people are so busy in searching for their needs, if we can cater the right stuff at the right time our efforts will be fruitful and are rewarded.  And Above all we get the real satisfaction too.

Picture Credit: deviantart.com
In the content world a majority of them are useless stuffs, just to kill the time people post their contents.  Such ones may not get the real attention of the audience and our very purpose of posting or writing will not be served.

People may come to your space, but that will be a one time affair.

People need quality ones.  Quantity is not the criteria here but Quality is more important.

You may ask now:  
Ok that is fine, then how it is possible for a new comer to create quality ones?

Indeed this is a good question!

Yes. Only by reading more and more related contents and by writing writing, re-writing and again writing and writing, one can reach to that level, yes, its not a few days efforts, but I think it’s a lifelong effort!
Yes, read, read, read, and then write, write, write and then again write. :-)

Only by practicing and practicing one can reach to that level.

Your sheer effort and hard work only will take you to that level.

Take your seniors criticism at the right spirit, and rectify it accordingly, that way one can improve their standard/quality of content creation.

If we can post/write quality posts  people will come back again to our space to read your posts.

So, let us take a decision to create quality products for our audience/customers or readers.

Producing quality products with suitable key words is the talk of the day, and the need of the hour.

Make note that, no one is perfect to produce such things all of a sudden, for this; one needs lot of perseverance and hard work.

By saying this please do not think that I am producing only quality ones, Oh No! When I look back I am sure, my major number of contents will come under the second category.  But still I am struggling to create quality ones.

Please do not take it the other way round.  I am not an expert to give more lines on this subject.

These things I just mentioned here because of my keen observations since few years on web world.

Some people are very prompt to produce contents daily, sometimes even about one to ten or more on a day.   This is good but I am afraid, that may reduce their quality, though they are reputed or well experienced ones, many a times the result will go back to the second category.

Picture Credit: ominibeat.com
So Beware my fellow writers!
Take time to create good and worth readable quality ones,

May this years A to Z challenge be a great challenge on this issue.

How are you doing? 

What types of content your are creating for your audience?

Would like to hear from you and your opinion on this point.

Your feedback is well taken,

Best regards and good wishes  for a Happy Blogging!

Ann's Blog: P is For Philip Verghese Ariel My Hus….

Ann's Blog: P is For Philip Verghese Ariel My Hus….: P is for Philip Verghese Ariel My Hus…. Need More Space to talk about my Better Half. But Space and time constrain me to cut s...

P is for Privilege: Yet Another Privilege From Google: Good News To Bloggers and Commenters

Bringing  Google+ Comments to Blogger

Pic.Credit. Google/man made design studio

Reading and responding to comments can be 

one of the most rewarding aspects of blogging. 

Not only do they help you connect with your 

readers, they can also inspire later blog 

entries. The challenge, oftentimes, is following

all the conversations around your content—on 

Google+, for instance, as well as on your 

website. So we're making things a lot simpler.

Starting today, you can bring Google+ 

Comments to your Blogger blog. Once you've 

enabled the feature through your Blogger 

Dashboard, you'll enjoy a number of important


View your blog and Google+ comments, all in one 


Now when you're browsing your blog's comment 

threads, you'll see activity from direct 

visitors, and from people talking about your

content on Google+. For example, if there's a 

public Google+ discussion about one of your blog 

entries, those comments and replies will also

appear on your Blogger blog. This way you can

engage with more of your readers, all in one 


To Continue Reading Please Click On The Below Link

P is For Privileges: Let Us Utilize The Privileges

Let’s Utilize Our Privileges 

Pic. Credit. Confident Living Magazine

Confident Living Magazine.
Secunderabad. Andhra Pradesh

O is for Onion: Its Miraculous Medicinal Benefits

O is for Onion: Its Miraculous Medicinal Benefits

Picture Credit. Stock.Xchng/nkzs 
It has been used as a food remedy from ancient times.  Though it produces a strong odor its medicinal value is amazing.  Ancient Egyptian physician prescribed this as wonderful remedy to many illnesses  It has many miraculous medicinal benefits.  It’s advised to take onion juice instead of the whole onion.

The seeds of onion increase semen and relieve dental worms and urinary infections.  The stalks of onion contain a good source of Vitamin A, thiamin and ascorbic acid.

It is a good remedy for respiratory diseases since it posses expectorant properties.  It liquefies phlegm and thus prevents its further formation.  It can also be used for cold, cough, bronchitis and influenza. It is advised to take equal amounts of onion juice and honey daily for these problems.  During winter it can be used as the safest preventive medicine.

The recent Russian studies reveal that, if a person consumers one raw onion per day by thorough mastication it helps him to be away from many tooth disorders.   The Russian Doctor B P Tohkin says that chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. By placing a piece of onion is a best remedy for bad tooth or gum.
Its iron contents helps in anemic patients.  Onion has been a best bet for heart diseases.  A research paper says that, its benefits are due to the presence of essential oil aliypropyl disulphide, catechol, protocatechnic acid, thiopropiono, aldehyde, thiocyanate, calcium, iron phosphorus and vitamins in onion.  Another group of doctors in kerala, India, have established after several years of research that to get rid of coronary heart or blood pressure disorders one should take 100 gms. of onion per day;  it  correct thrombosis and also reduce blood cholesterol ( From the book of Dr. S J Singh’s Food Remedies P 146, Nature Cure Council of Medical Research, Lucknow, India 1982).

It is considered as one of the best aphrodisiac foods.   It increases libido and strengthens the re-productory organs.

It is a good remedy for arthritis pain. Its high content of vitamin C and anti-inflammatory –compounds like quercetin and isothiocyanates helps prevent pain and swelling. It helps to reduce knee pain and slow down the process of osteoarthritis.

It guard against lung disease, it’s a good source of beta carotene and is a good prevention to lung diseases. So eat few more onions along with other foods which contain beta carotene like carrots etc.

Eating more onions could help you avoid five kinds of cancer—including some of the most dangerous ones like colon cancer, ovarian cancer, oral cancer, cancer of larynx, and the deadly cancer of the esophagus. 

Various skin diseases are treated with onion, it helps to stimulate the circulation of blood, and continuous rubbing of this helps to remove warts from the skin.  Roasted or otherwise this is applied as a poultice to boils, bruises, wounds etc.

It is also a good remedy for ear disorders. Its juice dipped on cotton wool and put into the ear is a good remedy to ear ache.

For Cholera it is an effective remedy. Take 30 grams of onion and seven black peppers should be finely pounded and given to the cholera patients.  It allays thirst and restlessness and the patient feels better, it also lessens vomiting and diarrhea immediately. An additional to little sugar to the recipe will increase its effectiveness (from Ibid P.10).

For urinary disorder this is an effective medicine.  For burning sensation. Six grams of onion should be boiled in 500 ml. of water.  It should be removed from the fire when half the water has evaporated.  Then strain it cool it and given to the patients as a drink.  It gives a quick relief to the patients. (from Kvj Ganpati Singh Vermas Miracles of Onions p. 16)
For bleeding piles it’s a good remedy. About 50 grams of onion should be finely rubbed in water and 60 grams of sugar added to it and give it daily twice to the patients, it gives a quick relief to them.

Onions can be utilized in our daily life in different ways, it can be taken raw or may be cooked, mature and immature bulbs can be used.  It can be used in soups, salads and many other daily cooking, it is one of the essential items in Indian cooking.


Though It has got Miraculous Benefits its dangerous to use the leftover onion.  Please Read the Warning along with the picture.

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Dr. Wishvanathan Manathaara,
Aayurveda charitham
Word Book
Ganpati Singh Vermas Miracles of Onions
Dr. S J Singh’s Food Remedies
FC&A Medical Publishing
Medicinal Journals
Science Reporter
Hindustan Times
Times of India