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X is For XYZ Affair….

XYZ Affair….
A to Z Blog Challenge is fast approaching to the finishing line. Just three more letters to go to find the finishing line. 

Today is the turn of the 24th letter in the Alphabet, that is: “X”
Pic. Credit: Wikipedia
The beginning or origin of this letter is very interesting.  The World Encyclopedia says, and I quote:  “It came from a word used by the Semites, who once lived in Syria and Palestine.  They named it samekh,  their word for fish, and adapted an Egyptian hieroglyphic, or picture symbolized to represent  fish.  The Greeks later took the symbol into their alphabet, and used the letter to represent the sound of  ch.  The Romans used the letter to represent the same sound, but changed its shape slightly.”

Confident Living Magazine Articles: X is For Xerxes: King Xerxes - Clear Thinking

Picture Credit: A to Z Blog Challenge 2013

By the time Apostle Paul counseled Timothy to “use a little while 

for your stomach's sake”   (1 Timothy 5:23).  

King Xerxes Had a long since destroyed himself with too much 


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Thanks And Regards

Confident Living Magazine Articles: X is For Xerxes: King Xerxes - Clear Thinking

W is for Water. WATER: Its Numerous Uses And Benefits

W is for Water. WATER: Its Numerous Uses And Benefits

Neyyaar Dam by Thomas Vadakel 
Water is the most common substance on earth.  The living things on earth depends greatly on it’s for its survival.  It is estimated that 70% of earth surface is covered with water.  Yes, water is everywhere, it fills the oceans, rivers lakes and in the ground and even in the air we breathe.

The dictionary meaning says:  A transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H 2  O, freezing at 32°F or 0°C and boiling at 212°F or 100°C, that in a more or less impure state constitutes rain, oceans, lakes, rivers, etc.: it contains 11.188 percent hydrogen and 88.812 percent oxygen, by weight.  A special form or variety of this liquid, as rain.

V Is For Very Important: Very Important Or Vital Things To Note Today: -The Scriptural Superlatives

V Is For Very Important:  Very Important Or Vital Things To Note Today: -The Scriptural Superlatives

The Scripture  (The Word Of God ) Is Filled With Number Of Important Things , Very Essential For Human Beings To Note.  Unfortunately Many Do Not Give Heed To Such Things Which Ultimately Lead s them To Their Peril.

Here Are Few Such Things To Note And Practice It Very Seriously.

The Most Powerful Force In Life ….LOVE

The Most Powerful Channel Of Communication ….. PRAYER

The Most Contagious Spirit…. ENTHUSIASM

The Most Satisfying Work…. HELPING OTHERS

The Most Prized Possession…. INTEGRITY

The Most Beautiful Attire…. A SMILE

The Most Effective Sleeping Pill…. PEACE OF MIND

The Most Destructive Habit…. WORRY

The Greatest Asset …. FAITH

The Deadliest Weapon …. TONGUE

The Greatest Teacher…. EXPERIENCE

The Greatest Joy…. GIVING

The Bible
Confident Living Magazine

U is for UNITY Learn It From Ants

Credit: 123rf.com 

UNITY Learn It From Ants
(A Lesson to Human Beings)

Here is a great lesson to learn from the insignificant little creatures on earth,. “The Ants”. They do everything in unity. But we with our disunity most of the time fails miserably. . Let’s learn “UNITY” from them for our good.

Ants’ work in groups, 
And achieve their goal in unity
Alas! Men lack this and fail.


Let us have a look at the lives of ants.

There are a good number of lessons,

We the human beings can pick up from these insignificant creatures.

T is for 'Tina Downey' ! The Co-host at A to Z Blog Challenge: Also The Team Leader of "Tina The Terrific" Team.

T is for 'Tina Downey'! 
The Co-host at A to Z Blog Challenge: Also The Team Leader of 'Tina The Terrific Team.'

Today’s letter  ”T” stood before me with a big laugh! 
Yes, Tall and sturdy it stood before me with a big smile.

When I thought of the letter 'T' immediately the name stood before my eyes is    “Tina Downey”, the blog owner of Life is Good and the co-host at A to Z Blog Challenge.

I am so glad to write few words about this terrific personality, also happened to be my team (Tina's Terrific Team) leader here at A to Z blog Challenge 2013.

S is For Sex: Sex Sells Well, No. Politics And Journalism Sells Well

S is For Sex: Sex Sells No. Politics And Journalism Sells Well

Picture Credit: outlookindia.com
It looks like the Grand Old Profession Prostitution (Selling Sex) is lagging behind politics, politicians and Journalism, Yes, the new trend is Politics Sells Well.
Read a full report (written few years back - but the trend is still continuing, thus its still relevant) on this line here at his  link: @Peeveesknols 

To read the Outlook Story Click on the below link: "Paid for News"  
Have Money Get Coverage. Pic. Credit. Outlook

The Sunday Indian, 