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The Miracle Book - The Bible is on an App

Picture Credit. YouVersion.com

The Holy Bible 
The Miracle Book
The Greatest Gift 
human beings ever received 
now available on an App "YouVersion", 
with over 600 Bible translations 
in more than 400 languages and
 has reached over 100 million downloads.

The amazing fact is that
 this app is absolutely a free download.  
It also supports bookmarks, 
notes, reading plans
and several other

Select your platform 
and download the app
right now.

Please click 
on the below link
to download.

This graphic is the result of a survey conducted by the You Verson Community

To know More about this App
please  click Here and Here

New York Times.com

Technical Support can be challenging - GoTandam

Technical Support can be challenging some days. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a job I love, and one that suits me well. I’m a problem solver at heart (hence the Rubik’s cube on my desk) and there’s no better source of problems to be solved than in Technical Support. But some days, it just…gets to you.

By its very nature Technical Support is a negative job. Every morning I sift through email after email, voicemail after voicemail, and even several text messages from people asking for help with something that has gone wrong. They’ve forgotten their Username; their daily text messages have stopped for some reason; they appreciate the emails but please stop sending them.

To Continue Reading Please Click On    gotandam

Bacak to the Bible Intl.
Confident Living Magazine

Support | goTandem Blog

Yet Another Friendship Day - We Wish You All A Happy Friendship Day

Pict. Credit RD India
Yet Another Happy Occasion Among Friends 
All Over The World
We The Philipscom Team 
Wish All Our Associates 
And Friends 


At this Happy occasion,
 I would like to mention a touching story
 I just read the other day.

This month's (August) Readers Digest published a wonderful and rare story of two military personalities. 
(The Gentleman and an Officer)

Hary Calib Tudu
Keshari Singh

One friend sacrificed his time and energy 
for the betterment of another!
A rare sacrifice!!!
A very heart touching story!!!
A must read for the DAY!

We once again take this opportunity 
to express our thanks 
for the relentless support rendered 
to us and our blogs.
Keep Inform.
Keep In touch.
Best Regards.
{Philip Ariel & Associates, 
Secunderabad, A.P. India} 

Sonia vs Modi And A BIG Salute to Our Jawans (The Indian Para Military Forces) Two Cover Stories And my Feedbacks

Picture Credit The Sunday Indian

Irrespective of the outcome, 

Congress is bound to emerge 

as one of the two biggest 

parties after 2014. 

It will leave its president 

with a major role to play 

behind and in front of the 


When minister of state for 

food processing 

Charan Das Mahant recently 

Pic Credit TSI
said he would be willing to sweep 

the party office in Chhattisgarh if 

instructed by Congress supremo 

Sonia Gandhi, he was repeating
Pic Credit TSI

what another Congressman 

Zail Singh said three decades ago 

about then Prime Minister Indira 

Gandhi when nominated President of 

India during her tenure.

Times may have changed but the message then - as now –

remains the same; Madam is supreme....

The stories goes on and on... Our Political leaders color

changes quiet often like chameleon,  some makes serious

comments/statements, some makes utter foolish comments

or statements.  So sad are our politicians new developing 

trends to stand on...

To Read on please click at this link. Sonia vs Modi

Also please read my feedback on this story 


A BIG Salute to Our Jawans (The Indian Para Military Forces)

Our Jawan's (the para military forces) dare devil acts 

in the recent Uttarakhand's hour of tragedy is really 

great and praiseworthy.

An inspired tale of heroism under pressure as India's 

men in uniform save the day for a grateful nation in 

Uttarakhand's hour of tragedy. 

Here is a report from The Sunday Indian's Reporter 

Mayank Singh.  And my response to it. 

Pic. Credit: The Sunday Indian
The unsaid truth about all natural disasters runs a familiar course. In absolute distress when the chips are down; when systems have broken down, when no civic worker or state police force is within hundreds of miles, when the already minimal and overstretched infrastructure has collapsed and millions need to be rescued from certain death, it is India's defence forces that save the day for everyone – a grateful nation, its tunnel vision politicians and inept civilian administrations.

To Read On Please Click on this links:  Where Eagles Dare 

To Read More Letters Please Click on this link: Readers Speak

Today (29th July) is the International Tiger Day Let us preserve these endangered species.

Picture Credit. dw.de

Today (29th July) is the International Tiger Day
Let us preserve these endangered species.
Tigers can play a pivotal role in the ecosystem. They can maintain the environmental balance!
Let us  make  an awareness  about  this to the society.
Let us  preserve our  forest  resources.
Let us save our environment for the new generation.
Our student community can take an initiative in this campaign.

 To Read More 
Please Click
on the below


"Let us save our trees and other forest resources." Please Join Me in this good cause. Thank You.

Pic. Credit. National Geographic Society

Dear Friends,

I just created a new petition and I hope you can join with me and sign in for this good cause it's called: "Let us save our trees and other forest resources."

This issue is very important to me, and I’m trying to get 100 or more signatures and could use your help.

Read more about it and to sign in please click on the below link:  


Campaigns like this always start small, but they grow when people like us get involved
please take a second right now to help out by signing and passing it on.

This is helpful for our existence as well as to our coming generations.  

I am expecting your kind and serious thoughts on this cause.  

Let us save our generations. 
Let us make awareness among our fellow beings.

Please make this campaign a great success !

Thank you so much.

Philips and Associates   @ Philipscom 

To Read a Malayalam Version of this post 
please click here: Ariel's Jottings

Some Scenes 
From Different Cities and Villages

Pic. by Arun Mathew
Pic. by Anish Thankachen, U S A

 A painting by Jumana, U A E

Pic Credit Kerala Tourism
pic. credit sxc.hu

A painting by Jumana

Pic. by Shibu Thovala


Pic. Credit sxc.hu

Ariel's Jottings
Pictures without caption are taken by the blogger P V A

'Eesha Khare' The Indian Girl Who Invented a Device to fully charge a phone battery in one minute

Eesha The Inventor Pic. Credit. Digital Trends 
Now No Worries!!!

You Can re-charge your cell phone battery fully  in one minute. 

An India born girl Eesha Khare invented a device for this.  She bagged the Intel Awards for 2013 for this invention.

Let us hope that the device will soon come to the market. 

Congrats Eesha!!!
Keep it up!
Keep Going!
Good Wishes.  

Watch This Video.

To Read More Please Click On The Below Link:

Digital Trends

Source: Ditital Trends ~ Joshua Pramis
YouTube ~ Manfred Auer