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What Are The BIG Rocks In Your Life!

The BIG Rocks In Your Life!

Pic. credit:Google Images
The other day I was listening to a message delivered by a learned personality.

The speaker quoted a wonderful illustration which we need to ponder upon:

The illustration goes like this:
One  business management professor  was taking class to his students, and he wanted to bring into a valuable point, so he used an illustration which the students will never forget.  As he stood before the high-powered intelligent students he said. 

"OK, Now the time for a quiz", and he pulled out a one galleon wide mouth jar and set in on a table and brought some fist sized rock pieces and carefully placed inside the jar one by one.  When the jar is filled to the top with the rock pieces  and no more rock pieces would fit inside he asked the students.

Pic. Credit Google Immages
“Is this jar full?
All at once shouted “Yes Sir”
The professor  replied,  Is it?

Then he  took out a small bucket filled with gravel from under the table and started dumping the gravel little by little inside the jar by shaking the jar slowly to go the gravel inside the gap between the rock pieces.
He then asked his students again,  “Is this jar full?”

This time the class was with him and one said, 

“Probably not,”

OK fine! The professor said.
And again he pulled out another bucket filled with sand from under the table.

He slowly dumped the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rock and the gravel.
Once again he asked:      
“Is this jar full?"
“No!” the whole class yelled.
OK Fine! Said the professor.
Then he took out a jug of water and began to pour it until the jar was filled to the brim. Then the professor asked to the class.
What you understand from this illustration?
A brave student raised his hand and said: 

"Sir, from this illustration I understand that No matter how full or busy you are or your schedule if you try hard you can surely fit or add some more things into it."
No, that is not exactly the purpose or point of this illustration the professor said.

The real meaning or point of this illustration is that, if you prioritize your things according to its space and value you cannot never fit into it. That is, if you don't put the big rock pieces first into the jar you will never be able to get them in at all.
What are the BIG Rocks in your life?
It may be the time with your loved ones, it may be your faith, your education, your dreams, perhaps a good cause of helping someone, teaching or sharing your knowledge with others? Or may be something else! Whatever may be, remember to put these BIG Rocks in first place or you will never get them in at all.
So while pondering over this small illustration please think or ask yourself these questions:
What are my BIG Rocks in my life?
Am I putting my BIG Rocks in the right place at the right time?
If not try to do that otherwise at a later stage you may worry over it!

Let this story/illustration be a wonderful thought for today.

ഇന്നെടുത്ത ചില ചിത്രങ്ങൾ- Few Pics For The Day- A Mobile Upload

Few Pictures For The Day !

Two different plants but almost similar flower buds !

                  To See More Pictures 
                       Please Click On 
                      The Below Link:

Alvin Dawkins: PARTY OVER HERE!

Alvin Dawkins: PARTY OVER HERE!: We have allowed and even legislated sin to abundance and as a result the love (for truth and holiness) of many has "waxed cold." ...

Ajit Kumar: A Beloved Personality From the Malayalam Blogging World. A Digital Painting By Jumana

Ajith Kumar & Wife Anu.  Pic. by Jumana
Ajith Kumar is an inspiring personality in the Malayalam blogging world. No words will fit into explain his personality. 

At the age of two his Dad departed from this earth and his mother brought them (6 children) up in an amazing way by the help of his mother's family and the support of their neighbors.   His childhood days were so pathetic but he withstood all difficulties in his life and overcame all hindrance. But sadly God has not granted them a child of their own. Even though God has not blessed them with a child, they are amazingly glad in what they are doing.  Ajith and Anu are now taking care of an orphan child and her education in Hyderabad.  They have an amazing plan to start a venture to support the poor and downtrodden people after finishing their job in the Gulf country.

Though he is a childless person he has got so many children (friends) all over the world, especially in the web world. 'Jumana', the young artist is an example. To read more about him, his future plans etc. please click HERE

May God grant him good health and wisdom to go forward with his plans.

May his tribe increase!

Our Good Wishes to Ajith & Anu
Keep Going!

The above picture is a gift (an amazing digital painting by Jumana) from a young girl from Saudi Arabia to this amazing personality. 

To see her complete caricature please click on the link below: 
 Jumana by Jumana  (A pencil drawing)
Jumana: Digital Painting: അജിത്തങ്കിളിന് (To Ajith Uncle - A Loving Gift)   

In February 2013 I have posted a blog about the work of this artist family. 

To Read about them please click on the below link: 
An Amazing Artist "Arifa" and Her Talented Family From A Desert Land

ഏരിയലിന്റെ കുറിപ്പുകള്‍ - Ariel's Jottings : നമുക്ക് നമ്മുടെ അറിവുകൾ(അനുഗ്രഹങ്ങൾ) പങ്കുവെക്കാം ...Let Us Share Our Knowledge (Blessings)

 Pic. Source: Kew.org 

നമുക്ക് നമ്മുടെ അറിവുകൾ (അനുഗ്രഹങ്ങൾ) പങ്കുവെക്കാം 

അടുത്ത കാലത്തായി എന്റെ ബ്ലോഗിലെ ചില എഴുത്തുകൾ കണ്ടു ഒരു വെബ് മിത്രം (ബ്ലോഗ്‌ മിത്രം അല്ല) അൽപ്പം പരിഹാസ രൂപേണ (sarcastic way) ഗൂഗിൾ പ്ലസ്സിൽ കുറിച്ച ചില വരികളാണ് ഈ കുറിപ്പ് എഴുതാൻ എന്നെ പ്രേരിപ്പിച്ചത്.

തുടർന്ന് വായിക്കാൻ ഈ ലിങ്കിൽ അമർത്തുക:

ഏരിയലിന്റെ കുറിപ്പുകള്‍ - Ariel's Jottings : നമുക്ക് നമ്മുടെ അറിവുകൾ(അനുഗ്രഹങ്ങൾ) പങ്കുവെക്കാം ...:

Hey Hey Google Is This From You ?????

Hey, Hey, Google, Is This From You ?????

To my pleasant and utter surprise today I received a wonderful mail from Google Inc... ???

PDF Document's Screenshot

I used to receive such type of mails from different other destinations, which I generally press the delete button, but this looks like something different and looks like a genuine one LOL., and I thought I will make it public to note about the authenticity, and ha Of course to the real Google too!  Thus this note post.

Blog Followers Your Attention Please!!!


Thanks Alex Cavanaugh, the Captain/CEO of IWSG for the reminder!

I just missed it last time!

This is the right time.

I was thinking about to bring out a serious point/problem which many of the bloggers face in blog writing. I wanted to share the same with you all in this post. 

Indeed, blogging is no doubt a group effort.  Unless there are people who help each other in blog writing by reading, commenting, sharing and promoting through social sites by posting and discussing about their blogs, no blogs will grow. 

No doubt we have many groups around us to help out in blogging and related activities.  This group “Insecure Writers Support  Group”  itself is an example to this.  Alex started this venture keeping this in mind to help out the bloggers around the world and many joined in and helping each other by solving  different issues.  

IWSG Site Banner
And HA!!! Now a new site for the IWSG group. I appreciate Alex and his wonderful team for this initiative.

OK, let me come to the point:   We the blog authors quiet often read a good number of posts every day and surely most of us do comment and if like, we join in the blog as followers by pressing the followers button. 

Here is the click, when we join other blog pages, please check back your avatar picture is functioning properly  or not, and is that taking you back to your page.  If it’s not reaching your blog page something is wrong, and you need to fix it.  Otherwise suppose the person wanted to join back to our page he cannot do that because of the non-availability of link there.  So if you use blogger.com as your page please give your blog name, url etc there, so that people can visit your page and say a word of thanks.

These days many are utilizing the Google+ option for posting comments that is a good idea, because if somebody post a comment on your Google+ page it immediately appear in your blog page's comment space too.  But here too there is a problem if you are not giving the contact details there. Unfortunately the newly joined people at Google+ just ignore to post their contact details or their blog or web page URLs there in the "About" page.  Here are some screenshots to show it clearly please check it. 

For example, see the above screenshot of CAROLYN's page, she joined my blog few months back but still I could not reach her blog page. The reason is there is no information about her blog, instead few blogs names are given where she joined. In such situation the visitor may go back without trying to find out your whereabouts.  Of course few may go to their "Post" page and check what they posted there and may try to come back to your page.  This is very rarely takes place since people are so busy with their own activities. 

In such cases the only remedy is to place your contact details like your web/blog URLs at the "About" page of Google+. Or another way to fix this problem is to post a comment at the comment box of the blog you visited and joined, so that by clicking on your name at the comment they will reach your page. 

Some bloggers just press the followers button (Join this site) and join in and leave the place. Here are some screen shots (which are self explanatory) where I could not reach their pages to join in or to comment at their posts. So please note these points while joining in a new blog page.

Also please make it a point to say a word of thanks to the person who joined in your blog by visiting their pages and if like join in their page as a follower, if don't like their page that too say it politely,  this way you can increase your traffic flow to your pages.

To read a similar post in the Malayalam language"ബ്ലോഗ്‌ മിത്രങ്ങളുടെ സത്വര  ശ്രദ്ധക്ക് " please click HERE

Have a Good Time 

Happy Blogging !!
Till We Meet Again Next Month!!