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Come Let Us Roast Our Good Friend Arlee The Bird!!! (CHEERS!!!)

 Come Let Us Roast Our Good Friend Arlee The Bird!!! He Is Ready!!!

Lee the juggler did wonders not only with his magic tricks but also did miracles with his jumping or throwing words. Indeed his activities in his page at “Tossing It Out” and other places he knitted a beautiful net/circle.Especially when it comes to the A to Z event he created an amazing atmosphere with the like-minded people from around the world with his magic words.  That was indeed an inspiration to many in the World Wide Web.  I am so glad to jump in when I first heard of this, and was so sad since, I could not join in him from its inception. 

Jermey Hawkins
That one event itself is proof enough to show his love with the words as well as to spread those among the like-minded people around the world. 

Arlee's fb profile pic.
I am sure those who participated in those
wonderful events will have the same opinion. The allotted 200 words are not sufficient to explain it further.  So I am putting a small coma here.  Let us join together this day and roast (cheer) our dear friend and the wonderful juggler Arlee The BIRD.


To Know More About This Wonderful Personality
Please Click on the Below Link:

The Blog Man Is Here

There is still time to join the fest. 
To join in please click on the link below:
The below given links are the registered 


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This list will close in 21 hrs, 53 min (12/9/2013 11:59 PM North America - Eastern Standard Time)

AGING: From the Archives of Christian Writings


Picture Credit: vancouversun.com
The Bible tells us that “religion that God accepts as pure and without fault is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help….”  (James 1:27 NCV). 

 If I profess to be a practicing Christian, the reality of my faith will be reflected in my attitude towards the elderly in general and to my own parents in particular.  First, I am called to respect old age itself.  The Word of God tells me to “Show respect to old people; rise up in their presence….” (Leviticus 19:32 NCV).

How long has it been since you saw a younger person rise to give his or her seat to an older one? Just as a matter of common courtesy, do our own children get to their feet when their grandparents come into the room? And when grandpa is out of earshot, are our words indicative of a spiritual obedience and a decision to indeed “Honor our father and our mother”?

….You see, it is not enough to care financially for our loved ones.  They deserve more from us than our pocketbooks.  They need above all else to know that we consider them valuable as people and that they are still Important to somebody, somewhere.  Do we have a sympathetic sensitivity to their severe desire for independence and their frustration or embarrassment of having to be dependent on us at all?  Have we appreciated the fear that they may have had of becoming just so much nuisance value to us?  We will have to work very hard to assure them that it is indeed a privilege and joy for us to care and give and do, not as a mere duty, but rather as a delight. 

I believe that “honoring” or valuing our parents includes all of this.

Connected Bible reading portions: Leviticus 19:3, 14, 32; Job 12:12; Proverbs 17:6; 1 Peter 5:5

                                           Jill Briscoe 

Really you may not be as old as you think you are.  Is the age of fifty old?  John Wesley thought so because, as he approached the half-century mark, he very gloomily and hastily wrote his obituary that he might be remembered among man, but at the age of eighty-eight he was still living a joyous and a full life. At that age he was worrying about being remembered by others, but was thinking about how he could accomplish the will of God.

Is the age of sixty-five old?  Charles Elliott, president of Harvard, once thought so and was telling a friend that the expected to die pretty soon because of the old age he had reached.  Yet at the age of ninety-two he was living a more useful life than he was at the age of sixty-six.

The point is, you may not be as old as you think you are.  It has been well said, “Age is only a matter of the mind!  If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”

Doctor Albert Schweitzer worked creatively and happily well past his ninetieth birthday.  He had many accomplishments he could point to.  He could have “rested on his laurels,” but he continued to believe that there were useful tasks which he could perform.  Even at the time of his death, he was working on the manuscript for a new book.

Go back to Robert Browning’s   beautiful poem:  “Grow old along with me!  The best is yet to be….”  No matter what your life is believe that your present age is the best age.  And it is very likely to be.

Connected Bible reading portion: Genesis 17:1; Deuteronomy 34 1-7; Luke 2:25-38; Titus 2:1-5 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           —Charles L Allen 

Source: Confident Living Magazine.

Kottayam Brethren Convention 2013 - Watch Live


My Installment For December At Insecure Writer's Support Group

 The Last Month Of The Year.
Most often we consider this month
As a month of celebrations
Of course
For some
It is a
Time for
Stock taking
Of the

May be

Today is December 2013’s
First Wednesday!
And there is a
Specialty for
This day:
of the 
is separated
for a group
called the 

This day is dedicated to the writers’ especially the blog writers by the well known Sci-Fi writer cum blogger Alex J. Cavanaugh, the famous Ninja Captain and his associates @ IWSG

Writers from around the world will post their notes about
Their fear, insecurities and other useful suggestions and success stories.

In this installment I would like to mention an important activity many of the bloggers just neglect, that is nothing but the promotion about their write-ups or posts.

"I do not get any visitor or reader though I am a regular writer and I do post solid and useful contents but still no one visits my page, why?"  

This is a common complaint from many of the bloggers especially the beginners!

There is a reason for that, when you write a post and keep quite, how will others know about it, so you need to tell others about it right, these days its very easy to do that, There are a good number of ways to do that, One of the main way to do it tell about your post thru your social web sites, post your blog Url in the social media sites as soon as you upload the post.  

As someone said, if we write something and we do not tell others about it who will read it, only you or your family members or some of your close friends, that's it!

Now there are a good number of social sites available in the World Wide Web, major among them are the facebook, twitter, Google+, linkdin, Digg, stumpleupon etc.. 
it is really difficult to visit all these pages individually and post our urls there, instead here is a button (web site link) available which you can embed it into your blog posts, please click on the below picture to visit that page, it is very easy to embed this into your blogger or wordpress or any other platforms.  Just click and embed it into your page, that will help your visitors or friends to promote the page into their social sites without leaving your page to visit the social site.  Try this button and place it in your page.  You yourself can promote your page to your social sites by just clicking on the AddToAny button.

Try this today, it will surely boost your readership.
Here is the link to that page  +Add To Any

By clicking on the button you will see a page like this(See the Screenshot below) Then click on the button "Get the Share Buttons" 
There you are, then click on the relevant page, blogger, wordpress etc. that's all this button  will appear in your blog post's bottom space.

Have a wonderful time ahead.

Keep inform about your experience in this regard by posting a  comment in the below comment box.

Thanks for visiting my page.

Happy IWSG Time Ahead.  

Also read this post and other connected links mentioned there which are relevant or more related to blog promotion. 

9 Tips to get Traffic into your Blog Pages Or How To Promote your write-ups (Blog Posts) to Get Traffic.More Links..

So friends, Write, Promote,
Promote And Promote!
as much as you can!!

Keep Going! 
Keep Writing!
Keep Inform!
Don’t Give up!
Good Wishes!

Yet Another Important Announcement 
from IWSG.

Here is a contest!
Participate and
win fabulous

To know

Meanwhile Spread the word 

See You All Until Next ISWG 
that is on January 8th 2014
since first Wednesday of Jan.
is on the New Year's Day. 
Best Regards.

Yours Sincerely 
Philips & Associates


For some of my readers,  the "AddToAny" button may be a new thing, but I am using it from the beginning of my blog writing. This I learned from my Google's Knol pages.   

It's main advantage is that you need not leave the page to promote the post to their social sites,instead you can post it to your social web sites from the post itself.                                 

You can see this button at the bottom of my every post 
here.   Please place your cursor on the button and promote. Thanks again for your kind visit  and responses.

              HAVE A GOOD AND PROFITABLE DAY!!!                                                                              

Blog Writers Your Attention Please!! .Building an Audience: Making Social Media Work for You

Looking to grow online engagement with your users?

Social media is a great way for you to build an audience and increase traffic to your website, which can ultimately help you earn more revenue. On December 12th, watch a Learn with Google Hangout On Air and learn how successful AdSense publishers and Wildfire users are using social media.

Yet Another Hangout
To Participate!
Click on
The Link

Philips & Associates

I am Going What about You!!

Source: Google + and services.google.com

How Can I Be a Better Parent

Here is an informative and educative post on parenting written by Harleena Singh, a well known freelance writer/blogger. You can read more about Harleena and her posts here: Aha!NOW

This post is one of her popular posts and a widely discussed one.

               What does it mean to be a Better Parent?
As parents, we are always looking around for ways to get better as we want the best for our children.
Better parenting is all about striving to be become responsible parents and make improvements with the way you deal with your children. It’s not about being perfect, rather it’s about being a real parent, in the true sense.
It isn’t about being better than some other parent either, instead, being a better parent means to develop the parenting skills and grow as a parent yourself.
Harleena Singh
If you have come up with a question like – How can I be a better parent; you clearly demonstrate that you’ve the interest, aptitude, and the right attitude to be a better parent, now all you require is trying out some of the simplest of things.
For better parenting, try spending more quality time with your kids, spreading more joy, showing more patience, having fewer arguments in the house, and learn to appreciate, love, and understand your kids.
“To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.” ~ Anonymous
To Continue Reading
           Please click on the below link:

‘Yet another Thanksgiving Day/ Week is here again. And "Thank You" The Magic Word. Happy Thanksgiving Day

O Lord that lends me life, Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness!

                                                                                                           - William Shakespeare
Yet another Thanksgiving Day/ Week is here again.  

No doubt this week is very special to many, especially my friends in the western world very religiously celebrate this week with lot of activities.  

We Wish You All A
Happy Thanksgiving Week.

Pic. Credit: voxxi.com

Today while browsing through the pages of the world wide web I just happened to visit an informative page and found some wonderful quotes for the week called Thanksgiving week.

If you treat Thanksgiving Day as a mere custom, then you are missing out on the true meaning of the holiday. As much as we enjoy Thanksgiving for the dinner and the festivities, we must also rejoice for our good fortune. So, have fun with your family this thanksgiving, but don't forget to say 'thank you.' And if you are fumbling for meaningful words, read these thanksgiving inspirational quotes for a push in the right direction. Click Here &  Here to read more thoughts for this week. 
Suddenly my thoughts went into a small incident happened few months back and I have written a post in this regard, of course a totaly different thanks giving.  Please Read that piece here below.

Pic. Credit. SimpleeSerene

Thank You’ the word we generally  say to only those who went out of the way to do something for us and did not include those who were only doing their routine services. But an incident occurred the other day in my life, changed this thinking altogether. 

In my recent visit to my native land I had a pleasant experience while I was traveling in a private Transport bus. I just happened to say “Thank You” to the conductor when he issued the ticket. In fact, I had said it thoughtlessly, but the conductor was so happy that he nodded his head twice with a twinkle in his eyes.  Perhaps I thought the conductor’s job was such a routine one that a little gesture like that could mean so much to him.

With this incident I began to say “Thank You” to the people who serve us on a regular basis.  The apartment sweeper who collects the garbage, the post man who brings in letters, the maid servant who do the house hold works and the office boy who serve tea  and snacks at my desk. I have noticed a great difference it made to them.  

Yes, generally we say ‘Thank You’ to only those who went out of the way to do something for us and did not include those who were only doing their routine services. They gave us what we take for granted and consider we have every right to expect because they are paid for their services.

Now I realized how nice and effective it would be if we could express our thanks or appreciation to those who are in our daily round, help our lives to run well and at ease. A word of ‘Thank you’ or a word of appreciation will definitely do some sparkle in their lives.

In short, is not the same reward the majority of us expect for our efforts too? Some may call it a human weakness, but in reality, we would like to know about our performance or their appreciation.

For instance, take the case of the above examples about the bus conductor, sweeper, the postman, the peon etc.  in the course of doing their service some one like me recognize them and their services and says, ‘Thank you’ it will definitely be a bonus on the day’s pay and I am sure it makes their day.

By this, I do not mean to say that we should go around thanking everyone who does the service to us for that they are paid for. But we can do it quiet often, that may perhaps take only few seconds, that shows we value their contribution in our daily lives.

It definitely gives a happy moment in the recipient’s life.  If we notice their lives, we will definitely take some enjoyment in all those little things that we have and should have. In short, looking for people to thank helps us to find people to be thankful.

Pic. Credit. misssarahsstorytime
I am reminded of a quote of Abraham Lincoln, one of the founding Fathers' of America,   “I never had a policy; I have just tried to do my very best each and every day.”
May this be our motto too.

And Ha!  Thank you for your valuable time to read this blog on THANK YOU  on this busy and very special week called Thanksgiving week.  :-)

Source: About.com