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Ariel’s Musings: Why You Should Own Your Content, Website A Just Co...

Ariel’s Musings: Why You Should Own Your Content, Website A Just Co...: Why You Should Own Your Content, Website-  Just Concluded  Hangout by "Those 4 Girls -  by Lany Sulliven Lancy Sulliven ...

Thank You So Much: This Page Is Moved To A New Place....

Nice to meet you,
here again!
Kindly note that 
this blog page is 
migrated to a new platform. 

A Screenshot of the new page
Please do have a look at it 
by clicking on the below link.

We invite your valued opinion,

suggestion about the new face of


Thank you 
so much for your 
valued support to

Philips & Associates

Source: Pic. Credit: sodahead.com

Take Screenshots by using your browser’s editing mode OR Want to change a webpage for a screenshot?

Take Screenshots by using your browser’s editing mode Or Want to change a webpage for a screenshot?

We all take screen shorts for our use in different areas like blog writing etc. 

I learned the Technic a few years back from one of my blog friends and a brother.

Google's Webmaster John Muller's  G+ Notification Screen Shot
Today I have received a Google+ notification/post from Google’s webmaster John Mueller’s page.  Where it mentioned about taking screenshots with a different method. In this process if you want to do some editing you can do it easily in the screenshot.

Here below I am giving his G+ note with a screen shot example.

Visit the link.  You can drag this link to your bookmarks for your further use:

John Muller’s notification says: 

If you need to make screenshots and want to use example-data for them, here's a simple hack that uses your browser's editing mode to let you change the page's text however you want.’
Please Click on the below link and start taking Screenshots: 

Yet Another Edited Screenshot by using the above method (from my computer)

John Mueller,(Webmaster Trends Analyst) at Google's Webmaster Central 

Yet Another Day To Talk About LOVE - Yes! Love Is In The Air Again!!

Yet Another Day To Talk About LOVE

Picture Credit : MELİH ŞİMŞEK /John Baby

Yes the 

‘Love Day’ 


'The Valentine Day' 

is here again!!!

At this lovely occasion

I would like to show you 

a wonderful lover:

His Love Never Fails!

Please click on the below 

link to read more about Him!

Also Please Read A Poem

 In Malayalam For The DAY.

Click on the below link:

web counter

ഏരിയലിന്റെ കുറിപ്പുകള്‍ - Ariel's Jottings : ചത്ത ഈച്ചകളെ സൂക്ഷിച്ചു കൊള്‍ക! (Beware of Dead Fl...

ഏരിയലിന്റെ കുറിപ്പുകള്‍ - Ariel's Jottings : ചത്ത ഈച്ചകളെ സൂക്ഷിച്ചു കൊള്‍ക! (Beware of Dead Fl...: ചത്ത ഈച്ചകളെ സൂക്ഷിച്ചു കൊള്‍ക!  (Beware of Dead Flies!) ഫിലിപ്പ് വറുഗീസ്, സിക്കന്തരാബാദ് പ്രത്യക്ഷത്തില്‍ നിസ്സ...

facebook, facebook, facebook !!! How much time you spent (waste) on facebook and few hidden secrets (fb tricks)

Picture Credit: 16days.thepixelproject.net/
Time Magazine's Techland.time brought out an article under their section  'Social Networking' under the title: "How Much Time Have You Wasted on Facebook?" Read more: Facebook Time Machine:

How much time you spent on facebook!

Indeed an interesting and curious question to know the answer!

I tried this test and got the following results:

See the below given screenshots of my result:

It says: The average user spend 17 minutes a day on facebook and in the second screenshot it says:

Facebook is 3656 days old.
You've belonged for 631 of them and
posted 2327 things to feed in that time.

This may be true according to this tool, I haven't wasted any time instead I utilized it for posting my things like; my blog links etc. LOL

But I think this looks like not an accurate account of my usage, instead i used it several times to promote my blog contents and other related activities.

Anyways, if you are interested to know please check out yours by clicking HERE

Also watch this video to know some hidden secret tips:

Thanks for visiting my page,

Yours Sincerely for Philipscom & Associates
Philip Verghese 'Ariel'

Sourec: Time Magazine.

Blog Comments: How Are You Responding to it? Or What is Your reactions? My Take For The Day At IWSG

Blog Comments:  
How Are You Responding to it? 
Or What is Your reaction?

Picture Credit: IWSG
Yet another time/day for IWSG post!

Those who are not aware about this wonderful group, a word of introduction is very necessary at this time!

We the members of I W S G (Insecure Writers Support Group) post the first Wednesday of every month our fears, insecurity, thinking, doubts, questions answers, suggestions etc. all related to writing.  Most of the group members are blog authors or writers in different fields.  We help each other by asking questions from the field of writing. 

Even the well-established authors sometimes feel insecurity.  For such situation this is the secured place to share their burden to find some sort of solution to their fear/insecurity. You can ask your doubts, questions etc in relation to writing . There are people to help you out at IWSG.  That is the specialty of this group.   Indeed it has been a great blessing to many of the members here.

In short this idea is the brain child of the Sci-Fi writer Alex J. Cavanaugh. to help out his fellow bloggers/authors.

The registration is still open to join in this wonderful group, anyone who is having one or two blogs or any other authors, can join in this group and exchange their ideas, fears etc. through their pages linking back to its web page.  You can reach to the main web page by clicking here:  IWSG, 

Today’s wonderful co-hosts are Sheena-kay Graham, Julie Musil,Jamie Ayres, and Mike Swift. Please be sure to visit their pages. 

Also the group have an informative and lovely page at Facebook. Don’t forget to visit and join in the page! Facebook Group.

Pic, Credit: morefromourtblog.com
We the bloggers' or for that matter any writers' of any kind expect feedback from our readers.  There is no doubt about this! It’s a universal fact that writers expect comments/feedbacks from their readers!  Even the well-established authors look out for some kind of response from their readers.  Though some may not accept this fact openly that is a fact. Indeed, every one opt for some kind of appreciation or feedback from their readers.

Sometimes these feedbacks are very nasty or very negative ones! Of course major ones may be positive or a highly praising ones.  Whatever it is, writers always expect some kind of feedbacks especially the blog authors always look or check out their comment boxes to see if anyone commented!

Here is a CAUTION: Whether it is positive or negative comment, we need to address or respond to it that is a common courtesy.  But unfortunately some of our friends/authors take it lightly and just ignore it.  In the recent past I have notice some good blog owners who comments back or respond to their readers very promptly with all required details in their comments.  I am sure in this busy world, writing blogs and responding to their readers’ comments in a detailed way is a bit difficult task, but yet there are some blog authors very religiously respond to each and every feedback they receive in their comment boxes.  This is a good practice and we need to do it systematically.  I am sure this will definitely increase our writing ability as well as to build a good relationship with the readers, and ha of course the traffic flow too will increase by these continuous process of communication.

I would like to introduce or tell about few such wonderful bloggers to my readers in one of my future blogs.  Their dedication to respond their reader’s response made them real authors in the sea of blogging world.

Commenting to blog post and responding back to that comments is the key word for the day. Let us make it a point to read each ones page and find time to post a constructive comment there.  Surely most of them respond back and that will also be a great help to go further in our writing job.

Wish You All A Happy IWSG DAY !!!
Philip Verghese 'Ariel'