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Let Us Save Our Forests (Millions Livelihood And Home To Wildlife)


The forthcoming ministers meeting on March 15th will decide the fate of our forests, (millions livelihood and home to wildlife like tigers and elephants).

If the government take a decision to go for cutting down the trees and allow them for coal mining it will no doubt be a disaster not only to the forest dependents but also to the whole human beings.  Read the reason here:

Green Peace India has taken an initiative to represent the people with this serious issue by a campaign of collecting signatures and representing government, especially to the Minister Mr. Pranab Mukherjee that the people of this country want their forest to be safe.

(Greenpeace India Caption It Contest!)
Keeping this in mind the Greenpeace India brought out a campaign and a  “Caption It contest” too in this month.

To know more about it and to participate all you have to do is to visit this page
and add a caption to the given picture at the comment page.  By doing this even you can get a chance to win a super cool Greenpeace T-shirt. 
Also you can spread this news to your friends and other contacts via mail or other means of communication so that many may come to know and join in this cause.
Please add your signature asking Pranab Mukherjee to hold a public consultation before taking a decision.

Forests in India are a “No Go” area and Minister Pranab Mukherjee should hold a public consultation before taking a decision on allowing mining in these forests.
Last year environment and forest minister Jairam Ramesh marked certain dense forests as "No Go zones" for coal mining. The coal ministry however wants access to all these areas.

There are clean and viable renewable energy options which can minimize our dependence on coal. However, once destroyed a natural forest cannot be re-created.
No doubt, with this intention if the government goes forward, India's forests are at risk. A Group of Ministers are to decide whether or not our forests should be cleared for coal mines.

Ask them to leave our forests intact, sign a petition and send.
You can mark your protest by sharing your views or reactions to the Minister by sending a petition.

This is how you do it:

Caption the fore mentioned image with the best one you think of and put it down in the comment section. For more information please click here:

Here is a request from Green peace India's Climate Campaigner Prethi Herman:

Dear Friends,

Remember your last trip to a forest? If Minister of Coal, Sriprakash Jaiswal, has his way there won’t be many forests left. I definitely want to see more forests, that’s why I delivered 34,000 petition signatures supporting forests to Mr. Pranab Mukherjee.

Minister Jaiswal wants to mine coal in all forests, including dense forests marked as No Go zones by the environment and forest ministry. [1] India’s forests are the habitat of tigers, leopards, elephants and other biodiversity. A Group of Minsters (GoM) headed by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee will decide the fate of these forests, and the species and communities they support. [2]

34,000 signatures made Mr Mukherjee call us for a meeting. [3] The GoM will meet on March 15 and decide if coal is more important than India’s tigers. [4] This is all the time we have to support the forests and the lives of those who depend on them.

Ask the Group of Ministers to hold a public consultation before deciding the fate of our forests.       

Here’s another chance to keep the forests and the creatures inhabiting them safe. A large number of supporters will help show Mr Mukherjee and the GoM that the people of this country support forest protection. Our forests are in danger and the laws protecting them need to be strengthened, not weakened.

The thought of losing forests upsets me, especially when clean renewable energy can reduce our dependence on coal. [5] Once destroyed, forests can never be restored to their original state. Clearing forests will only displace communities and threaten tigers and wildlife.

One ministry’s greed can cause immense destruction. The GoM needs to know that there is huge support for India’s forests. Tell them now by signing the petition.

Thanks a billion!
Preethi Herman
Climate Campaigner
Greenpeace India


Let us give a helping hand to this good cause by telling others, our friends and relatives via email  and other means of communication. Let us make this cause a success.  By doing this we  are helping ourselves and our existence.  Remember that our very existence depends on our natural resources.
My caption for the contest

"Oh! God! Save me from this human fury!
And Save Them Too!"

Also pl visit my knol on this issue
here is the link,

My Second comment for caption contest.

Oh Human! What wrong I did to you?
Through my selfless service I served a lot!
Instead you want to kill me
Oh Heaven! Forgive them;
For they know not what they do!
P V Ariel

Just after posting this blog, we came to know about the Finance Minister's Office’s  response to the representation of this campaign. The Department agreed to fix a meeting with Mr. Pranab Mukherjee early next month! Read more about this @ Preethi Herman’s Blog: "34,000 say ‘forests are a No Go’. Minister Pranab Mukherjee says let's meet"
Rear More Here.

Latest in this campaign:

Greepeace India's Climate and Energy campaigner Preethi Herman,
answers questions about Greenpeace India's campaign to save the forests from coal mining.
Watch out this video for more information:


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നമുക്ക് യഹോവയില്‍ മാത്രം ആശ്രയിക്കാം (Let Us Depend Upon The Lord Alone)

വായിക്കുക വരിക്കാരാകുക പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കുക:
ഗള്‍ഫ് ബ്രദറണ്‍ വോയിസ് 
കൂടുതല്‍ വിവരങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ഇ മെയില്‍ :
gulfbrethrenvoice At Gmail Dot Com
AT: www.gulfbrethrenvoice.com

Bobby Jindal: My Faith - TipriTv.com (An Encounter With Jesus Christ)

Click Here to Watch the Video.

Bobby Jindal talks about his journey from Hinduism to faith in Jesus Christ.

In 2008, Jindal became America's youngest sitting governor and immediately started making waves reforming government, fighting corruption and trying to prevent the kind of man-made disaster that followed the natural disaster of Hurricane Katrina.

Bobby & Wife Supriya Jindal
In his new book, Leadership and Crisis, Jindal continues to make waves by taking on the U.S. president and government bureaucracy with a simple challenge: Think like ordinary Americans to seek common-sense solutions, live within their means, and pursue the American dream.


Watch/Listen to the thrilling testimony of Bobby Jindal
God used Bobby Jindal's best friend to tell about Jesus. God can use you and me too, Let us surrender to Jesus Christ He will definitely use us as instruments for His glory.
Content Source:  TipriTv.com

Pic. Credit:          Google/rightpundits 

Jonah: An Angry Preacher


What do Cain, Moses, King David, the Prophet Jonah and Jesus Christ all have in common? According to the Scriptures, they all experienced anger. Cain became angry with his brother and murdered him. In anger, Moses broke the two tablets of the Law when he came down from the mountain. David became angry and passed judgment, bringing judgment upon himself and his family for years to come.

The well known author and Bible Teacher Warren W. Wiersbe, (former General Director Back to the Bible Ministries) examines anger from a biblical perspective. In this series of study he talks about Jonah: the angry preacher.

Many people have the idea that anger is always a sign of strength. On the contrary, it can be an evidence of weakness and fear. In the Old Testament, we meet an angry preacher. According to the world’s standards, this man had a successful ministry. However, in God’s eyes, he was really a personal failure. That preacher, of course, was Jonah. He allowed his anger and animosity toward the Ninevites to destroy the joy and blessings of his ministry.

The story of Jonah is a familiar one. If the Book of Jonah had ended with chapter 3, verse 10, Jonah would have looked very successful. Even though he had rebelled against God’s call in the beginning, he had rebelled against God’s call in the beginning; he experienced a miraculous answer to prayer while inside the belly of a great fish. Not only was his life spared, but he saw a tremendous awakening take place in Nineveh as a result of his preaching. But even though it appeared that Jonah’s attitude toward the Ninevites had changed, in his hear he still harbored anger and resentment toward them and toward the Lord.

It is possible to be in the place of God’s choosing and still have a heart that is hard, angry and rebellious toward God. Even though Jonah knew how to pray and how preach, even though his theology was grounded solidly in God’s Word, he still became angry when he did not get his own way with the Lord. “But it displeased Jonah exceedingly [that God had spared the city], and he was very angry. And he prayed unto the Lord and said, I pray thee, O Lord, was not this my saying, when I was yet in my country? Therefore I fled before unto Tarshish: for I knew that thou art a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil” (Jon. 4:1,2).

Jonah had realized when God called him to go to Nineveh that the Lord would spare the people if they repented. He wanted the Ninevites to be destroyed, so he ran away from the Lord rather than preach to them. Finally, after Jonah learned that he couldn’t hinder from God, he reluctantly went to Nineveh. There Jonah’s worst fears were realized as the people repented. Like a child who does not get what he wants, Jonah began to pout and to feel sorry for himself, saying, “Therefore now, O Lord, take, I beseech the, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live” (v.3). Notice how the Lord responded to Jonah’s anger and self pity: “Do you have good reason to be angry?” (v. 4 NASB). The Lord forced Jonah to focus on his reasons for being angry. If Jonah had been honest with himself, he would have seen that his anger was unjustified. He should have been happy for the Ninevites and excited that God allowed him to have a part in their repentance.

But the prophet was not ready to repent of his anger just yet. “So Jonah went out of the city, and sat on the east side of the city, and there made him a booth, and sat under it in the shadow, till he might see what would become of the city. And the Lord God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over his head, to deliver him from his grief. So Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd” (vv 5.6). In the back of his mind Jonah was probably still hoping that God would destroy the city. So, just in case, he left the city and built himself a shelter nearby so he could watch what happened. Despite Jonah’s repeated disobedience and rebellion, we find the Lord still caring for his needs. He caused a large plant to grow immediately, providing shade for Jonah. Notice Jonah’s reaction. Just a few short hours before, he had been exceedingly displeased (v.1). Now he was exceedingly glad for the Lord’s provision of this plant (v.6). Jonah appears to have been controlled by his emotions.

The Lord also had another reason for providing this plant for Jonah. He used it to teach the prophet an important lesson about unjustified anger. “But God prepared a worm when the morning rose the next day, and it smote the gourd that it withered. And it came to pass, when the sun did arise, that God prepared a vehement east wind; and the sun beat upon the head of Jonah, that he fainted, and wished in himself to die, and said, It is better for me to die than to live” (vv 7,8).

Jonah’s reaction reveals to us an important truth about anger. Anger, self-pity and depression usually go together. A person who is filled with anger (even if he expresses that anger) will often undergo periods of depression and self pity. Frequently he does not even realize that anger is the cause of his depression.

While Jonah was sitting ether feeling sorry for himself, the Lord spoke to him again, driving home the point of this object lesson. “And God said to Jonah, Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd? And he said, I do well to be angry, even unto death. Then said the Lord, Thou hast had pity on the gourd, for the which thou hast not laboured, neither madest it grow; which came up in a night, and perished in a night: and should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?” vv. 9-11) The Lord told Jonah, “If you can have compassion for a plant that you didn’t even grow or tend, why can’t I forgive the people of Nineveh, whom I created?”

Unfortunately, the story ends here. We don’t know how Jonah responded to the Lord. We must draw our own conclusions. We can only hope that if there were a verse 12, it would read: “And Jonah repented and said, O Lord, forgive me for my anger, I will now go back into the city and finish my job.”
Reading the Book of Jonah is similar to undergoing a psychiatric examination. What is your response to the experience of Jonah? Do you sympathize with his dilemma, saying, “I agree with you, Jonah. Those Ninevites were wicked people, and they deserved to die. Like you, I’m angry too, I’m angry that God is allowing wicked people to continue doing whatever they want in the world today”? even though most of us would not want to be like Jonah, often we respond to the unsaved in much the same way as he did. Like Jonah, we can be overjoyed at some small, insignificant honor or material possession we receive, yet we cannot feel happy when our enemy is converted or feel sad at the sin in our life. Anger shifts the focus of our priorities from God to ourselves.

This is why it is so dangerous for the Christian to allow selfish anger to control his life. When we are angry, it is difficult for us to discern what kind of anger we are experiencing. We tend to convince ourselves that we are feeling righteous indignation when, in reality, we are merely expressing a godless, selfish, worldly kind of anger./ When we give in to this kind of anger, the Lord cannot bless us.

The reason for His Anger

Why did Jonah become angry at God for sparing the Ninevites? What were the results of his anger? Considering these and other aspect of Jonah’s anger can help us learn how to deal with the anger in our lives.

What was Jonah’s reason for becoming angry? Actually, the answer is very simple—incomplete surrender to God. In order to use us, the Lord must have control of every aspect of our being—our body, mind, will and heart. We must yield ourselves completely to Him. We can hold nothing back.

Throughout the Book of Jonah, we find the prophet holding out on God. But gradually the Lord gained control of the various aspects of Jonah’s life. In chapter 1, God penetrated Jonah’s mind, telling him, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it” (v.2). But, at this point, the Lord did not have control of the rest of Jonah. Jonah’s will refused to go to Nineveh. His heart agreed totally with this rebellion, and the two caused his body to run away from God. But try as he might, Jonah could not rid his mind of God’s words to him.

In chapter 2, we find God using circumstances to bring Jonah to the plce where he would surrender his will to Him. As Jonah lay in the belly of a great fish, he cried out to God: “I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay [what] I have vowed” (v.9). once the Lord had Jonah’s will his body son followed. In chapter 3, we find Jonah’s mind and will directing his body to go to Nineveh.

Yet even though Jonah obeyed the Lord and preached in Nineveh, he was still nto totally controlled by God, for for his heart was not in it. It seems incredible that Jonah could preach one fo the greatest revival sermons in Old Testament history, yet hate the people to whom he was preaching. What a tragic illustration of the truth stated in I Corinthians 13:1: “Though I speak with the tongues of men and angles, and have not charity [love], I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” We can be the greatest evangelist who ever lived, but if we do not have a heartfelt love for the people with whom we are sharing, our word will be empty and meaningless.

However, the result of Jonah’s preaching teaches us another important lesson about our service: God will use His Word even if His servant is not all that he should be. Even though Jonah’s heart was not in his ministry, the Lord blessed His Word anyway, and the people repented despite Jonah’s efforts to hinder them. It is possible for the Lord to bless a ministry without blessing its minister. When our heart is not right with God, we will miss the many wonderful benefits that can come from our service. However, God can and does accomplish His work. Without love, any sacrifice we make or service we perform is worthless: “And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not [love], I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned and have not [love], it profiteth me nothing” (vv 2,3). Why is our ministry worthless without love? Because it cannot bless the person who’s doing the ministering.

Even though Jonah had not given his heart to God and to the people, the Lord still chose to use Jonah’s ministry to lead the people to repentance. He did so because of His great love for the people and His compassion for the innocent children of Nineveh. The Lord’s final words to Jonah are interesting. He told Jonah, “And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle? “ (Jonah 4:11). It seems like that the 120,000 persons that God was referring to here were young children who had not yet reached the age of accountability. They were not old enough to discern right from wrong.

If this interpretations is correct, then we can see how large the city of Nineveh actually was. It was described as a “great city” (v.11). When you add the parents to this number, as well as older children and adult without children, the population of this city could have been close to a million. Many commentators estimate that the population of Nineveh was at least 600,000—a city about the size of San Francisco. In this passage, the Lord ws trying to make Jonah see how many innocent and righteous people would have been killed if He had destroyed the entire city because of the wickedness of a few.

To show Jonah the depth of His compassion, the Lord even expressed His concern for the animals. He told Jonah, in effect, “If all these people die in judgment, who will take care of the animals?” Jonah did not have this kind of pity.

Jonah was unwilling to surrender himself completely to God because his views of his relationship with the Lord were erroneous. First, Jonah had a wrong attitude toward God’s will. He thought that God’s will was something you could take or leave—not something to be obeyed without question. Thus, when the Lord called Jonah to go to Nineveh, the prophet made up his mind to ignore God’s will and to do as he pleased. Jonah also had a wrong attitude toward prayer. He believed in praying only when he was in trouble and needed the Lord’s help. To Jonah, prayer was simply a magic charm to get what he wanted. Likewise, Jonah had the wrong attitude toward obedience. He obeyed the Lord because he had to, not because he wanted to. His service was motivated by a sense of duty and of fear rather than from a genuine love for the Lord and for His people. Finally, Jonah had a wrong attitude toward lost souls. He did not love unbelievers. His lack of love revealed itself in his anger and hatred toward the Ninevites and in his anger toward God for not destroying them.

                                                                                                                                     —to be continued

The Confident Living Magazine (Official publication of Back to the Bible India)

Let us have an intimate relationship with our Savior God - His Love is Amazing!

Photo by p v a


Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!
that calls me from a world of care,
and bids me at my Father's throne
make all my wants and wishes known.
In seasons of distress and grief,
my soul has often found relief,
and oft escaped the tempter's snare
by thy return, sweet hour of prayer! ...Read
More Here

Sweet Hour of Prayer Sweet Hour of Prayer…

Why this song says sweet hour of prayer.

Yes there is a good reason for it.

What is prayer?

Prayer is in short, ‘a communication with the God the creator.’

Or let me put it this way: “An intimate conversation with a loved one”

Yes, take another example: “A child father intimate relationship,

exactly the same.”

We are His creation and His children.

How a father loves his child intimately, how the child approach his father for his needs?

Generally no loving father will reject or neglect his child’s plea or request. Exactly the same way God the Father listen to our (His children’s) voice or cries.

We know many things about this word “LOVE” This ‘word’ is very much in the world or let me say all around; indeed, though it is a very soothing word it is a much misunderstood one too. Likewise though its presence is everywhere, in the family and in individual lives, sometimes due to its wrong application disharmony drips in and untoward incidents happens. Such news is coming day in and day out. In some cases its extreme usage creates problems and in some other area its less application creates problems. This is the ultimate result of worldly love.

The other day the world around us celebrated ‘Valentines Day’ with much pomp and pleasure. We all know what it is and its history or background. But people are celebrating this day with a different motive or angle. Today’s newspaper reported a ghastly incident happened yesterday in the city. “Student kills teen to gift his Valentine” was the news paper heading for the news. A 21 year old B.Com student took the adage “all is fair in love” to brutal levels by robbing and murdering a teenager last Saturday to buy gifts for his lover on Valentine’s Day. (Deccan Chronicle, 16 Feb 201, Secunderabad), what a sad state in the name of that attractive word called “Love’.

Anyways whatever may be the ugly side of it that is not our subject as I said earlier “sweet prayer, indeed it is sweet! Prayer or communication with our loving father is sweet indeed! Its sweetness is unexplainable. Only the one who experienced that love only can understand its sweetness. Yes, we as a privileged group and we know its greatness and its sweetness. Yes only the one who tasted it or experienced it only will know its value too.

But today I wanted to talk about a love which is above all these worldly love, that is the love of our creator God. The Bible says: “He loved us with an everlasting love.” The love which world gives or offers are temporary or momentary but this love greatest of all love is permanent or eternal. Yes, it last for ever. We the group of believers of Christ is no doubt a privileged group. Yes we have a great hope, our lover has given to us, the eternal hope! That we will be with Him for ever and ever to enjoy His presence and His unfailing love. This is not a simple thing; generally we take this as for granted. Ok He loved us and gave His only begotten son for our sake. Ok that is fine, we accepted him as our Savior and Lord and any way when He comes back He will take us with him. That is for sure, so rest of the available time let me enjoy in this world, why to think about all those things.”

Very sad to say that, this is the attitude of many of the believers today. But that is not the purpose of our God when He accepted as His children, instead to be faithful to Him as well as to be or have an intimate relationship with Him.

You may ask how we can have this intimate relationship with Him?

It is very simple to have a closer walk with him, by obeying His words and also by having a constant communion with him through prayer and the meditation of His Word (The Bible). When we walk with him more closely His nature, mind everything will be reflected in us and we will show His image thru our life. Let us grow in the knowledge or our Savior that will be a blessing you us as well as our society and the congregations which we are involved in.

We the believers are a privileged group and we have a great hope in us, the hope which a loving Father/ Savior has given to his children. We are the blood bought children of this Savior and one day he will come again and take us home to live with Him for ever. With this hope let us lead a victorious Christian life which is pleasing to our Savior.

His love is Greatest of all love* unfathomable, unchanging and unfailing one. Let us stick to this love only, all other love in this world will fail you and definitely that brings you dissatisfaction , disharmony and turmoil. So cling on to the love which is everlasting and eternal. 

Let us have an intimate relationship with the lover of all love. The creator  God  the Savior of this world that is the only thing our Lord expects from us. 

Let us be faithful to Him in doing this. May God help us.

Read More about this Great Love in yet another blog Click HERE

(An unedited message delivered to a small congregation today 16th Feb 2011)


Let Us Learn A Lesson from this Mouse Story

A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. 'What food might this contain?' The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.

moving back to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning. 'There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!'

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, 'Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it.'

The mouse turned to the pig and told him, 'There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!'

The pig sympathized, but said, 'I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers.'

The mouse turned to the cow and said, 'There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!'

The cow said, 'Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose.'

So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap-- alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughout the house -- like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey. The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital and she returned home with a fever. Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient.

But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer's wife did not get well; she died. So many people came for her funeral; the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them. The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.


We can learn a great lesson from this small story, though the other person’s, let me say, the other fellow brethren’s difficulty or sad situation is not a problem for me, By the grace of God I am well off and the Lord Almighty provided everything for me and my children and their children. Why I need to worry about the other person who is in danger or in sickness or in financial needs. Its not my, botheration or its none of my business, this is the attitude of many of us these days. We need to have a change of attitude in our day to day affairs even when dealing with small or minute things, especially with the household of God or the fellow brethren. Though it may be a small issue for me but the other person it may be a great risk even to his life.

So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember this -- when one of us is threatened, no doubt we are all at risk in one way or the other.

We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another. Let us extend a helping hand to the brethren who is in need. May the good Lord help us to ponder on these thoughts.

End note by pva
Read more such articles @ Christian Assembly, Secunderabad Web Page



 (Gist of a message (unedited) delivered to a small congregation)

Picture Credit zoobooz.com

(Jesus Christ's Love Is So Amazing and no love in this world can compare with it.)

The word "Love" is on the air, people are talking about it, especially in this month of February people exchange their love in different forms. But here is an amazing love which no human being can exchange or express. That is Christ's love. It is so amazing. He is an amazing lover of all lovers.

Dear friends,

February month's specialty is really amazing that all around everyone talk about love, love, and love. Its expression is coming in different form and methods.

Yes no doubt it's really lovely and wonderful thing to experience the love of the dear ones especially on this occasion.

But my dear friends, at this wonderful moment I have few questions to all of you. Just a moment.

Have you ever thought about what exactly life is all about? Did you ever thought about what is the purpose of your being on this earth? What for I am here? Or what is the purpose of my life? What exactly I want to do on this earth? Have you ever thought of such questions?

If the answer is either, Yes or No, don't worry. You can find these questions answers in the Living Word, The Bible, the wonderful loving Words to the humanity.

The Bible says, "God Is Love!" (John 4:8) - And that He loves you! He is your loving Heavenly Father who made this whole universe for you to live in. He made you with a wonderful nature and body. God is not only love but is a spirit too. (I John 4:24). He is great and His love is unfathomable which no one on earth can explain. People like you and me can't understand its deepness. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16.

Only because of His greatest love, He send His only son (Jesus Christ) to this earth for us. Jesus Christ is the replica of the Heavenly Father to show us what God is like. Jesus Christ born to a humble lady called Mary.

From the beginning He talked about love. He not only preached but also practiced or showed His love to others. He lived in love all the time and finally He gave His life for us on the cross of Calvary to save us from the wretched sinful condition.

Yes, we are all sinners we need a savior and we need to be forgiven.

The Bible says... without forgiveness for our sins we will be separated from God's perfect love (Romans 3:23; 6:23).

Yes, because of our sinful nature we all deserved punishment. Our destination was hell fire. But God loved us so much that He sent His only son Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins. He promised to forgive our sins, if we would believe in Jesus and accept Him as your savior.

Jesus wants to come and live with you. He wants to be your best and loving friend and savior. He says, "I stand at the door (of your heart) and knock; if you hear my voice and open the door I will come into you. (Revelation 3:20)

To obtain this wonderful love and salvation of Jesus Christ, all you need to do is accept Him as your Lord and Savior, for this only one thing you have to do, that is "confess with your mouth that, I am a sinner, I am not a righteous person, and I accept you as my Lord and Savior in my life."

Salvation through Jesus Christ is a gift of God. There is nothing more you need to do to obtain it. You need not work for it. It's absolutely free on asking. Confess your sins before Him and accept Him as your Lord and Savior. The Bible says, "By Grace (God's Love) we are saved through faith not of ourselves or by our own good deeds. It's the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8, 9)

Christ's love is so amazing. He is an amazing lover of all lovers.

Friend, if you are not yet received Jesus Christ into your heart; this is the best time to receive Him. Right now you can receive Him, just pray this little prayer with me:

"Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and I believe that you are the Son of God, you died on the cross of Calvary for my sake. Please forgive me for all my sins. I now invite you to my heart, I accept you as my personal Savior and Lord. I humbly say this prayer in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's name. Amen. May God Bless You. Love.

Jesus Christ not only saves you but also He keeps you saved. As we have seen in the previous content, 'the salvation through Jesus Christ is the gift of God.' We read in Romans chapter 6:23 that "The gift of God is eternal life." And ones you have received it, it's for ever, you can't lose it. If you could; it would not be eternal. If one fall and make mistakes, Jesus promised, "whoever has come to me I'll never cast them away (John 6:37). If you are disobedient He may punish you, but he will never forsake you. He said, I'll never leave you nor forsake you (Heb. 13:5).

When you open your heart for Jesus and he comes in, everything become new, a great change takes place in your life. You become like a new born babe. Jesus said "...no one can see kingdom of God unless he is born again. John 3:3. Your old nature will go and a new nature will take shape. 2 Corinthians 5:17 say...If any one is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! From that point of life everything starts afresh. You need to know more and learn more. Like a babe a new believer need fresh milk (Word of God) to grow. In first Peter 2:2 we read "like a newborn babies, crave for pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.

You need to read and study the Word of God that leads you to perfection and spiritual maturity. Psalm 119:105 says, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path, Word of God as the living light to your path. It will guide you with all needed instructions for your daily life. It's the spiritual food for your soul and you need to take this daily in a systematic way to grow spiritually.

In the New Testament the four gospels gives an account of Lord Jesus Christ's earthly life. Start reading Johns gospel. It gives an account of Jesus Christ's loving words; it's very easy to understand. From these passages you get a clear cut understanding about God's plan for you.

When you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior you are filled with Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit will guide you and help you in your daily life. Holy Spirit also helps you to witness for Him to the ends of the world. (Book of Acts 1:8). Holy Spirit is a comforter, who like a loving mother stays close over the newborn child of God.

A born again Christian, need to have constant contact with his Savior. How can this be possible? It's only possible through prayer. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you, for everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened. Luke 11:9-10. The prayer will come naturally to a child of God like a new born babe craves for milk to his mother.

Prayer is the link between the greatest lover of all, the Heavenly Father and His children. God's children can contact Him at any time without any restriction of time or place. He is reachable and very close to the one who seek for him. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you (James 4:8).

'Agape' Love, the Real Love

The world over the lovers just celebrated the wonderful and excited day February 14 with much pomp and pleasure.

Unfortunately the word "Love" today is a much misunderstood word. Many are carried away with this wonderful word. Some are very sweetly cheated and got cheated by this word. It looks like in today's world this magnificent word became like a piece of elastic. It is pulled and stretched towards all directions. Sad to say, that it merely turns to a subject deals with two individuals intimate relationship like kissing hugging etc. on TV screens and film screens. This type of showing intimacy towards each other is misunderstood or termed as 'Love'. Ultimately the real meaning is terribly missing somewhere on the way. In short the word 'love' is misused miserably.

In continuation to my previous content "An Amazing Lover of All Lovers" let me pen down few more things about that greatest and amazing love, the love of God and His Son Lord Jesus Christ.

There are three kinds of love mentioned in the Bible.

Eros: This Greek word had been so widely refers to physical or sexual love. Our present-day word "erotic," meaning the arousing of sexual love or desire, comes from the word eros. It simply means 'lust' this word does not appear in the Greek New Testament, however.

Phileo: This word refers to an emotional type of love which comes out of rapport or compatibility with, or affection for, someone or something. There is a personal attachment suggested. It is used a number of times in the New Testament. Some of the variations are:

Philadelphia, including brotherly love or fraternal affection. Hebrew 13:1 uses it: "Let brotherly love continue." This word is familiar to North Americans because William Penn used it to name his city for religious freedom, now one of the largest cities in the United States. In fact, the motto for the city of Philadelphia is the text from Hebrews 13:1.

Philadelphos, indicating fondness of brethren see I Pet. 3:8).

Philanthropia, suggesting benevolence (see Titus 3:4)

Philandros, implying affectionate emotions (see Titus 2:4)

Philoteknos, showing fondness for one's children (see Titus 2:4)

Agape refers to the real love or the greatest kind of love. It has to do with the love which God has and the love which believers should have. It involves not only emotions but also the will. God's love towards us to send His only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us- this is the 'agape' love. Or in other words loving the unattractive and undeserving one and it means reconciliation with old enemies and accepting them with an open heart. This love is far greater than the modern love. This love represents to be committed and caring for the other person whatever or whichever situation he may be. The Christians should show this love to his fellow brethren. This is what the difference other found in Christian faith.

Phileo is based on a mutual response, agape loves even when there is no response to it. Only a God-given love is capable of that.

There are five types of agape:

1. Love of God the Father for the Son (see John 15:9).

2. Love of God for the human race (see John 3:16).

3. Love of God for the believer (see I John 4:19).

4. Love of the believer for God (see Rom. 8:28; I John 4:19).

Let us embrace this great lover and his love so that through our lives we can reflect the world the same love.

Dear Friend,

You may not even know Jesus, But, Jesus Loves You. His Love Is So Amazing. Accept It And Be Blessed.

May God help.

Thank you for your time.

God Bless.


Bible Dictionary

Bible Sabdasagaram (Complete Bible Dictionary) by G Suseelan,

GLS Publication,

Open Bible

Confident Living Magazine (Norman A Olson)
Halley's Bible Hand Book
http://knol.google.com (P V Ariel's Knol Pages)
