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I Want To Go To Heaven When I Die – എന്റെ മരണശേഷം എനിക്ക് സ്വര്‍ഗ്ഗത്തില്‍ പോകണം

 To Read More Please Click On The Below Link:

 I Want To Go To Heaven When I Die
 – എന്റെ മരണശേഷം എനിക്ക് സ്വര്‍ഗ്ഗത്തില്‍ പോകണം

Confident Living Magazine (A Back to the Bible Publication) The Current Issue Is Released.

Cover Page of the current issue
 2014 Back to the Bible Calendar is Ready for Sale.

To Read More 
Please Click On 
The Below Link:

A Re-Post With More Updates: 9 Tips to get Traffic into your Blog Pages Or How To Promote your write-ups (Blog Posts) to Get Traffic.More Links...

This is in Continuation to my earlier post:

9 Tips to get Traffic into your Blog Pages 

Visit the following
pages to get more information 

on Blogging, comments etc...

Adrienne Smith

Says Well Experienced Author  And 

Blogger Andrienne Smith: 

Read more at the following links:  

Also Read:  "My New Commenting Rules"

Yet Another Informative and Educative Post on 

Commenting. A Guest Post by a famous Indian Blogger 

Harleena Singh Here At Adrienne Smith's Page : 

How to Become a Blog Commenting  Superstar 

To Read More Such Posts 

Please Click on the below link:

9 Tips to get Traffic into your Blog Pages Or How To Promote your write-ups (Blog Posts) to Get Traffic.

Ariel's Jottings : ഓട്ടം തികച്ചു വിശ്വാസം കാത്തു :( I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith) Yet Another Beloved Brother Promoted To Glory.

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith) Yet Another Beloved Brother Promoted To Glory.
To Read More Please Click on the below link:

ഏരിയലിന്റെ കുറിപ്പുകള്‍ - Ariel's Jottings : ഓട്ടം തികച്ചു വിശ്വാസം കാത്തു :( I have fought a g...: Bro. Donal J Godfred ഓട്ടം തികച്ചു വിശ്വാസം കാത്തു : ഒരു പ്രിയ സഹോദരൻ കൂടി നിത്യതയിലേക്ക് ചേർക്കപ്പെട്ടു. ഒരു അനുസ്മരണം സിക്കന്ത്...

Sachin Tendulkar: The Incredible And An Amazing Man In Indian Cricket Retires Today

Sachin Tendulkar:

The Incredible And An

 Amazing Man In 

Indian Cricket Retires Today


The Indian Cricket legend Sachin’s name is in the air again!!!

He retires today after a long journey

in the field of Cricket!

His name is moving all over, people around the world is sending appreciation or tribute note to Sachin in different forms, Some make it as a celebration and others on World Wide Web created pages and pages for him to congratulate him.

The Mumbai Cricket Association celebrates 
“Apna Sachin”.

 Google+ created a page to Post a word of Tribute to Sachin
And the fans association offering gifts to the people who participate in this Tribute to Sachin campaign

You can post your tribute 
by clicking on this link: 

The Note At Tribute To Sachin Says:
Pay your tribute to the master 
in less than 500 characters.
 All of them will be compiled 
into a coffee table book.

200 limited edition coffee table books will be printed.

Sachin will be presented the first copy'
The remaining 199 will be awarded to the best contributors. 

Twitter also created a page for Sachin under the title THANK YOU SACHIN

Facebook pages are flooded with messages for Sachin.

Many golden feathers can be placed on his cap.

Here are some facts and achievements in his cricket life:
He was the youngest test cricketer and the fourth youngest ever when he made his debut in 1989 at the age of 16.

He left the game 24 years after as the oldest active International player.

He was India’s top run scorer in 2011 when India won the world Cup for the first time in 28 years.

He is the only Indian player name by Wisden Cricketers Almanack to its all-time team.

The list about his achievements in the cricket field is numerous the space constrains to write it here!

Here is a Youtube video created by Hemant Tantia 
Under the  title "Yeh Hai Sachin" A Tribute To Sachin!




You Did A Wonderful Job

 In Your Respective Field !!


We Are Very Proud Of You

We Wish You And All Yours

A Wonderful Time Ahead!!

Your Achievements

 Are Praiseworthy

And All Indians Will

 Always Remember It!

Best Wishes!


And Now The Government of India Conferred the Highest Civilian Award
Bharat Ratna To Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.
He is the First Youngest Person(@40)
and the first Sports Person
Who Receives This Award.

No doubt Sachin is a great sports personality 
but very few know that he is a great human being 
and a  wonderful philanthropist too!!  
The outside world is unaware about this fact.
During the shoot of the Great Indian Dream ad film,
Sachin Tendulkar with his wife Anjali and children Arjun and Sara
 with Arindam Chaudhuri, Rajita Chaudhuri and their son Che Kabir Chaudhuri
Here is a revealing write-up about one such incidents, written by Arindam Chaudhuri, The Chief Editor of  'The Sunday Indian' Weekly. 
Read More Here OR Here with pictures


Here is His Farewell Speech
Watch This Video:

Yet Another Video 
Sachin's magical performance 

*GOLD* Sachin Tendulkar vs Pakistan - Magical batting compilation

Sachin waves hands to his fans at Wankhede stadium. The last goodbye pic by RS Gopan/The Week Weekly. Kottayam
Sachin The Cook
Illustration Credit. Jairaj T G/The Week
What will Sachin do after he retires, is a question on many minds. 
For someone whose love affair with good food is as serious as his passion for cricket,
 a culinary adventure sounds like a good option. Read an interesting write-up from The Week Cover Story

To Read More Such News Stories 
On This Master Blaster
Please Click On The Below Link: 

The Week Cover Story 

The philanthropist Sachin Tendulakar, The Master Blaster in Cricket is again in news.

Courtesy Hindu Daily
Now again for another philanthropist activity. 

Picture Credit: Pencil India Foundation
Yes, Sachin now bats for sanitation. The UNICEF named Tendulkar as their regional brand ambassador  to promote its Total Sanitation Campaign in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal. 

Read  more by clicking the picture or visit the Hindu online www.hinduonline.com

For Philipscom & Associates
Philip  Verghese 'Ariel'

The Sunday Indian Weekly
The Week

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Mathew's City! A New Found City.......

Mathew's City  by Matphil

Here is an interesting note to my readers:

My younger son Mathews (13 year old) quite often comes with some kind of funny things!

Here is the latest one!

Today at around 10.45 PM there was a chat message from my wife's Sister-in-law to come online to speak via google talk, but unfortunately there was some problem with my desktop computer headphone thus she was using her son's laptop to talk to her, meanwhile Mathews grabbed the laptop and clicked the paint button and created the above picture and jotted down the following note and send the note and attachment to my mail id using my own mail id. :-)

Here is the piece of text as well as the screenshot: 

P V Ariel <pvariel@gmail.com>
11:31 PM (10 minutes ago)

to me

mr philip this is a city created by your son -a well planned one 
this city features imaginations beyond what our stupid brains can even dream of

we the founders of philipscom proudly present you mathew's city

download of the 'plan of the century' can be found as a attachment
attention:this blueprint is very top secret and fragile handle it with care 
any misuse of the given material may under the law of philipscom be given life sentence

yours faithfully, thankfully, sincerely, 

To See Some of his Artworks 
Please Click on the below link: 

Matphil's (My Son)Page In My Blog

Do You Know The Importance of November? The Horrifying 9/11 Attack And Few Other Things to Remember !!

Do You Know The Importance of November?  The Horrifying 9/11 Attack And Few Other Things to Remember !!  

Picture Credit:  SXC.HU/ Erkelsuli
November is considered as the first day of the winter season in many countries.

In India November 1st is the formation day of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala states.

Christians especially the Roman Catholics celebrate November 1st as the All saints day. It falls on just before the day of Halloween.   Some countries celebrate this on 2nd and 4th of November.   In some countries it is known as “Day of the dead” and is considered or dedicated to praying for the dead.

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on November 4th in United States and Puerto Rica.

In Indonesia 10th November is known as National Heroes Day.  Also on this day in America they celebrate the birthday of the United States Marine Corps.

November 11th is the Independence Day in Angola and Poland

Belgium France and United States celebrate November 11th as the Remembrance Day.  It commemorates World War I and other wars.  In the US it is known as Veterans Day.

In India November 14th celebrated as Children’s Day.  It is the Birth date of former Prime Minister of India Pandit  Jawaharlaal Nehru,  he is also known as Chaacha  (Elder Brother) Nehru,  Nehru was very fond of children thus this day dedicated in his name.

This day is also known and celebrated as World Diabetes Day.

It is believed that On November 19th   the Eastern World of Puerto Rico was discovered by Christopher Columbus. (November 19, 1493)

On 19th November International Men's Day is celebrated.

Transgender Day of Remembrance is on November 20th in the United States since 1999.

November 21st is the National Adoption Day.

Independence Day in Lebanon celebrated on November 22nd

Western Christians celebrates Advent during the last week of November that is November 27th and December 3).

Independence Day in Albania is celebrated on November 28th

St Andrews Day is celebrated in Scotland on November 30th.  It is also celebrated as its official National Day.

Two horrifying incidents too happened on this month:
One in the United States of America and another in India. 
The most unforgettable incident in the history of America happened on 11th November 2001.  19 Militants hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attack.   Two of the planes were flown into the towers of the W T C in New York City a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington D. C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.  Over 3000 people were killed during this attack , this includes more than 400 police officers and firefighters.

          Watch this video: A Tribute to the victims of WTC Attack.

Also watch these unfiltered videos from nine New Yorkers who witnessed that unforgettable day. 

Click on the below link to watch that incident in detail.  

102 Minutes That Changed America 

Taj Hotel under attack Pic Credit: Indian Express Daily
In India on 26th November 2008, twelve co-ordinated terrorist attacks occurred at different locations in Mumbai, one of India’s largest city.  The terror attacks continued over a period of three days killing 166 people and injuring around 300.  Seven business centers were hit in india’s financial capital, including two luxury hotels were attacked

When I think of November, immediately my memory goes back to my school days. Our School English Teacher Susan Mathew taught us a one line poem to remember the days in 12 months. 
It goes like this: 
"30 Days are September April June And November" 
That was really very easy to remember the days in 12 months.  :-) 

(Source: World Book Encyclopedia, News Agencies and history.com)