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Showing posts with label Jesus Christ. Show all posts

കര്‍ത്താവിന്റെ വരവ് ആസന്നമായി (The Lord's Coming Is At Hand)

കര്‍ത്താവിന്റെ വരവ്  ആസന്നമായി  (The Lord's Coming Is At Hand)

അഖിലാന്ധമണ്ഡലമണിയിച്ചൊരുക്കി.... എന്ന രീതി

ഇളകി മറിയുന്നീ ലോകത്തിലിന്നു   
ഇളകാതെ  നിന്നീടാന്‍ കൃപയേകിടുന്ന
ഇത്ര മാഹാനായ ദൈവത്തെ അയ്യോ 
ഇന്നുമറിയാതെ കഴിയുന്നനേകര്‍        -ഇള

സന്തോഷവും സമാധാനവും നല്‍കാന്‍
സ്വര്‍ലോകം വിട്ടിങ്ങു ഭൂതലേ വന്ന 
സര്‍വ്വ ചരാചര സൃഷ്ടിതാവായ 
സര്‍വ്വേശനേശുവേ അറിയുക നിങ്ങള്‍  -ഇള

സ്നേഹവാനേശുവില്‍ വിശ്വസിച്ചീടില്‍
സമ്മോദമോടവാന്‍ എകും സര്‍വ്വവും 
സംശയിച്ചീടെണ്ട സംഗതിയില്ല 
വാക്കു പറഞ്ഞവന്‍ മാറീടുകില്ല               -ഇള

ലൌകിക ചിന്തയിലാണ്ടു കഴിയുന്ന
സ്നേഹിതാ യേശുവില്‍ വിശ്വസിക്കിന്നു 
നാളിങ്ങടുത്തെന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു കൊള്‍ക  -ഇള

അവനുടെ  വരവിതാ ആസന്നമായി 
അവനായി കാംക്ഷിപ്പോരവനോടു ചേരുന്ന 
ആ നല്ല ദിനമിങ്ങു വാതില്‍ക്കലെത്തി 
ആമോദമോടവനെ പാടി സ്തുതിക്കാം    -ഇള

അവനില്‍ നീ ആശ്രയിച്ചീടുന്നുയെങ്കില്‍ 
ആകുലനാകില്ല ഒരുനാളുമുലകില്‍
ആമോദമായിനിയവനോടു ചേർന്ന് 
ആയിരമാണ്ടിനി വാഴും നിസ്സംശയം    -ഇള

                          ~ ഫിലിപ്പ് വറുഗീസ്‌  'ഏരിയല്‍' സെക്കന്തരാബാദ്

എന്റെ  എല്ലാ പ്രീയപ്പെട്ട സന്ദര്‍ശകര്‍ക്കും,
നിങ്ങളുടെ വിലയേറിയ സമയത്തിന്  നന്ദി.
 നിങ്ങളുടെ   വിലയേറിയ അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളും,
നിര്‍ദേശങ്ങളും  താഴയുള്ള കമന്റു പേജില്‍ 
സദയം രേഖ പ്പെടുത്തിയാലും.
ഈ ബ്ലോഗ്‌  നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക്
ആ വിവരവും 

 നന്ദി    നമസ്കാരം

ഫിലിപ്പ് വറുഗീസ്‌ 'ഏരിയലും ,
സഹ പ്രവര്‍ത്തകരും

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Philips Verghese Ariel & Associates 

Let us be the salt and light to this decaying world


(A Feedback to a Write-up

Picture Credit: Sundayeducation.com
This is a feedback to a write-up "Utter three words for Jesus, At least?* appeared in one of the editions of Light of Life magazine published from Mumbai, India. In its July 2009 edition the writer Mr. Duke Jayraj wrote This article. 

That was really a thought provoking read. Yes how well it would have been if every Christian believer followed this formula of three little words, "Come and See", No doubt there would have been a tremendous growth in number of Christ's followers. Unfortunately this is not happening even among ten percentages of the believers.

Albert McMackin Billy Graham incident is an apt illustration in the write-up. The author presented the theme in an orderly way. But unfortunately at the concluding paragraph the writer said, "Jesus took 3 nails on his body to die for you." This is surprise information to me. Where in the Bible it's mentioned that Christ is crucified on 3 nails, nowhere in the Bible I could find this 3 nails story. I doubt if it is there in the writer's new found version-NLT- (read his article on NLT version in one of the previous issue of Light of Life). I firmly believe no version gives the number of nails in which Christ is crucified.

It is a common belief that Christ is crucified on three nails. Even some believers while preaching and praying use this 3 nails phrase! Some Christian song writers too have composed their songs with this 3 nails theory. This is a common mistake happened and is still prevailing in many Christian groups. Of course the number of nails is not a criterion here. In Christ's time there were different forms of crosses were used for crucifixion so we cannot come to a conclusion that what type of cross was used for Christ's crucifixion. So, when we preach, pray and write using this phrase will create a kind of confusion.

Of course His Coming on this earth, Crucifixion, Resurrection and the Second Coming is more important than anything else to a real believer. The situation forced me to note this point for the further correction of my fellow Christian believers.

Like Andrew-Philip and Albert, let us introduce our Savior to others not with an eloquent speech or a juicy writing but with few little words. Above all our action speaks louder.  Let us, note that the people around us are keenly watching us, and let us behave properly and through our activities let others know about the Truth and the Real Light of this world. Let us be an apt instrument in His hand.  Let us together work for His Kingdom's extension.  “…the end of all thing is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.”1 Peter 4:7 (NKJV) 

My sincere thanks to Mr. Duke Jeyraj for this thought provoking piece.

Here is Mr. Duke's Write-up: *

Utter three words for Jesus, Atleast?

“Andrew, can you preach so that 300 people are saved and baptized after a single sermon like your brother Peter?" "No way!" "What can you do then?" "I introduce people to Jesus.. I introduced my brother Peter to Jesus. It was I who told him, 'Bhaiya, (brother) I've found the Messiah!" Don't forget... I was the one who introduced the little lad with five loaves and two fishes to Jesus. Arranging an appointment with Jesus for some Greek Philosophers... that was my job" (Jn. 1:40-42; 6:68;12:23-25).

"Philip, how about a sermon dripping with eloquence?" "Sorry, But I can utter words...just three words: "Come and See'!" The result? Nathaniel came to Christ! (Jn. 1:46 NLT). Well, these witness operations don't require a silver tongue. But all they need is a tongue that is willing to be used for Jesus' service. It may mean handing out a tract saying, "This write-up talks about Jesus.. a person who change my life!" it may involve teaching some small kids Bible stories. It may mean guiding a person to a place where he can hear an unclouded presentation of the Gospel... a church or fellowship or a Gospel meeting. Going tongue-in-cheek wondering if this operation would impact anybody at all in this age? Hang on and listen to the story.

Albert McMacking had a thick pal in high school. When a Bible thumping evangelist name Mordecai Ham was in town, he kept pestering this friend of his to go with him and hear Mordecai Ham preach. When this particular friend of Albert's could no longer take this bugging he consented to go to the meetings. Miracle of miracles-he turned over his life to Christ in one of the meetings! Want to guess who 'friend' was? Hold your breath and take his thunderbolt-He was a chap called Billy Graham (event narrated as per information from Billy Graham's autobiography, Just As I Am!). Yes, it was Billy Graham, the man who went onto become the preacher who'd announce the Gospel to the most number of people in the planet in all of history!

Don't waste any time and try out Operation Andrew-Philip: A Billy Graham might be waiting for your "Come and See!" Jesus took 3 nails on His body to die for you. Can't you at least say these words- Come and See-to witness for Him?


Let's Not Despise the Word of God

By Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’
We live in a world, which is subject to changes. Every moment changes are taking place. What we see now disappears the next moment. Those who are in high places today are unceremoniously removed from there tomorrow. But in this transitory world, there remains one thing immovable. That is the Holy Bible, which we possess. But to our own shame and sorrow, we see almost everywhere an increasing tendency to belittle this priceless treasure-The BibleThis book contains the gracious words of Lord Jesus Christ; we should meditate it day and night. The first Psalm begins with the word ''Blessed''. One godly man had described it as an introduction to Psalms, which he called God's hymnbook. Whenever we hear the word ''Blessed'' the thought that comes immediately to our mind is of ''person who is perfect and self sufficient, having all things and is in need of nothing''. But in the Holy writ, this word is used in an entirely different connotation (context). It is used in relation to the word of God. In the Psalms and the gospels the word" blessed" with the same context is recorded several times. It is further clarified in Revelation 1:3. Many Old Testament saints, from Abraham are called "blessed" in the Holy Scriptures. But we, the believers are a congregation of blessed men and women, who are elevated to the height and pinnacle of it. Yea, we are a blessed people. This truth was made clear by the apostle Paul, while writing to the Ephesians (1:3; 2:7). A picture of our highly exalted position today can be viewed there.
The entire joy of the blessed man in Psalm 1 is centered in the law of the Lord. He rejoices in God's word as a man who happened to find a great booty (Psalm 119:162). It is a matter of great importance for us to know what the source and object of our joy is. Is it in the pleasures of the world? If so, it is only momentary. It is a joyful experience to find delight in God and His Word day and night. Such a man is compared to "a tree by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in the right season; its leaf also shall not wither". The benefits we receive from a tree are many. It has been estimated that a palm tree is useful to man in more than 250 things. It is also estimated that an ordinary tree inhales approximately 14000 liters of carbon dioxide, and exhales double the quantity of oxygen for human survival. Just as a tree renders selfless service, a godly man is obliged also to serve selflessly. Let us labor without any desire for benefits; God is the rewarder. The root of such shall be established in the word of God. They receive nourishment from it for growth and maturity. That will also cause blessings to many. Let us receive strength by being rooted in Christ and His word, like the tree planted by the riverside. Those who are not so shall disappear like the chaff driven away by the wind (1:4). Their way leads to destruction. We will reflect the divine nature by our constant communion with the word of God. Separation from the world is inevitable to receive blessings from God. At the same time, without their co-operation our lives will be miserable, as long as we are in the world. However, it is absolutely possible for us to live a life without absorbing the impurities of this world. How bitter were the consequences of being carried away into the world for Peter. He reached a stage where he had to deny his beloved Master. Peter who "followed afar off", ended up sitting with them to warm himself. To be carried away into the world is a gradual process. Another example before us is Lot. He was attracted to this world by its greenery, and ended up most miserably. Believers should keep themselves away from the world. What is meant by "the world"? Whatever comes, as an obstruction between God and us is the "world." It may differ from to person. To some, it may be their fortune, job, children, and family relationships and so on. In a world subject to changes, many storms and waves may lash against the boat of our lives. If the Lord is in the boat, we have no reason to fear. Let us grant priority to the Lord and His words. Let's not despise it. Let us make sure that the Lord is in the boat. May the Lord help us. END
(The writer is a freelance writer based at Secunderabad, He can be reached at:pvariel@gmail.com)