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C is for Cancer: Cabbage, Cauliflower and Soursop: Nature’s Wonders (Weapons) Which Kills Cancer

C is for Cancer:  


Cauliflower and Soursop:

 Nature’s Weapons to kill cancer

Picture by p v ariel
Picture by p v ariel
This disease is now common even among the non smokers as well as non drinkers.

In the recent past I come across with few of our close associates’ family members, colleagues and friends succumbed to this disease.  I did a search to learn more about this sickness, thus i came to know about a wonder working natural remedy for this disease.  It is known as  Soursop in English and Mullaatha(മുള്ളാത്ത)or Kaattaatha in Malayalam.  More information about this fruit please visit the links given at the bottom of this post.

A Picture from Facebook
Though I read about it  some time back, in the recent days I came to know more about this wonderful or miracle fruit which heals or kills cancer. If the disease is detected in the initial stage its works well and give the desired results.

Soursop: Pic. by Bijin Thomas
One such vegetable which kills cancer is Cabbage.   It has a great history to tell for centuries.  It is believed that a dish "Sauerkraut" made by cabbage helped the Asian labors to build the great wall of China.  

During captain Cook’s voyage to the Antarctic  Circle  cabbage kept sailors from dying of Scurvy. 

During the middle age Europeans survived harsh winters by the usage of this vegetable.

Kale. Credit sxc.hu
The Ancient Roman 'Cato the elder' crushed cabbage leaves to treat cancerous ulcers years before.  Now  the modern science confirms this, that cabbage is an easy  but powerful way to prevent cancer.  To get the full benefit, it should not be boiled or over cooked, instead quickly  steam or stir fry.  This way you can retain more than 60% of its cancer fighting nutrients. 

Red cabbage has up to 28 times more flavonoids than other cabbages.  It is more beneficial to a  woman past menopause and it helps to lower breast cancer risk.

If takes along with apples broccoli, tea and onions you get enough flavonoids.

A recent research says that eating raw cabbage or quick cooked cabbage  three times a week may lower breast cancer.  Particularly if they start eating this at a younger age this cancer may not get to such people.

Now comes cauliflower,  when you bite a cauliflower you can say that you are eating  a flower. Yes a cauliflower head is a group of flowers that stopped growing while they were still buds.  Like its cousins, cabbage and broccoli cauliflower is loaded with some of the most powerful anti-cancer weapons.  Cabbage and cauliflower are rich in isothiocyanate  called benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC). A new researcg from Texas says people who eat such foods had almost 30% less risk of bladder cancer.  This is a good reason to eat more cabbage, cauliflower, kale, broccoli and watercress and Brussels sprouts.

Picture by  Rijin Thomas
Picture by  Bijin Thomas

"Nature is the best physician since it provides medicines without any side effects. One such reputed natural 'medicine' is soursop, which is scientifically named as Annona muricata. Known by different names like Graviola, Guanabana, Brazilian pawpaw, etc., Soursop is loaded with a number of nutrients and is also used as an alternative medicine to treat many ailments like Cancer."Says K B Enterprises.  To continue reading please click Here  and to read more on this line please click HERE


Though these are proved remedies, we 

do not take any responsibility for any 

possible difficulties. Please do consult 

doctor or a nutritionists before using 

this as a medicine. The information

given here are collected from 

different sources and is posted here

mainly for informational and 

educational purposes only. 

Thanks for dropping at this place.

Best Regards

P V & Associates


Dr. Vishwanaathan Maanathaara, Thiruvalla
The Word Book Encyclopedia 

F C & A Medical Publishing

Picture Credit
Getty Images, 
Bijin, Rijin Kerala

B for Banana - Wonderful Fruit of India

Pic. by Mathews V Philip
B for Banana

Oh My God!!! How long I have to swallow these bitter pills!!!
You might have groaned this way!
Stop doing that!

Here is a remedy for such groaning.
Just peel a banana and enjoy the health benefits and say Goodbye to such problems!

Yes.  This is yet another miracle fruit the Creator God has provided for our use.  Do you know that  Banana stands in the first place as the leading fresh fruit sold in the United States of America. Though it belongs to the grass family it grows technically a tree-like herb and can grow up 40 feet tall.

This is one of the rare fruits in all season and is very cheap comparing with other fruits.  This is one of the most hygienic fruit available in the market.  Its thick covering provides good protection from contamination.  This is available in different color, and interestingly it is believed that India and Malaya is its origin. Also this plant considered as very auspicious in most of the Hindu religious activities.  An Indian legend says that not the Apple but the banana was the fruit offered to Adam in the Garden of Eden and in many parts of Europe this fruit is considered as ‘Fruit of Paradise’.  The writers of Arabia and Greek referred this fruit as “Wonderful Fruit of India”.  

In India this is mainly cultivated in southern, eastern and western parts of India.  This fruit makes a wonderful and healthy  snack for the breakfast in the houses in Keralites (people who belongs to the state of Kerala-My native place)  Because this plant and fruits are available in plenty in each households of Kerala.Read More about Kerala at this link K is for Kerala

Let us look in to the medicinal aspects of this wonder working fruit.
An Indian research found that eating two bananas a day can lower blood pressure by 10 percent; the reason behind it is its high content in potassium and less sodium.  This combination will keep your blood pressure in control.

Getty Image

Since it contains good source of calories. Proteins, minerals assimilable sugar and less water (comparing to other fruits) makes it a source of energy and it helps to restore from fatigue.  It is also a complete balanced diet very well go in combination with milk.  Banana and milk together provide all necessary vitamins and minerals required for the body.

In the traditional medicine of India and the ancient Persia this fruit is considered as nature’s permanent youth.  It provides a healthy digestion for the intestinal disorders, it is one of the best remedies even for the chronic ulcers. This is the only raw fruit which can be taken without any fear in the case of chronic ulcers.  This is used as a good remedy to constipation and diarrhea and dysentery. 

For Arthritis and Gout a balanced diet of banana is advised, eight to nine bananas can be given during this period no other food is advised to take.  Since it contains iron it is a good intake for anemic patients.  Those who are allergic to certain foods this is an excellent food.  However in few cases this does cause allergic reactions, such people should avoid this.   Because of its low protein and salt content and high carbohydrate its intake is good for the kidney disorders. It works as a wonderful medicine to kidney patients.  Foods rich in potassium may reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.  Studies shows that high intake of potassium from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can slash your risk of stones by 30 to 50 percent.

This fruit can be used in controlling Tuberculosis.  According to Dr. J Montelvz of Brazil, South America “the juice of the plantain or the ordinary cooked bananas can do wonders in tuberculosis patients.  He claims to have cured patients with acute tuberculosis with frequent cough, abundant expectoration or phlegm and high fever in two months by this treatment. (Nature Cure Council of Medical Research, Lucknow 1982).

Eating bananas protect yourself from Osteoporosis, or brittle bone disease.

It is also used in weight reduction treatment. Bananas with skimmed milk considered as an effective remedy for this problem. Cooked banana flower taken with curd is an effective remedy for menstrual disorders.

As mentioned in the beginning, this is used as one of the major item in breakfast, taken as raw and cooked.  Banana chips are made from the unripe fruits. The flour made out of unripe bananas are rich in minerals than the wheat flour, this is given to the infants and convalescing patients.

This fruit should not be kept in refrigerator. Since it contains high potassium content this should not be given to the people suffering from kidney failure. 


Dr. Vishwanaathan Maanathaara, Thiruvalla

The Word Book Encyclopedia 

F C & A Medical Publishing
Getty Images, Mathews V Philip

Life or Death Questions Your Church MUST Ask- A Must Read To All Christians....

The American evangelical church is in a rather desperate condition. You’ve heard that America is a “Christian” nation and that Christianity is dominant.

Perhaps it’s the popular religion, but far fewer people are attending church than we realize. And we’re only planting one fourth of the number of new churches needed to keep pace with America’s current population growth and rate of decline in existing churches.....

To Read More Please Click on the below link:

Life or Death Questions Your Church MUST Ask: Churches absolutely must change and adapt if they will remain relevant to the culture.


Birthday Wishes To Arlee Bird

Arlee Bird * *

Hi Arlee,
Here Comes 

 The Philip Ariel  & Associates Wishes For The DAY.

We Wish You 
A Happy Birthday,

May the Good Lord Continue to Bless and Keep You Safe for His use!

Our Prayers.

* * Arlee is the creator of the great event called "A to Z Blog Challenge."

A For Ariel: No. A for Apple: The Miracle Fruit

A For Ariel: No.  A for Apple: The Miracle Fruit
Picture Credit. Getty Images Shannon Shaw
Greetings to One and All
Welcome Ones Again to my page in this Happy Occasion – The beginning of A to Z 2013 challenge.

Yes the beginning of the much awaited A to Z 2013 Blog Challenge is just here.
As an Intro. Let me put it this way:  I thought I will start this years blog challenge with my own name I mean with my pen name Ariel  but suddenly I decided to change at the last minute, since I have posted a similar post the other day at Tina’s page  The life is good. under the title  “Getting to Know….. So again I started to think for another subject.  All of a sudden a new subject came to my mind; it is worth noting here:

As we are all most conscious about our health these days, so I have decided to write something on this line which will definitely be a help to many who go through these pages.

As the saying goes Health is Wealth. Let us be more aware about it. Yes, just look around us, there are many resources available in and around us, for that matter even in our kitchen and kitchen gardens many such things are available.  If we look into the value in it, its is really amazing!  in these series I would like to bring out few such things which are more precious but we do not know the value or greatness of it.

In the recent past I did few research and collected some materials in connection with this from my friends and relatives and from the medical fratenity.

Let me start with the word "A" Yes, A for Apple.

You may think that, hey what is this, Are you crazy? starting from the nursery class. Of course I am starting from there but definitely not crazy! each of us I mean those who read this learned about this word from the Nursery classes. Yes, A for Apple LOL

Yes, no doubt its beginning is from there and it went into our mind from there.  But here I am talking about its medicinal properties and its great nutritional value as a medicine for some of the common ailments.

A Small Intro:
It is a sub-acid fruit and considered as one of the best fruit of all fruits.  It is generally considered as the most wholesome food.  Apart from its energy value it works as the developments of metabolic functions like the physical growth and functioning of the body.

It has been cultivated from pre-historic times, and has mentioned in the history of China, Babylon Egypt and even in the Holy Bible there are several references to this.  The interesting thing is that the Scandinavian believe that it’s the “Food of God” and believed that it has medicinal properties to energize mind and body. The age old saying of “An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away” The research proved that this is true.

Here are some medicinal properties of this wonder fruit.

As it's being rich in iron. Arsenic and phosphorus are good to beat out anemia. Freshly prepared apple juice taken daily half an hour before meals and just before going to bed will give good result.

It’s very useful in curing acute and chronic dysentery among children.  Ripe apple should be crushed into pulp form and give to children several times a day one to four tablespoons according to their ages this will be a good remedy to dysentery.   The American Medical Association advocated the use of apples as therapeutic agent in dysentery.  Shredded apple mixed with a tablespoon of honey sprinkled with sesame seed is an excellent tonic and appetizer.

It’s also a good medicine for all types of headaches.  Removing the upper rind taken with little salt every morning on empty stomach is a good remedy for even severe headache.  This should be taken for a week.

Its contents of potassium and phosphorous are a help in alleviation of heart disease.   The recent study by Dr. Elizabeth Barret-Cannor of California University revealed that people who consume more potassium through good items are likely to skip heart attacks.

It is also an excellent food medicine for gout, arthritis and rheumatism.  For rheumatic pains its boiled jelly can be rubbed for quick relief.  It is also a good medicine for dry cough, about 250 grams for sweet apple taken daily for a week will give tremendous relief to this pain, It also helps in treating Kidney stones, eye disorders, and dental disorders, it has mouth cleansing properties, Dr. T Hanks in his book Dental Survey says, “Apples have mouth cleansing property that no other fruit possess, taken after meals it works as a good tooth brush in cleansing the teeth.

It also works as a good promoter to body’s vigor and vitality.  The regular intakes of apple remove all deficiencies of vital organs and make the body fit and strong.  Since it contains more phosphorus and iron than any other vegetable it works wonders.  Though its available in different forms like jelly juice or cidar and vinegar, the freshly prepared juice is more effective.

Picture Credit Helen Prabha

Here is a delicious recipe with Apple juice & mint chutney sandwich recipe

potassium permanganate
CAUTION:  The apple now available in the market are contained or sprayed with dangerous pesticides, the fruit should be thoroughly washed in all possible way, dip into the salt water and washed it with potassium permanganate will help in some extent.

Yet Another Caution: 
Though these are proved remedies we do not take any responsibility for any possible difficulties. it for granted.  Please do consult a doctor/nutritionists before using this 
as a medicine.   The information given here are collected 
from different sources and is posted here mainly for informational and educational purposes only. 

Thanks for dropping at this place.

Best Regards

P V & Associates


Dr. Vishwanaathan Maanathaara, Thiruvalla
The Word Book Encyclopedia 
F C & A Medical Publishing

Ato Z 2013 Blog Challenge Is At The Door Step.Here Is A Small Write-up @ Co-host Tina's Page."Life is good" Getting to Know Tina’s Terrific Team Member "Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ "

Getting to Know Tina’s Terrific Team Member "Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ "

Credit: a to z blog challenge
As someone said, I too had the intention of keeping myself away from the audience while I write, so in the beginning I adopted the name ‘Ariel’ as my pseudonym.  But at a later stage I understood the value of revealing myself to the general readers.  And I came out with a write up about myself on “How I got my pen name?” And now I firmly believe and recommend that one (If he or she is a writer) need to have an identity to be revealed in the writing field, just ghost writing will not fit the bill.  And  the present trend at writing field is much more than that, unless and until you reveal yourself the audience may not get into it or sometimes even just neglect even though your thoughts or imaginations are in a high caliber.  This lesson I learned it while I was actively involved in Google’s Knol pages.  Since then I started promoting myself and my write-ups through different social media.  For such activities there is an other side too, I received lot of criticism when I started promoting my resources.   I just neglected such talks and still going on with my promotion as often as I can.  And ha,  Note that unless you do the promotion for your work who else will do for you? Think of this!  On this line recently I published a post at my blog page under the title. 9 Tips to promote your blogs…. to read Click Here 

Credit. Life Is Good
P V Ariel - Phil 
Now here at A to Z  Co- host Tina Downey of Life Is Good gave me an opportunity to expose myself and my writings  to the web word by selecting me as one of her a to z promoters or ambassadors.  Thus this question and answers.   Though I am a bit late here I am with my answers:

To continue Reading Please click here LIFE IS GOOD

Thanks for your time and patience to be with us.

Best Regards
philip verghese

Thanks Tina Downey 
for your wonderful offer 
to be here with you all.