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Twitter Celebrates its 5th Birth Day Today!!! Many! Many! Happy Returns of the DAY twitter!!!

Twitter the tiny tot (or the chirping or chattering bird) is five years old today.

Though all these years it went through or faced many disturbing storms, it withstood all the opposition and is going stronger and stronger.

Yes, five years back on this day on March 21, 2006, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey posted the first Tweet at  twitter which 
goes into just two words:  “inviting coworkers.” 

That was the beginning of millions and millions of tweets today.  Since that very day the social networking site has become the hot place and lively one to the celebrities to the politicians, writers, student in short all walks of life young and old.  In fact today it has become a house hold mantra in most of the houses.  And in offices, social gathering places, market places and everywhere its a hot subject.

Though some may call it as a self-promoting site or an utter way of narcissism, it has played a vital role in communicating people in a speedy way with tiny tweets.

Twitter is no doubt a better place to communicate people in a busy world.   Since most of the people are leading a busy life, this way of communication is no doubt a less time consuming one and more and more people are adopting it in their lives.

As we know most of them do not have much time to go thru a lengthy note instead if that is put forward in a tiny note people prefer to look into it. Many may lament over its accuracy, its presentation, its structure formation or spelling etc etc..  Some say, lot of  spelling mistakes are occurring in it and it become a dirty jargon.  Whatever may be the allegation or the lamentation over twitter no doubt its popularity is increasing and growing day by day in an alarming speed. 

The people who are living in this internet or technology age most of them opt for such activities that convey the message of theirs in few words.   If their tweets are conveying the right meaning in its perspective and it is understood by the other side it is well and good.  That is enough for them, and many are preferring such tiny info than a lengthy one.  

Some lament over the usage of grammar and spelling mistakes: I firmly believe that, spelling is important but at the same time if the tweets convey the right meaning to the reader,  grammar or spelling is a secondary thing.  It doesn’t matter much here if the tweet conveyed the meaning properly.  as long as the information or the meaning is conveyed properly grammar is not that important here.  Since twitter is limited to 140 characters people are forced to shorten the words and may many times use the sms language and naturally the spelling and grammar will go with the wind.

Of course these days lot of celebrity’s stuffs are logged in to twitter – which are sad to say nothing but utter rubbishes.  No doubt we can mark it as pure rubbish, as someone said, who is bothered about such and such celebrity is where and eating what and dating whom etc etc,,, who wants such stuffs, may be their fans like it, but most of these celebrities tweets are utter rubbish. 

My twitter page
Though it’s a good way of communication in this speedy world, there are some hidden dangers too in it.  If it’s not properly used, I mean if you do not coin your words wisely you may land in some kind of trouble, misunderstanding etc, etc, One of the living example for this is the Indian twitter prince
 'Shashi Tharoor' the former central minister (who lost his job on one such controversy) and a politician from Thiruvananthapuram Kerala. India.

Anyways, with all those allegations and lamentations and criticism against twitter, organization, business establishments, sports groups, ministers, presidents and prime ministers, religious leaders and many such top brasses are getting into it and its popularity is increasing day by day.

Seeing all these developments we can come to the conclusion that  twitter is here to stay, and yes, here to stay!!!.

Happy Birthday twitter!!!
Long live twitter!!!
Keep accepting tweets from millions around the world!!!
Keep going!!!
best regards. 
Philips And Associates


Picture Credit.Google images google.co.in

Extend Your Prayerful Support To This Good Cause (Stand For Japan)

HERE is an opportunity to contribute your mite for a good cause.

Back to the Bible International take the initiative to support the suffering Tsunami victims at Japan.

We encourage you to show your support to this good cause by clicking at this LINK

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Japan.

Please pray and participate in this humanitarian cause.

May God Bless.

for Philipscom
Philips And Associates

For more information on this line please do visit the link below:

Source: Back to the Bible, Lincoln, Nebraska, U S A.


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Let us have a total surrender to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ


(A message delivered to a congregation on 18th March 2011- an unedited version)

The recent tsunami and earthquakes at Japan is indeed a shocking news to all of us.   Such or similar incidents are happening in and around us. Failures and uncertainties are prevailing. This type of situations or incidents makes us to feel that the world is filled with lot of chaos, confusion and doubts. 

We as believers’ too at many times stumble upon seeing or facing the difficult or sad situations in our life as well as in others life, let me say in our close relatives or friends.

What next?

How things will take shape further?

Such uncertain situation continues how we can go forward.?

These types of alarming questions will come to our mind when things and situations move on a different direction or in an opposite direction.  
But take heart my dear friends!!!

In such situation the only solace a child of God can find is in his Creator’s Word, The Holy Bible.  And I am sure a child of God can find real comfort in God’s Word .and I am doubly sure that the one and only place were a child of God can find solace is in His Words.  That is so soothing that only a person who enjoyed or experienced can only explain it.  Though His disciples who where with him sometimes could not understand this fact and they doubted in their life.  I want to share one such incidents which His disciples faced in their life.

Though Jesus Christ taught His disciples to face boldly the life’s situations, they many times failed miserably and doubted in their lives.

Today I want to dwell upon one such incident and draw your attention how to deal such situations in our own lives. Yes, from this incident we can draw and adopt some lessons for our victorious Christian life,  I am sure  these lessons are very essential thing in a believer’s life when we live on this world of uncertainties.  Things happening around us are going or moving in an alarming way, which one cannot understand where will it end.  .

But in such pathetic situation there is a way out for a believing Christian,

what is that? 

You may sometimes curiously ask!

But at the same time, some of you, may be now thinking or got what I am going to say.  Yes, it’s nothing but putting your full confidence in the words of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Yes He has promised us that He never leaves us alone nor He will forsake us. 

Yes, He called each one of us from a wretched condition not to leave us on the middle of the journey, but He will carry us through till the end, to eternity.

Yes, He is able to carry us through in all our life threatening situations.

In the book of Gospel according to John chapter six, there is an interesting incident and an intimate conversation the Lord had with His disciples.

Through this incident Lord Jesus taught a good lesson to His doubting disciples.

The incident is of the feeding of the 5000 people in a gathering.  From this incident and the conversation between the Lord and His disciples, we can learn an important lesson which we need to practice in our daily life when we face problems.

In this incident we read that a large multitude was following Him seeing the signs which He was performing on those who were sick. (v.2)

Seeing the great multitude Jesus asked Philip “Where are we to buy bread that these may eat?  And this He was saying to test him;

Immediately Philip answered Lord’s question:

: “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, for everyone to receive a little.”

But Andrew one of his disciples said,  ”There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two fish but what are these for so many people?”

Here we see Philip and Andrew two of Jesus’ disciples expressed their vague or doubtful answers to Jesus’ question.  Though one of them pointed out to a boy who has five loaves and two fish, still he had doubt in his mind about its sufficiency.

We all very well know the later part of the story.

I would like to emphasis on one fact here about the little lad who was willing to give his food into the hands of Jesus Christ.  His willingness is more praiseworthy than His disciple’s attitude.

See here, actually the boy’s mother might have prepared this food for his son who is going to listen Jesus Christ’s preaching.  But see the willingness of this little lad.  He was ever ready to give or surrender all his food to Jesus’ hands.  He never thought of taking a part of it for his need.  Though a little boy he had the full faith in Jesus and he understood that Jesus can do miracle here too, because he was an eye witness to Jesus’ performed miracles.

Though Jesus’ disciples too were eye witnesses to many of Jesus’ miracles they do not have the faith of that little lad.  Instead we can see their doubts in Philips and Andrews answers.

Let us look into that, Look at verse 7,  Philip's statemen/doubt:: “200 denari worth of bread is not sufficient for them, for everyone to receive a little”, Read Andrew’s doubt: (though he pointed out the boy to Jesus about the availability of 5 loaves and two fishes in this boy’s hand) in verse 9 we read  his doubt: “what are these for so many people?”

But look at the boy, though the Holy Spirit is not mentioned much about this boy we can very well assume or understand that the boy was willing to surrender all his food (his mother very lovingly prepared for him to eat) in the hands of Jesus Christ.

Give what you have to Jesus.  Have full faith in Him.

The boy in this incident has this faith and mind of surrendering fully to the Lord.

Not with a half heart he gave that food to Jesus’ hand, but with a full heart of willingness he gave it to Jesus’ hands.

He did not even bothered to take a part of it for his appetite but he fully gave it to Jesus.
We can see the good result of a total surrender to Jesus Christ.

Yes a total surrender to Jesus Christ can do wonders even in our lives.

Not with a half hearted surrender.

So many people do things for the Lord with a half hearted mind.

This is not acceptable, and in such cases Lord can’t work or do a miracle.

Or you can’t expect anything extra by withholding something for your selfish interest.

Most of us are miserably failed in this area, isn’t it?

We do things for the Lord in our daily life in the Office, home or in the assemblies, but often times with a half hearted mind. Am I not correct when I say this?

Yes, you all will agree with me, often times we do things with a half hearted mind.  That is why in many of our areas are not showing any upward mark.

Yes, if we do the things for the Lord with a half heart, the result will be a big zero.

Yes, the Lord doesn’t want to work with a half hearted person, in fact He doesn’t like to work with such a person at all.

He expects us from a total surrender, nothing less than that.

Let us make note of this valid point here and go forward with our activities with a totally surrendered heart to the Lord.  Then Lord can do wonders in our life.
Let us practice this in our daily life and see the difference.
Let us examine where do we stand today in this aspect?
Do we have the mind of a complete surrender to the Lord Jesus?

Or, are we having a mind of ¼ hearts? Paavu (¼) manassu or a sakam  (½) manassu? that means one fourth (¼)  for Jesus and  ¼   I want to  give to my family and another ¼ part I want to give my children and the rest  ¼   I want to use it for myself!  Yes, most of us have this type of attitude in our doings.

If we have this type of mind in us nothing best can happen in our life.

When I say this, please don’t think that I am exempted from this.

No. never, I too miserably failed in this aspect many times.

When we talk of a total surrender it includes everything of you, your time, money, energy, talent, health or whatever we have or possess.
In this case sometimes even we need to surrender the things which we may hold it as so precious to us.  The time we spend for our pleasures or joy, we need to surrender it for Jesus’ sake.

Let us examine how we are spending our time, money, talent, health etc what the Lord has given to us to utilize for His glory.

Are we utilizing it properly as He pleases?

Let us ask ourselves and find an answer today.

If the answer is not a positive one, we need to check out things more seriously. 

The time is up!!!

The alarming incidents happening around us are no doubt the signs of His second coming. 

We need to do many things for His glory and for the extension of His kingdom in more speed than we were ever before.  For this we need to have a fully surrendered mind or heart.
Let us not to have the mind of our Jesus’ disciples, like Philip and Andrew.

Let us have full confidence in Him like the little boy had, and let us believe Him firmly that He is able to carry us through and do wonders in and through our activities or lives.

Yes, as I mentioned earlier, “Expect great things with a total surrender in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He will definitely utilize us as good instruments in his hands.

Remember!! Only when we have a total surrender to Him, then only He can utilize us.

That is what the Lord our creator and provider expects from each one of us
Yes, if we failed to do this, let us surrender ourselves today into the hands of our Lord.  

He wants only a total surrender not a one fourth or a half surrender.

May God help us to have a fully surrendered life to Jesus Christ our Savior in the coming days of our life.  

(A message delivered to a congregation on 18th March 2011- an unedited version)


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Some Delighting, Amazing And Unknown Facts About My Native Land—Kerala—Commonly Called or Known as “God’s Own Country”

This Video Talks and Shows Volumes About My Native Land KERALA.
Have a Look At It.
Thanks for visiting.


Some of the Facts Mentioned in this video.

Kerala’s Literacy rate 94.59% as on 05/2010 (higher than China (93 or Brazl 81%
Map of Kerala
Least corrupt state in India (Ranked by Transparency International)

Lowest population growth in India

World’s first “baby-friendly state” by WHO, UN

Highest life expectancy and health care facilities in the country (Only state with facilities of hospitals in every village)

Female to Male Ration Higher than India (1.058)

Most media exposure state. (Highest rates of newspaper and magazine subscriptions).

Named as “Ten Paradises of the world” by National Geographic Traveller
(Best Tourist Destination in Asia – 2010 Sweeps PATA awards at Bangkok.

With increase of 23.68%, its fastest growing destination of the world.

Most profitable Railway Service whole of India.

First place in the world to have a democratically elected community country.

Maximum migrants working in foreign countries from India.

Among the top 3 on bank penetration (India’s first Islamic bank (No Interest Rates), 2011 Feb.  The best example of communal harmony).

Virtually Road Connected, thanks to 4.63 km Bs 2.59 km of India (Per pop)
Kerala’s road density is 4 times the national average.

First state which doesn’t add to population explosion of India (-ve growth rate)
Safest state in India (latest IB Report).

First police department in South Asia to under take community policing.

Rated best public delivery system (PDS) in India.

First state to have online Medial Egg. Counseling to become the first state in India to be 100 percent e-literate (by 2011) Malappuram India’s first e-literate district.

95% of Kerala’s births are hospital delivered,
(High compared Indian Average—UNESCO).

The lowest Indian morality rate of India.

First state to implement electronic voting machine in India.

(RTI (Right to Information) Effectiveness Ranking – 1 Public Satisfaction Ranking -2
Rated best in political awareness (EC).

The Kochi International Container Transshipment Terminal (ICTT)  The only trans-shipment port in India--- The largest signal operator container terminal in India—The First in the country to operate in a special economic zone.

The largest single operation container terminal in India… the first in the country to operate in a special economic zone.

The highest voter turn out in India (Election Commission, E U)

Rated the lowest bottom in “India’s state Higher .

The only state in India have index quality of life indicators comparable to China’s – the New York Times

Kerala model is the best key for directing Nations (U N) 

Also Please Visit this link: 

Picture Credit Shibu Thovala

To know more about this lovely state please do click on the below link.

Facts are taken from 2007 upwards
All shown dates are collected from State and central government  web sites


Source: YouTube Video
Map of Kerala Pic.by. topnews.in

2010 Google's "Knol Poetry Contest" Winning Poem

Oh Death You're Defeated 

(A Tribute to My Beloved Bro-in-law)

A Tribute. Pic. by PVA
Oh death you come like an angel.
You are like a physical obsession.
You wander through the dark silent night.
To snatch away the better ones.
Oh, I am in deep turmoil, sad and morose.
My heart is wailing for my dear one.
Whom, you took away in that silent night.
Even before his ripe of age, you took him off.
Oh God how sad and morose I am.
I couldn't fully enjoy his love and care.
His concern for others are unfathomable.
He led many to your marvelous light.
Yes, he led an exemplary life to follow.
He was a gem among thousands.
I feel like shouting 'God I hate you',
You've done injustice to us and to many.
When I thought this unwanted thought,
Suddenly my mind recollected your words.
The marvelous ones in the scripture.
Lord, I feel guilty for my unwanted thought.
Lord, you are just and do everything good,
especially to the one who loves you.
Oh Lord I know your love towards us.
It's too unfathomable to my understanding.
Yes Lord You want him to be with You forever.
Yes Lord he fought diligently and finished his race.
He led many to your kingdom through his word and deed.
Yes Lord, he finished his race with a remarkable mark. 


Winner of Knol Poetry Contest 2010. Read More here at Spiros Kakos Knol Page 

A poem written in memory of my Bro-in-law who led an exemplary life on this earth. 

Passed away in the year 2008.

Google's Knol Pages Spiros Kakos.


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Remember! Honesty Pays Well!


Here is an Important Message message to my reader as well as to my fellow writers.

Picture Credit Free istockphoto.com

Here is an Interesting Incident I just heard in a Radio message. I would like to share this with my fellow source producers and readers. Sometimes you might have heard this but still this will give you a kind of guidance to others. Yes there is a great message hidden in it. Please Read on..

There was an experienced businessman who become old and was in search of a faithful successor to run the business. One day he called a meeting of all his company executives. In the meeting he expressed his desire to retire from the business and he said; everybody please listen very carefully: Now I have decided to choose one among you as my successor. I am going to give each one of you a seed, it's a very special seed, and I want you to plant the seed, water it and come back to me after a year from today. I want to see what you have done with it and what you have grown from it. From that performance I will choose one of you as the next CEO.

There was a particular man called Jim in that group, he too got one seed and went home with much enthusiasm and told his wife about the meeting and the seed distribution. His wife helped him to get a pot, soil and compost and he planted the seed. They watered the seed everyday and watched carefully about its growth. Even after a few weeks there was no growth to his planted seed, but some of his colleagues started talking about their seeds and its growth. Jim was bit worried and daily checked if there is any growth; alas nothing happened to his seed, weeks and weeks gone by there is any improvement. He thought that he had killed his seed. One year passed by and the time has come to bring the plants to the

CEO for inspection. Jim decided not to take an empty pot to CEO and told his decision to his wife. But she told him to be honest about what all happened. No doubt it will be an embarrassing situation, but take heart and go ahead with the empty pot. Jim thought for a moment and knew his wife was right; he took the empty pot to the office.

Jim astonished at the variety of plants grown by his colleagues. They were beautiful, in all shapes and sizes. Jim kept his empty pot on the floor and many of his colleagues laughed at him. A few felt sorry for him! Jim just tried to hide at the back.

Finally the CEO arrived; he surveyed the room surprised to see different kinds of plants with flowers and seeds. He greeted his company executives

"OH God! What great plants, trees, and flowers you have grown" said exclaimed the CEO.

"Today is a wonderful day, one among you will become the new CEO", saying this CEO spotted Jim at the back raw with his empty pot with gloomy face. Jim brought his pot to the front, the CEO asked, what happened to him, Jim explained what happened. The CEO asked everyone to sit except Jim. He looked at Jim with a smiling face and said, "Here is your next Chief Executive! His name is Jim!

Jim couldn't believe his ears. A big murmuring voice raised in the hall, his colleagues looked at each other and said, how this can be possible? he couldn't even grow his seed and he brought an empty pot. How could he be the new CEO?

Then the CEO said, Dear friends, One year back on this day, I gave everyone a seed to plant and grow, and bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds; they were dead and it cannot grow. All of you, except Jim, have brought me trees and plants and flowers." When you found that the seed would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. Jim was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will be the new Chief Executive!"



If you plant honesty, you will reap trust.
If you plant goodness, you will reap friends.
If you plant humility, you will reap greatness.
If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment.
If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective.
If you plant hard work, you will reap success.
If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation.
So, be careful what you plant now;
It will determine what you will reap later.
Remember Honesty Pays Well.


A Radio Broadcast

Photo Credit

More Goodies @ NackVision

Disability is not a liability, Here Is A Living Example. "Nick Vujicic"

Disability is not a liability, Here Is A Living Example. "Nick Vujicic"

NIck. Pic, Credit andfinally.tv

Today in my mailbox a dear friend of mine posted a video link of a testimony of a wonderful person who born without hands and limbs and it encouraged me very much thus this note to my fellow readers, visitors and authors.
I am sure this will definitely be an encouraging note to you.
Nick, a person born without hands and legs but he lived a life which is an encouraging to many.  Watch his lively story in these live videos.

Yes, history is filled with such names of men and women who have faced disabilities with an amazing courage. The life they lived, the energy they displayed and the lively spirit they manifested in spite of their deformities were both admirable and daring. “Disability is not a liability” goes the adage.  Many such courageous people proved this adage correct. They did not feel that to be born deformed or misshapen was gruesome, an outrage to humanity, but they strove to fit into the world of normal people and in the process, put many to shame. The courageous words and acts exhibited by these differently abled people is really admirable one.  Nicks story will definitely encourage and boost the confidence of not only the differently enabled ones but also the able ones too.
Nick with his wife. Pic. Credit.connect.in,com
His words are proof enough to this. His motivational speech and testimony will definitely encourage and uplift the people who are down and distress in their disabilities or other life’s problems.

Watch these videos: and get encouraged, though you may not be disabled person here is a lesson to emulate.  Even in spite of your down stages there is hope at the end of the tunnel.  So, nick please don’t give up, instead live up with your distressed or failed situation whatever that may be, Nick is spreading this goods news to his listeners.

No Legs! No Arms! No Worries!

Nick says: “ I Love Living Life. I Am Happy.”

What a wonderful testimony it is!

May the Good Lord continue to keep him safe to spread this wonderful and encouraging news to his fellow beings around the world.

I request my dear friends and visitors to tell about this personality, I am sure that will be an encouragement to them. Please do tell others.

Best regards,

Philips & Associates

Here is the Video, Watch and get encouraged.

Also to watch another related video of Nick: Please Click Here
Thanks for visiting this blog
Best regards,

Source: YouTube and andfinally.tv
